America's Road To Fame

Chapter 21: the dust settles

After another night of artillery fire, Paris cried at the end last night and wanted to go back to the hotel, then cried and fell asleep.

William Chen looked at Paris on the bed, and still slept soundly. The quality of sleep was really good. Every time William Chen woke up in the morning, she would fall asleep all the time, even when he let go of the other person\'s arm holding him. It didn\'t affect her sleep at all.

After taking a shower, William Chen changed into sportswear and started today\'s morning run. As he was jogging down Fifth Avenue toward Central Park, he heard someone calling him.

Turning his head, Chen William saw that it was actually Ivanta. She was wearing tight grey sportswear, which made her bumpy figure unmistakable. At this moment, she was walking out of the headquarters building and trotted towards Chen William.

"Morning, William, are you going for a morning run?" Ivanta had a sweet smile on her face, and the sweetness in her voice was a little too high.

"Yes, Ivanta, you are going to run too." From her dress, William Chen naturally saw that she was going to exercise.

"Yes, I saw reports of your morning run in the newspaper before, and I was still thinking that we live so close together, why haven\'t I met you before? I didn\'t expect to meet you today."

Ivanta walked side by side with him, turned to look at William Chen, and said with a smile. Her height is about 180. Without high-heeled shoes, she is about five centimeters lower than Chen William. At this time, the two of them are very commensurate when they walk together.

"It may be that the times were staggered before, and maybe our running routes are different. Otherwise, if there are beautiful women running together, I will definitely be able to run an extra lap every day."

"Then let\'s get together today. I\'ll follow your route and see your usual running route."

The Group Building is very close to the Central Park. From the entrance of the building, you can see the southeast corner of the park. Before the two people spoke, they entered the park.

It can be seen that Ivanta is also a frequent runner. Usually, William Chen’s route is to run around the soft cinder road beside the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir in Central Park in the morning, and the run is about 2.5 kilometers. Left and right, after running two laps, he looked at Ivanta, and it seemed that he still did not feel tired, so after asking, the two decided to run another lap.

In fact, you don\'t need to pursue speed too much in morning running. The main thing is to get your whole body moving. Movement is very important. Otherwise, it will hurt your knees after a long time. After the run, the two walked back slowly, talking while talking.

"I feel like I ran a little more today than usual. It seems that I haven\'t met you before. It turns out that our routes are different. I used to run on the road outside the park. Today, I feel that the scenery of your route is really good. I decided to switch to this route as well."

Ivanta smiled and said, "By the way, William, do you usually run around this time?"

"Almost, I get up more regularly. I usually wake up after six o\'clock."

"I really envy you, because I usually don\'t have such a regular schedule. Sometimes when I\'m busy, I have to work late at night, so I can\'t say that I can run every day, but I will go out and run a few laps whenever I have the opportunity. Yes. If we run again in the future and the time is right, we can run together."

At this time, although the temperature in the morning would be slightly cooler, Ivanta was still sweating a little after the run, so she took out a small handkerchief from her pocket, wiped the sweat on her face, and joined William Chen. talking.

"That\'s great. If someone runs with me, I won\'t be so bored that I need to listen to music, especially a beautiful woman like you. I can\'t ask for it."

"By the way, William, I remember you said last time that you fell in love with a newspaper and wanted to buy it." Ivanta suddenly asked this question, she asked hesitantly: "I asked you to keep it a secret last time. , that newspaper wouldn\'t be the New York Observer, would it?"

When he heard Ivanta talk about this matter, William Chen already knew it, he nodded and asked with a look of surprise: "Yes, how did you know, has this matter been leaked now? "

"Really, it\'s not that I heard about your acquisition, it\'s just..." She hesitated before saying:

"It\'s just that I heard Gared say yesterday that he was in contact with the boss of the newspaper and was about to buy it. Suddenly, I remembered that you had said before that you wanted to buy the newspaper, so I have a chance to ask you about it today."

After speaking, Ivanta glanced at William Chen, sighed, and said, "I didn\'t expect that you all liked this newspaper, then you will become competitors again."

