America's Road To Fame

Chapter 179: Hangcheng's sincerity

It\'s normal for Yang\'s mother to be so strict with her. After all, the entertainment industry is often very chaotic, and many people know something more or less, so since her daughter has gone this way, it is inevitable that as a mother, she will pay more attention.

But this is not a bad thing, otherwise it would be impossible for Yang Mi to be with her, or...

"It\'s also because you\'re still young and just graduated. When your career gets better and better, your voice will become bigger and bigger."

Chen William so comforted Yang Mi.

At this time, they had already returned to the hotel. After not seeing Yang Mi for so long, Yang Mi also misses him very much. Especially the man in front of her still has a special relationship with her. She hugged Chen William and smelled the good smell on him. , murmured:

"I also know that I can\'t stay with you for a few more days, and I feel a little depressed."

"Then let\'s not waste any more time, baby, let\'s take a shower together."

Hearing Chen William\'s words, Yang Mi\'s face immediately flushed with blush, and then he was picked up by his waist and entered the bathroom...

The next morning, Yang Mi left the hotel. She only took a one-day vacation and was about to return to the crew.

Sometimes Chen William felt that he didn\'t understand women. It was clear that the two of them had worked hard to learn knowledge for so long last night. At that time, she was so tired that she couldn\'t continue to learn, but in the morning, after a good night\'s sleep, Yang Mi set off again in good spirits, ready to go back to filming.

The reason why he can recover so quickly is because of his special physique, but why is this girl Yang Mi?

With this question in mind, Chen William arrived at the venue of the Hangzhou government\'s investment promotion together with Boss Ma who came to pick him up.

There are local company bosses, well-known business owners across the country, and several senior executives of foreign-funded companies who are present today. From this time, it can be seen that Boss Ma has a wide range of friends. Most people see Boss Ma coming. They all came over to say hello. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Boss Ma also introduced Chen William to everyone.

Knowing that this outrageously handsome young man beside Boss Ma is the major shareholder of Ali, William Chen, the rich man who bought the Marvel Company in the United States, has been praised by everyone. Their sons are young, but it turns out they look at their net worth... If nothing else, just the $4 billion he bought from Ali\'s shares is not what they can imagine.

You know, in last year\'s Forbes China Rich List, $4 billion ranked fourth, and if you add the more than $2 billion he bought from Marvel, then it is more appropriate than the Forbes China Rich List. The richest man still has money, so the attitude of these people is understandable.

Imagine that the richest man in China appears in front of you, even if the boss here is worth at least one billion, but facing the richest man, he must greet him with a smile.

This meeting was chaired by the deputy mayor of Hangzhou City, whom Chen William met one day. He announced at the meeting the government\'s policies to encourage investment in Hangzhou, especially in the high-tech parks.

To put it simply, these enterprises are encouraged to build production bases, build science and technology parks, and participate in infrastructure construction in Hangzhou, especially in high-tech parks.

The government will not only have incentive funds for investment in high-tech, but also can actively contact banks to provide loans for their construction funds.

Gu Aan

In short, I want to tell everyone that as long as you want to expand the scale of your own company, you can just build it, and the government can help solve the problem because the funds are convenient.

"It seems that the support of the Hangcheng government is very strong this time."

After listening to these speeches, Chen William couldn\'t help sighing to Boss Ma.

"There is no way to do this. Now it is a second-generation economy based on the global economy, and the situation is not very good. In order to expand domestic demand, a plan of 4 trillion yuan has been proposed. This money must not flow into the society, or it will trigger currency. Inflation, if it eventually leads to higher prices, is not what the above wants to see.”

Boss Ma\'s analysis also makes sense. After all, it is the central bank that releases water, and it has a certain impact on prices. Now we need to see how to minimize the impact. It is best to invest in infrastructure and stimulate related industries. This is why The reason why cities are encouraging companies to take this opportunity to either expand or participate in infrastructure.

It\'s just that whether this strategy can be really implemented depends on the local government. A pragmatist like Hangzhou City will naturally formulate preferential policies in a targeted manner.

Although William Chen\'s Troup-Chen Business Management Company is not a high-tech enterprise, if the other party can help solve the bank loan without occupying its own funds, then this attraction is enough.

After all, after the acquisition of the Magic Capital Global Financial Center, even if most of the funds can rely on bank financing, Troup-Chen Business Management Company has to spend at least four or five billion dollars in real money, which takes up a large part of Funded.

It\'s not that Chen William is rich and unwilling to invest in this company, but he just invested the money himself. How is the share counted? After all, this is a joint venture, which needs Ivanta to manage and draw on the experience of the Troup Group in the real estate and hotel fields. Now his 70% shares are enough. If there is more, then if the interests are not enough, the other party may not be I will do my best.

In this field, whether it is Chen William\'s previous life or his other companies, he has no relevant experience, especially in the fields of hotels, apartments and commercial real estate, which must be professional to play. You said that he hired professional managers ? This is not as reliable as the cooperation of the Troup Group.

However, during the free discussion later, William Chen also found that some well-known companies are indeed interested in building parks and related projects in Hangzhou. This is normal. These companies are big enough, and many of them are also in other parts of China. If you do it, you don\'t spend your own money, not to mention that the residential projects supporting the park can make a lot of money. Even those buildings can make a lot of money after buying them in a few years.

However, many smaller companies are somewhat indecisive. The current economic situation is like this. No one can say how long the subprime mortgage crisis will last. If the burden is too heavy, it will probably drag down the main business in the end, so their enthusiasm is not high.

Since this is the case, in the later conversation with the city leaders, Chen William proposed that Troup-Chen Commercial Management Company is willing to take a suitable plot in the park and build a comprehensive building, which will include commercial and apartment buildings. It is matched with hotels and other facilities; in addition, it is hoped that a landmark building can be built in the urban area of ​​Hangzhou.

Regarding Chen William\'s proposal, I didn\'t expect that the deputy mayor was more positive, agreeing that he could send special personnel to coordinate with them to meet the needs of Chen William\'s side as much as possible, and the same, although they are not high-tech Enterprises cannot get corresponding rewards, but in terms of funds, Hangzhou will also help solve them.

This made Chen William realize the sincerity of the government department here, so UU read agreed on the spot, and then sent relevant personnel from the company to connect with Hangcheng.

When Chen William returned to the capital, the negotiation with Mori Building Co., Ltd. was still in progress. At present, two investment banks, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, have also joined them. The two of them had previously cooperated with Chen William in shorting the Asian and European stock markets. , will serve as the financier of the Troup-Chen Business Management Company, providing the company with at least $1 billion in financing for the acquisition.

Originally, Modu also recommended the local Modu Bank, hoping to also participate in financing, but Mori Building Co., Ltd. still hopes to buy their building with US dollars. They survived the subprime mortgage crisis, so Modu Bank finally withdrew from this financing, but they will provide loan services in the construction of the building of Troup-Chen Commercial Management Company in the new plot, and there will also be Cooperation.

In terms of the selection of new plots, Modu has provided several plots. Of course, they are all located in Pudong. Because Puxi is an old city, there is really no suitable plot.

After that, Troup-Chen Business Management Company will choose one of these plots to build a new building. Negotiations in this regard are also underway between the company and the Magic City.