America's Road To Fame

Chapter 23: This photo is pretty cool

The New York Observer changed hands, and the new owner was William Chen. After the news came out, it immediately caused quite a stir in New York. After all, although things are going downhill now, the New York Observer was once brilliant, and even now, it still has a lot of influence in the upper class of Manhattan.

And William Chen, as a well-known rich second generation, and the reputation of "the most famous prodigal in this century" has made at least 60% of the people in the United States have heard of his name. So when the two are linked together, it\'s no wonder it\'s an explosive piece of news.

For this kind of thing, Chen William had long expected, but he left after he explained the matter of the newspaper office, so the reporters who came later did not interview the protagonist of this incident, but still he was still open to the reporters including Kaplan. Many newspaper employees were interviewed.

Even Kaplan, as a well-known newspaper in New York, returned to the "New York Observer" after two months of resignation, which can arouse everyone\'s interest.

Facing the reporters who came from the bee chrysalis, after reporting to William Chen, Kaplan simply held a press conference to confirm that William Chen became the new boss of the New York Observer and was interviewed.

When asked by a reporter why Kaplan would return to the newspaper after he took over the newspaper due to William Chen\'s previous reputation, and what he thought of the future of the New York Observer under William Chen, Kaplan replied road:

"When Mr. William started to acquire the newspaper, he came to me and had a candid conversation. As a newspaperman with more than 20 years of experience in the newspaper industry, the principle I believe in is to look at it objectively and fairly. There is no prejudice or preconceived position against anyone, so I don\'t care what Mr. William\'s image was in the news before, I only believe the facts I see."

"The fact is that the young man in front of me at that time was a humble and polite person with profound insights into the news industry. I very much agree with Mr. William\'s plan for the future of the newspaper that he talked to me. The New York Observer\'s reporting style, which has always been objective, witty and humorous, will be brought back to our paper and will be invested in developing the newspaper."

"As for the future of the newspaper, I believe that Mr. William will have his own ideas and will respect the ideas of all the staff of the newspaper. I admit that from Mr. William\'s past experience, he has no experience in the media field, and everyone I will also question his youth. But I don\'t see it that way. What I expect is Mr. William, who is not shackled by traditional paper media and can be close to the trend of the Internet, to lead the newspaper office and complete the transformation from traditional to Internet age. , which is also his strength."

"So I hope everyone can give Mr. William and our newspaper a period of time. Don\'t jump to conclusions about the future development of the newspaper, but look at our actual actions in the future. I believe you will not be disappointed."

And those other employees also supported the new boss and Kaplan\'s editor-in-chief, expressing optimism about the future of the newspaper, and the New York Observer will definitely get better and better. What supports their view is that before leaving today, William Chen not only settled the newspaper\'s $3 million debt, but also injected $5 million into the newspaper.

It was this kind of unpretentious move that immediately stabilized everyone. After all, the facts were right in front of them. With the support of his so much money, they not only no longer had to worry about layoffs, but also with the injection of funds. , the newspapers will continue to increase their strength, this is their biggest reliance.


"William, congratulations, I saw it on the news last night, the youngest media owner in America, and now the New York Observer is yours. I\'m also a loyal reader of that newspaper, and I read it every morning."

In the morning, William Chen and Ivanta made an appointment to run together in the morning. At the entrance of the Troup headquarters building, when the two met, Ivanta smiled and said to him.

"I don\'t think there will be too many good things in those news." William Chen shrugged and said:

"But I don\'t care. I\'m looking forward to the way those people who mock me are slapped in the face. In addition, with your attention, I will try to make this newspaper better, and I hope it can continue to be your daily One of the must-read newspapers."

"It will, I believe in you." Ivanta encouraged Chen William, she said: "You really don\'t need to care what the reports say, I know that the bosses of those newspapers are mostly old men, they are very interested in young people. People are already full of prejudices. But now times are different, the Internet has changed the world, and I believe you will make The New York Observer more responsive to the times.”

It may be that those reporters didn\'t find William Chen yesterday. After knowing that he had the habit of running in the morning, many people were waiting to catch him on the road this morning for interviews.