"It\'s very interesting. First Building 666, and now the New York Observer. It seems that in many things, my vision is really similar to Gared\'s."

Hearing Chen William\'s words, Ivanta didn\'t know what to think, and a blush appeared on her face. She heard Chen William continue:

"Ivanta, I didn\'t mean to go against him, it\'s just that you know, whether it\'s Building 666 or the New York Observer, I\'m first, and he wants to intervene, so many things are so helpless, and in the end I still need to competitive."

"I understand, William, after all, you told me about this a long time ago. In fact, you are all my friends. I really don\'t want you to compete like this." Ivanta also had a helpless look on her face, and said in a low voice.

"This kind of thing is often unavoidable. I believe that as long as everyone is in a legitimate competition, no matter what the final result is, there will be no personal grievances involved. This is also my principle. You can rest assured, Ivanta , even if the final result is that Gared wins the competition, as long as he wins within the rules, I will still congratulate him and have no complaints against him."

Hearing what he said, Ivanta looked at William Chen\'s eyes with admiration and said happily: "It\'s really nice of you to think so, William, you are really a gentleman, I\'m glad to be your friend. "

"Me too. Compared with other things, what I value more is the relationship between people. I believe this is the most precious thing." Chen William took advantage of the trend and pulled a wave of goodwill. appeared.

Ivanta and William Chen are very well-known in the United States, and many street photographers will take the initiative to shoot when they see them.

And when the two walked from Central Park to Fifth Avenue together, it naturally attracted the attention of the reporters who were waiting there. The flashing lights came one after another, and those reporters did not care about consuming the film, only two or three reporters. , Even for a while, it brought out the atmosphere of walking the red carpet.

"William, Ivanta, you are running in the morning together, are you in a relationship?"

"Ivanta, did you live with William last night?"

"William, you were photographed with Paris before, and now you are running with Ivanta. Do you have a new love?"


With the flash, there are problems one by one. William Chen waved to the reporters and said, "I will only answer once. Ivanta and Paris are good friends. I met Ivanta by chance this morning, so we ran together. Okay. Now, this is the end of the matter, we are going home, please don\'t follow me, thank you."

After answering these, William Chen walked forward with Ivanta, ignoring the questions posed by the reporters.

"These are some tabloid reporters. It is estimated that they will not know how to write news when they go back." Ivanta said helplessly.

"I\'m sorry, Ivanta, we\'re going to spread our scandal again. I\'ll make a statement in the media, so that they don\'t scribble and make others misunderstand." William Chen said to her seriously.

Ivanta is quite open, but just smiles...

"Haha, I am afraid that before that, I will be blocked and beaten by your admirers." Seeing that Ivanta\'s mentality is not William Chen also joked to her.

Soon, they walked to the door of the group headquarters building. Ivanta said goodbye to Chen William, raised his mobile phone to him, and said, "Contact again, William, and make an appointment to run together next time."


After Nelson made Robert De Niro\'s final offer of William Chen, they are also waiting for the other party\'s reaction, not only whether Robert De Niro will finally accept the offer, but also whether Gared will accept the offer. There will be new offers, and William Chen has corresponding countermeasures.

His current offer is $7 million plus 3 million in newspaper debt, so the total expenditure is $10 million, which is already the same as Garred\'s previous purchase of the New York Observer.

Another thing to consider is that when Gared purchased the newspaper in the previous life, although there would be a loss of nearly 2 million US dollars a year, the overall situation of the newspaper was much better than it is now. Not only is the staff complete, but the loyal readers of the newspaper are still Well preserved.

But now, after Robert De Niro\'s toss, the newspaper\'s situation is worse than in the previous life. So in this case, is Gared willing to increase the price and pay a higher price to get this newspaper? For this, William Chen is not sure. After all, there are already scandals in today\'s newspapers about him and Ivanta running together in the morning. Maybe because of this stimulation, the other party will make an impulsive decision.

In the end, this worry of William Chen didn\'t happen. Two days later, Nelson informed him that after considering it, Robert De Niro decided to accept William Chen\'s final offer.

That is to say, after paying $10 million, William Chen can sign a transfer contract with him and become the new owner of the New York Observer.