America's Road To Fame

Chapter 180: past

The current negotiation with Mori Building Co., Ltd. has put the price range within the range of 1.35 billion to 1.65 billion US dollars. However, this kind of negotiation, even if the other party is more urgent for funds, they have great sincerity in purchasing, but it still cannot be concluded in three or five days.

Chen William told Ivanta about his and Hangcheng\'s intention to build two new buildings, but Ivanta was quite surprised.

"We don\'t need to pay, we can rely on loans? Are there really such good conditions?"

Regarding Ivanta\'s doubts, William Chen disapproved and said:

"Indeed, you have to know that Ivanta, Hua Guo has attached great importance to economic development in the past 30 years. Their government is very determined to develop the economy, and after the officials are younger, they will also They are becoming more and more pragmatic, so you don’t have to doubt them. Besides, these conditions are not just for us. These are their recent measures to boost domestic demand and improve the economy. Many powerful companies can obtain these conditions. boost the economy."

Under Chen William\'s explanation, Ivanta finally understood some of the situation in China. These are also things that she must be aware of when exploring the Chinese market. The national conditions of each country are different, and the rules that apply in the United States may not necessarily apply here. Similarly, the more concerned aspects here may not be paid too much attention in the United States.

So, in the next step, Ivanta sent the company\'s personnel to discuss the investment with Hangcheng.

After coming to Modu, Troupe-Chen Business Management Company has also recruited locally, and has also selected some employees from Huaguo, but these people also need to adapt to the company\'s rhythm after training before they can formally On-the-job work.

In their plan, the company\'s brand will be established first in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, and then it will develop to the south. Guangdong Province is also an important market, and then it will expand to other municipalities and provincial capitals.

Therefore, the appearance in the magic capital is particularly important, which is why William Chen decided to use such a move as the acquisition of the current tallest building in China to raise the popularity of Troup-Chen Business Management Company.

Just like many business people will first buy a good car, so when doing business outside, others will have a positive first impression of your strength. The reason is the same. Although the Troupe-Chen Business Management Company is backed by William Chen and the Troupe Group, many Chinese people still do not understand this company, but when they know this company, they buy it directly. If you are the tallest building in China, you will immediately have an intuitive understanding of the strength of this company.

Originally, according to their plan, there was steady development, but now William Chen realizes that after China\'s 4 trillion policy comes out, various regions, especially in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, will successively introduce policies to encourage investment in infrastructure. It is possible to invest and build buildings through bank loans, so it seems that the strategy should be adjusted.

Therefore, in addition to Modu and Hangcheng, he also suggested that after completing the acquisition of Modu Global Financial Center, after the reputation of Troup-Chen Business Management Company was sold out, he could send someone to contact other big cities in this area. See if there are any similar policies, and then make investments. For example, cities such as Jinling, Suzhou, Mingzhou, and Dongou are places with strong economies and can be prioritized for investment.


"How is it? I\'m not wrong. The seafood here is very good. You can taste the taste of this pot sticker. It\'s very authentic."

Fan Bingbing looked at Chen William with a smile, her face full of tenderness.

Now they are in the box of a very well-known restaurant in Qindao, and the pot stickers in front of them were just bought by Fan Bingbing who asked her assistant to go to a nearby old shop.

After arranging the affairs of Troup-Chen Business Management Company, William Chen had nothing else to do for the time being and left Modu.

When she first met Fan Bingbing, she said that she would take Chen William to her hometown of Lu Province to play and experience Hulk Sand. So it happens that Fan Bingbing is also free now. After the contact, the two came to Lu Province together. The first stop was her hometown Qindao.

"How does it taste?"

Fan Bingbing asked after watching William Chen finish eating a pot sticker.

"It tastes good, I like it."

"That\'s good, I\'m afraid you won\'t get used to it if you haven\'t eaten these in America."

William Chen smiled and said nothing.

Yes, the body he has now grew up in the United States, and he must have never tasted these.

The only time I ate was the last time I came to Yanjing, Deng Wendi cooked it in her courtyard.

But William Chen\'s soul had been living in this city in the last life, and he had tasted almost all the local delicacies.

When I came back here again, I saw such familiar scenes of the city, passing through the places where I passed by or stayed countless times in my previous life, it was really like a lifetime, and those memories gradually recovered.

Gu Yu

What were you doing at this time in your past life? At this time, William Chen couldn\'t help but recall.

In the beginning of 2010 in his previous life, he had just graduated for more than two years and was still working in a foreign trade company. Fortunately, he mainly focused on the trade between Japan and South Korea, so he did not have to work as hard as those who trade with the United States, often working day and night upside down. .

At that time, I just wanted to stay in this city, get ahead, and live so fulfilling every day. After a day of exhaustion, I went back to my rented room and almost fell asleep.

It is precisely because of this desperate ruthlessness that he mastered the doorway not long after, and after some accumulation, he chose to go it alone, became rich, and earned his first pot of gold.


When Chen William was recalling, he was called back to reality by Fan Bingbing.

"What are you thinking? Why don\'t you respond when I talk to you." She asked strangely.

"It\'s okay, I just remembered something about the company. What did you say just now?"

"I asked you to wait and play there."

The sportswear she wore today, plus the white down jacket, looked really girlish. If it weren\'t for her overly attractive face, she would be similar to an ordinary girl.

"I listen to you, you are the home court here. But you don\'t need to be too public, otherwise you are really recognized, and I am afraid that you will be surrounded by onlookers immediately."

"I think my disguise is pretty good, and I haven\'t been found out today."

Fan Bingbing said with annoyance.

"Hehe, what do you say, I was almost recognized several times today."

William Chen said speechlessly. No way, now Fan Bingbing is indeed too well-known in China. Uh, it can be said that from the first poor rock drama she filmed, the popularity has been very high.

It seems that if you want two people to travel together in a more comfortable way, it can only be time to travel overseas.

However, these are not a problem for Chen William now, because in the past life, during the time he lived in Qinhai, he can already say that he has visited all the attractions in the city, and there is nothing special. place that I want to go.

But for his sentence: "It doesn\'t matter where I go, it\'s mainly with you." Fan Bingbing was moved a lot.

Although many people say that "Fan Ye" is a character created by Fan Bingbing, in her body, William Chen can indeed see that kind of down-to-earth and occasionally show domineering side.

At some point too...

She can be bold and can also be gentle and considerate, soft and boneless.

Switching between these styles can always make Chen William feel novel.


"Have you not been back to Qindao for a long time?"

After everything was calm, Chen William held Fan Bingbing and talked in the bed.

"Actually, it\'s been a long time. Although I was born in Qindao, I grew up with my parents in Dengzhou since I was a child. My father is a literary and artistic cadre and is very talented, so under his influence, I liked acting, and then I went to Going to the Devil\'s Capital to go to school..."

Listening to Fan Bingbing explaining her past, Chen William listened quietly, as if he saw the growth experience of a naturally beautiful girl.

At certain moments, he couldn\'t help but think of his past life. Maybe he should be grateful. God gave him another chance in life, and he was able to meet all kinds of women he could only look up to in his previous life. It\'s like Fan Bingbing. If not, how could they have such a chance to hug each other and chat?