When William Chen and Ivanta finished their run as usual and walked out of Central Park, all they saw was that more reporters than usual were waiting on Fifth Avenue.

When the two of them appeared in front of each other, more intensive flashes than before lit up one after another.

"William, talk about why you bought the New York Observer."

"After you acquire this newspaper, what changes will you make?"

"Many people don\'t think you can run a newspaper well. What do you want to say?"

Suddenly, countless questions came to William Chen. He protected Ivanta behind him, and then said to the surrounding reporters:

"What I want to say and the plan for the New York Observer in the future, Mr. Kaplan, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, said yesterday, and our newspaper also published an announcement about this matter, and the others did not. What to say, after all, no matter what I say now, it won\'t change other people\'s opinions, will it? As for the future of the New York Observer, I hope you will wait and see, and we will let time tell."

After saying this, William Chen casually dealt with a few questions, and left here with Ivanta. Fortunately, these reporters were not too extreme, and Chen William\'s attitude was also good, so after he cooperated with the reporters and let them go back and have something to write about, he did not keep chasing him.

"You will definitely become a hot topic this time, William." On the way back, Ivanta said softly.

"Hot spots are like this. They come and go quickly. After these few days, there will continue to be hot spots, and then they will continue to pursue other things."

However, after today\'s events, Chen William realized that now it seems that he should pay attention to personal safety issues. Just like today, it is also fortunate that those reporters are not the kind of entertainment paparazzi, because his acquisition of newspapers is regarded as social and economic news. Therefore, most of them are still relatively regular, and they are not as difficult as some entertainment tabloid reporters.

If you meet that kind of reporter, you won\'t be able to get rid of it. Therefore, if this kind of thing happens again, there are bodyguards around, at least they can help themselves as a human wall. And things like running in the morning, with the increase of one\'s wealth, the lack of security will be targeted by those who care, and bodyguards will also be needed to ensure their safety at that time.

After returning home, William Chen saw that Paris had woken up, she was wearing pajamas, sitting at the dining table and reading the newspaper, her expression was very unhappy.

"What\'s wrong, who provoked our Princess, why doesn\'t she look happy?" Putting breakfast on the dining table, William Chen said to Paris with a smile.

"It\'s not these newspapers, they\'re all nonsense. They don\'t know you at all. Forget it, don\'t read it." After speaking, Paris threw the newspaper in her hand on the table.

Seeing her like this, Chen William found it interesting. He said, "It\'s not like you don\'t know the urgency of those media. When can you watch things without prejudice. Come, let me see what\'s written."

As he spoke, he picked up the newspaper Paris had just put down, looked at the report on it, and read: "Just yesterday, the New York Observer, which had been founded for more than 20 years, was bought by the well-known prodigal William Chen~ The newspaper has become a new toy for this prodigal son, who is known as a prodigal, after the movie."

"Although he invited back the senior editor of the newspaper Kaplan to help him run the newspaper, and in yesterday\'s interview, Kaplan unexpectedly praised Chen William. However, the behavior of this prodigal son, I am afraid that the United States will listen to it. Said, can you believe that he will continue to run this newspaper, which was once known for its objectivity and impartiality? I am afraid this is not a suspense at all, and everyone will come to a consistent answer. But the only suspense may be that Kaplan can insist How long will it take for the conflict with Chen William to break out again, so leave the newspaper office, I believe this day will come soon."

"Don\'t read it, it\'s all this kind of nonsense." Paris had already prepared her breakfast, and she couldn\'t help complaining when she heard William Chen continue reading.

"Well, although the **** doesn\'t make sense, I have to admit that their aesthetics are still online. The photo I chose for this report is quite handsome."

William Chen said with a smile. He looked at the name of the newspaper. It was The New York Post. If I remember correctly, this newspaper should be a newspaper under News Corporation. He can\'t afford to provoke Murdoch now, but he remembers that in his previous life, this gentleman was about to fall into the "wiretapping scandal". Come on, get back a little interest on this matter today.

Of course, he would definitely not do something like taking the initiative to detonate a scandal. After all, Murdoch\'s net worth is much more powerful than he is now. He has no evidence and no equivalent strength, so there is no need to take risks. If the scandal is really detonated, he can do something to block him.