America's Road To Fame

Chapter 178: dig people

"This is nothing, we can build Want Want into Ali\'s software in the future, and users don\'t need to download this chat software. I think that when users choose online shopping in the future, the recommendation of friends will be a very important way. If you have another relationship with Penguin What kind of conflict, they blocked our sharing link, then it will be controlled by others, so it is necessary to have a chat software that you trust."

Boss Ma can see it clearly, as if this kind of thing really happened later, he can be considered to be prepared for a rainy day.

Chen William also intends to promote it in China, but Penguin\'s WeChat is indeed something he needs to consider. The national conditions are different, just like those software that dominated the world in the United States, came to China, and they were not accustomed to the environment.

It can\'t be said that China, in Korea and Japan, many giants in the United States have also failed. To be honest, in terms of user experience, William Chen feels that many of Huaguo\'s software have done better, especially the more obvious it gets.

Therefore, he is not very confident about whether he can defeat WeChat in China. However, you have to try it anyway. The advantage of social software is still relatively large. At present, there is no similar APP specifically for smartphones in Huaguo, so it is still worth trying.

If this is the case, then cooperation with Ali is also a good way.

Therefore, William Chen agreed to take advantage of the situation. As for the way of cooperation, then refer to the cooperation between Japan and Softbank. The two parties established a joint venture company. The core of the APP is the same. In some special functions, the joint venture company is localized. .

"I agree to co-promotion, but there is a premise, that is, to find a leader who can lead to success." Chen William moved in his heart and said to Boss Ma: "I hope you can dig this person and become our Huaguo Company. CEO."

"Do you have a definite candidate?"

Hearing that William Chen agreed, Boss Ma\'s face was filled with unspeakable joy, but he was still a little puzzled, who was that person William Chen was talking about?

"Yes, since it\'s social networking, it\'s best to hire an executive from Penguin. I hope to hire Zhang Xiaolong from Penguin to be the CEO of Huaguo Company."

"Zhang Xiaolong?"

Boss Ma asked suspiciously. In his impression, he did not seem to have heard of such a person among the executives of Penguin.

"Yes, he is now the person in charge of Penguin Mailbox. I have used Penguin Mailbox and I think this product is very good, and Mailbox is also a social product. If he is in charge of Huaguo Company, then it can be compared success."

What William Chen said is Zhang Xiaolong, known as the "father of WeChat". At this time, WeChat has not yet started to develop. He is the founder of the well-known email product Foxmail. Later, after Foxmail was acquired by Penguin, he was in charge of the development of Penguin\'s email product. , his development of Penguin Mailbox was recognized by almost everyone within the company and was called a "seven-star product".

Now Zhang Xiaolong\'s level in Tencent is not high, so if he really wants to dig, it is still possible to dig over, so Chen William put forward this suggestion to Boss Ma.

"Okay, I\'ll try my best."

Seeing that Chen William was so fond of this person named Zhang Xiaolong, Boss Ma silently wrote down the name and was going to find someone to investigate this person after going back. He was also a little curious, why Chen William could have never heard of a person himself. people are so confident. Of course, in order to cooperate with the other party and take down the APP to fight against Penguin, Boss Ma will try his best to invite this person over.

Seeing this result, Chen William is also very satisfied. With such profound flickering skills as Boss Ma, he was able to pull Cai Chongxin to Ali Company back then, giving up the high salary and taking a salary of 500 yuan a month. I don\'t know if it can be done this time. How about digging Zhang Xiaolong from the penguin?

It does not mean that Zhang Xiaolong must lead the future Huaguo Company, but if he is brought over, it will serve multiple purposes. On the one hand, the strength of this person in the field of mobile social networking has been proved through WeChat, and he will lead Huaguo. The company is also more likely to succeed; on the other hand, it weakens the opponent.

WeChat was inspired by Zhang Xiaolong after seeing similar products overseas and strongly requested the establishment of the project. Initially, Penguin paid more attention to the mobile version of QQ, and did not give WeChat too many resources in particular.

It is precisely because of Zhang Xiaolong\'s personal ability that he has done a very good job of WeChat, thus winning the competition among several mobile social APPs within Penguin, and finally getting the strong support of the entire Penguin, so he dug Zhang Xiaolong to his side, There will be similar products on Penguin sooner or later, but its competitiveness will be questioned.

