America's Road To Fame

Chapter 20: Halfway through Cheng Yaojin

"I have one more doubt now, Mr. William. I know your mother\'s family is the Dray family, which is one of the important families of the Donkey Party, so if you buy the "New York Observer", it is difficult not to be suspicious , in the future, this newspaper will become a propaganda tool for the Donkey Party and give its voice to it.”

Kaplan stared at William Chen with sharp eyes, pointing out his worries.

"I am William Chen, and my surname is not Dre, so my own interests are the first priority, and I will not use my newspaper as a propaganda tool for the Donkey Party. Frankly speaking, Mr. Kaplan, if the United States really has What absolutely objective and neutral media, would you believe it?"

“Even the most staunch media that asserts its impartiality can’t be without emotion. You have to admit that absolute neutrality doesn’t exist. It’s like we’ve drawn a line on paper and will It\'s divided into two halves, but on paper there will always be a black zone in the middle, and that\'s the margin of neutrality, where the position is blurred. I can\'t promise you that we\'ll be absolutely neutral, only that, Our neutral position will not go beyond that margin."

Chen William\'s words have been very clear. When he describes some news, he may slightly deviate from the donkey party in terms of emotion, but he will not do anything to move closer to the other party without a bottom line, and will not damage the objectivity of the newspaper. neutral purpose.

Indeed, as an old man who has been working in the media for more than 20 years, Kaplan understands that absolute neutrality does not exist. All American media will have a certain tendency to some extent, but only grasp this aspect. Just to a different degree.

In fact, in William Chen\'s heart, he is very dissatisfied with the so-called objective neutrality claimed by the American media. Just like in the previous life, looking at their reports on China, the so-called objective neutrality is just a joke, you can tell where your **** is sitting.

"But if you really do what you say, the capital you need to invest will not be a small amount, William."

Hearing Kaplan\'s words, Chen William knew that his goal had basically been achieved, and he said: "You can rest assured on this point, Mr. Kaplan, I am not a person who is eager for quick success, and I will not hope that the newspaper will be able to make it in the short term. From a loss to a profit, and I am not short of money at all, you may have doubts when you say this now, but I am afraid you will understand immediately that I am not lying to you."

William Chen raised a hand, stretched out five fingers, and said to Kaplan with a smile: "I can guarantee one thing, after the acquisition is successful, I will invest at least $5 million a year to complete my analysis of the New York Observer. "The renovation plan will continue until the newspaper can continue its development with profit. I hope you understand that I bought this newspaper, not just for profit, I will take it as my one. a business to do.”

Seeing that Kaplan finally showed his surprise for the first time after saying the number himself, William Chen continued:

"So I hope you, Mr. Kaplan, can come back to the paper and continue as editor-in-chief and help me take this paper to a higher place, and my goal is to make The New York Observer a national and even global The media, not just this place in New York.”

"I appreciate your frankness and your goals. But everything has to wait until you become the new owner of the New York Observer, and I\'m looking forward to that day," Kaplan said at the end.

At this moment, Chen William knew that the other party had basically accepted him. As long as he could successfully acquire him, he would likely agree to return to the newspaper. This also showed that his goal today had been achieved.

After securing Kaplan\'s side, the next day, William Chen started to ask Nielsen to speed up the acquisition process. He also thought about it carefully. Compared with the extra one or two million spent, time is now more precious to him.

After all, in his opinion, Robert De Niro is completely messing around now. He doesn\'t want the other party to make the "New York Observer" out of control. After all, with his current method, the faithfulness of this newspaper every day Readers are lost, and in the end, even if he can take over the newspaper, he may have to spend more energy to win those readers back.

Comparing the two, turning the acquisition into a tug-of-war, even if he could save the one or two million dollars, it would not be worth the loss for him.

But then, William Chen got bad news from Nelson. According to him, there are already others who are also interested in the New York Observer and have approached Robert De Niro with an offer.

"Can you find out who the other party is?" William Chen asked solemnly.