Chen William doesn\'t think that he can really eliminate Penguin in the mobile social field through these methods, but at least the combination of various factors, the two sides can carve up this market, rather than let the Penguin family dominate, that is already very good Results.

Just like in the previous life, Michao of Xiaomi company had a first-mover advantage, but in the end, WeChat won. One of the reasons is that Michao’s first-mover advantage was not very obvious. When Michao was launched, WeChat It\'s already in development, so catch up quickly.

Gu Shun

In addition, when the competition between the two sides was hot, Penguin invested its resources on WeChat, recommending WeChat to QQ users with more than 400 million users; and Mi Chat, because Xiaomi was a start-up company, had to focus on the mobile phone business and MIUI system. In two aspects, the support for Mi Liao was not enough, which led to the final defeat.

Now if Zhang Xiaolong can be dug up, the time for Penguin to launch a similar APP can be delayed, and with the support of Ali and Chen William behind it, then the final outcome is still unknown.

When the dinner was over, and saw Yang Mi and Chen William together, Boss Ma arranged their hotel very wisely, and left early. Before leaving, he made an agreement with Chen William to go to Hangzhou tomorrow together. The government\'s policy briefing meeting is actually a business promotion meeting specifically aimed at large companies and allowing them to increase investment.

After Yang Mi and Chen William got into the car that Boss Ma arranged to take them back to the hotel, she sighed:

"This car is so big, what brand is it? I haven\'t seen it before, why is it still a yellow card?"

"This is a Maybach 62S, because the length of the car is 6.2 meters, and if it exceeds 6 meters, it will be a yellow card."

Boss Ma specially arranged his own special car to take Chen William and the others back to the hotel. This car is really stylish, but unfortunately it has been discontinued. Otherwise, Chen William would like to buy a few cars, but now, we can only wait for the new 62S. Bought it after it was released.

When Boss Ma was there just now, Yang Mi felt somewhat restrained. Now that there are only two of them, he obviously feels much more at ease. She held William Chen\'s arm and leaned against him: "Dear, did you miss me?"

"Of course, otherwise I\'ll find you as soon as I come to Hangcheng."

"Hey, it\'s so annoying, I can only take a day off, and I\'ll be back to the crew tomorrow."

Yang Mi\'s beautiful eyes flowed, staring at Chen William, and said a little depressed.

"Work is important, otherwise you should stop being an actor, I will support you, and you can play every day."

Hearing Chen William\'s words, Yang Mi was a little moved, but she shook her head and said, "Aiya, then I can\'t do nothing, I can only film, and I\'m afraid that I won\'t be able to do anything else well, if there is really nothing to do every day. Yes, you are so busy all day, and you still rarely see you."

It\'s not unreasonable for Yang Mi to be called a desperate third mother, so Chen William also knew that, with her character, she would definitely not want to be a canary like this, and she would also have her own ambitions.

So Chen William kissed her and said softly, "Then you should take a good job filming first, and I will take you out to play when you are free from the work."

"Really?" Yang Mi said happily: "I You are not allowed to lie to me."

"How could it be, then you can play wherever you want." William Chen scratched her nose and said with a smile, "By the way, you have joined Huayi Company now, how do you feel?"

"It\'s good. President Wang and President Xiao are very polite to me, and they specially arranged an assistant for me to follow me, and also took a few scripts for me to choose."

"What\'s the big boss and the little boss? You can\'t call it that in person. It\'s your boss anyway."

"Oh, I\'m not stupid, didn\'t I tell you that?"

When Yang Mi was still in school, the first company she signed with was Rong Xinda. When she was filming, her mother followed her to take care of her. Now that she has graduated, her contract with Rong Xinda has expired. According to Chen William\'s words, she signed a contract with Huayi Company, and specially arranged an agent and assistant for her. Now Mama Yang doesn\'t have to worry so much, but when she comes out to film, Mama Yang often takes care of her.

"Fortunately, my mother has returned to Yanjing beforehand these two days. Otherwise, even if I can ask for leave, she will have to stare at me and not run around."

Speaking of which, Yang Mi was a little depressed.