"It\'s Gared Kushner. The news was revealed by Robert De Niro. It is said that the other party offered him $6 million and assumed a debt of $3 million." Nelson immediately replied to William Chen.

Sure enough, it was him, now it\'s interesting. And Chen William immediately realized that this news was released by Robert De Niro, so it is obvious that his little thought hopes that he will sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, watch the two bid, and finally sit on the fisherman\'s side. profit.

"I\'m now checking the accuracy of this news, and I don\'t rule out the possibility that the other party released a fake news and wanted us to raise the offer." Nelson continued.

"Well, but I think this news is likely to be true." After all, in his previous life, it was Gared who bought this newspaper from Arthur Carter, the founder of the "New York Observer". In this world, I don\'t know why, but it is probably because Gared\'s trajectory has changed, so he did not participate in the acquisition of the "New York Observer" before, and was ended up by Robert De Niro, one of the bidders for this newspaper in his previous life. Received the newspaper for $8 million.

Now that the other party can release the news and directly name Gared, the authenticity of the news is very great, but Nelson is willing to continue the investigation, and William Chen has no objection, he said:

"Watch out for Gared, I want to know how close he is to Robert De Niro. Also, give Robert De Niro a new offer, $7 million plus accept $3 million in debt, tell him that It\'s our last offer, so he doesn\'t want to see us raising each other\'s prices."

William Chen estimated Gared\'s psychological price. In his previous life, he knew that the newspaper was acquired by the other party for $10 million, but the difference was that at that time the newspaper had no debt, and although the annual loss $2 million, but still better than where it is now.

So after Robert De Niro\'s tossing, would he still be willing to pay 7 million + 3 million to buy this newspaper?

In his previous life, Gared used his own private funds to acquire the New York Observer, and don\'t forget that he is a Jew and a standard businessman, so he will definitely buy it with the money he invests in. Whether the thing is worth it, Chen William does not believe that the other party will be willing to pay a higher price to make a fool of himself.

Thinking of this, William Chen suddenly realized a question: "Nielsen, will Gared know that I am preparing to acquire the New York Observer?"

"This is not certain. I only told Robert Denier about your identity. After all, it is impossible to continue the acquisition without him, so he will not take it seriously. But if he can reveal Gared Let us see the information over there, and there is a high possibility that he will let the other party know your identity and offer." Nelson analyzed.

In this case, it will be interesting. I wonder how willing Gared is to **** the newspaper from his own hands?

Although in the previous life, this newspaper was finally bought by Gared, but in this world, UU reading www.uukanshu. com himself should be Robert Denier who started contact with him earlier, so this is what he wants to rob himself, so he really has the possibility to bid with him.

What if Nelson told Robert De Niro that his offer was the final one, and Gared gritted his teeth to increase it?

William Chen thought that he didn\'t care. Of course, he continued to follow. It was Nelson who told you that this was the final offer, not me, William Chen. At this time, who can be honest with you? Even if the final price exceeds the actual price of the newspaper, and you want to withdraw, it is still a good thing to raise the acquisition price for Gared.

Besides, William Chen has the confidence to not care about the extra millions. After all, with the rise of the stock market, the 500 million US dollars that I had invested before had already made a profit of more than 15%, and the total market value of the stocks had exceeded 580 million. The loan to the 666 Building of the Bank of New York has been repaid, and there is no pressure to use the extra 20 million to buy the newspaper, and I still have $25.2 million in cash in my account.

Of course, he definitely won\'t really spend 20 million to acquire The New York Observer. He has already planned to stop as long as the total amount exceeds 12 million US dollars. Even if I can\'t get this newspaper, I can make Gared spend $2 million more than in his previous life to buy the New York Observer, which is in a worse situation.

After Nielsen agreed with William Chen, he began to make a final offer to Robert De Niro. Then once the price is reported to Robert De Niro, the pressure will now come to Gared. William Chen is looking forward to what his response will be, and the game starts to become interesting.