America's Road To Fame

Chapter 162: Li Daitao is stiff?

The dinner was very rich, including traditional western Christmas food such as turkey, salmon, and smoked ham, as well as Chinese food that William Chen is more used to, and even dumplings.

Because of the climate, New York has a lot of snow in winter. After dinner, the snow began to fall again, and soon the road was covered with snow again.

At this time, it\'s a little dangerous to leave here, but William Chen\'s manor is big enough, so Nikki and Jessica stayed here for one night and nothing.

The women went to the private theater to watch movies, while Chen William went back to the study and started to deal with work, and he has not forgotten his identity as a student, and he also needs to consider the credits he wants to get, so he spends all his free time. Take time to study.

Through the email, Chen William saw Li Ying telling him that he had signed an agreement with Lei Jun and completed the investment in his entrepreneurial project. Lei Jun agreed to Chen William\'s request, that is, to invest 10 million US dollars and hold 25% of the investment. stake, so that the valuation of his project would be $40 million. At the same time, Huaxia Future Capital also has the anti-dilution right of the shares, and can choose to follow the investment in the subsequent financing to maintain the proportion of shares.

At the end of the email, Li Ying said that he liked a project called Dianping. Users can comment on this website and view business information, and they can also buy some vouchers at preferential prices. At present, this website has covered many cities, and Li Ying believes that it has great potential for development.

At present, Dianping has gone through two rounds of financing, and the total raised is only 5 million US dollars. The last financing was in 2007, so Li Ying suggested that you can contact this website for financing.

After finishing the financing of Lei Jun, it can be seen that Li Ying is very motivated and has started to look for the next investment target. At the beginning, William Chen allocated US$30 million in start-up capital to Huaxia Future Capital. After investing in Lei Jun, there are nearly US$20 million remaining in the account, and it is indeed time to continue looking for investment opportunities.

For Dianping, Chen William also knows that in the future thousand regiments battle, this "slow-paced" company, on the contrary, because many group buying websites eventually closed down, thus catching up with the pace and becoming the second largest company in China after The second largest group buying site.

And in the future, it will merge with Meituan to become the largest group buying website in China. At present, it seems that has not yet been established, so it is still very good to invest in Dianping, so Chen William immediately replied to Li Ying\'s email, agreeing with her opinion, and you can contact the other party\'s entrepreneurial team.

And William Chen said that there is no need to limit the current capital scale of Huaxia Future Capital, he can get as many shares as possible, and then he will inject capital into Huaxia Future Capital according to the situation.

In addition, Li Ying said that he had already bought five Yanjing houses for him, all of which were not far from Zhongguancun. If possible, they would buy them first in the name of Huaxia Future Capital. And she got the news that Yanjing seems to be studying the purchase restriction policy, which may be introduced soon, so if you want to buy a house, now is still a good time.

Thinking of Dianping\'s headquarters in Modu, Chen William asked Li Ying to buy all five houses in Yanjing. And when she went to Modu to discuss financing with Dianping, she could also help herself find a few suitable properties there.

Anyway, looking for real estate now won\'t take up too much of Li Ying\'s energy, she can just leave it to her subordinates to do it.

After replying to this, William Chen was also thinking about what other companies Huaguo could invest in? With Dianping, Meituan can invest, and then it can also promote their merger as an investor in the two companies.

It\'s just that has not yet been established, so this matter can be written down first.

As for the others, in the future ByteDance, Zhang Yiming is still working on other entrepreneurial projects, and it is still early.

He still needs to go to China to investigate on the spot. Maybe it will touch his memory. In his previous life, he didn\'t particularly study the development of those unicorn companies. It\'s hard for him to have a clue if he thinks this way.

At this moment, the people in the study were opened, and William Chen looked up, and it was Nikki who looked inward and walked in.

Uh, study, Nikki, this scene is a bit familiar.

William Chen immediately became alert:

"Niki, aren\'t you watching a movie?"

"It\'s a bit boring, I happened to be out for a drink, so..."

Speaking of which, Nicky\'s love life also made William Chen a little bit incomprehensible. She had an on-again, off-again relationship with that boyfriend before. When William Chen first met her, the two were in a cold war, and she kept claiming to break up, but it didn\'t take long for her to get back together again. Now I hear Paris say, The two fought again.

Chen William doesn\'t particularly care about these things, but he\'s actually her brother-in-law, so he can\'t always think wrongly about himself. I also have a bottom line as a person. Although sister flowers are alluring, but...

"Niki, it\'s not good, think about if your sister knew... oh, can you pay attention..."

Nikki seemed to like the pranks of sneaking under the table. At this moment, she raised her head and looked at William Chen innocently and said:

"But, brother-in-law, why is your reaction so inconsistent with your words, especially when I call you brother-in-law..."


Although there was a little accident at night, the overall atmosphere was good.

When she was about to rest, Paris took William Chen to her bedroom, er... She chose a bedroom in the manor, and when she was taking a bath, she was discussing with William Chen about adding more decorations.

"I don\'t feel like a fan..."

Thinking of the elegant fate of her Bentley, William Chen can already imagine what this bedroom will look like in the future.

Paris has not been with Chen William for a while. As a studious child, she has not learned new knowledge and is quite eager.

So the two continued to study knowledge, but Paris\'s energy was limited, and it didn\'t take long for her to learn.

"Darling, do you remember when we were in Japan, we made a bet, did you lose?"

William Chen said maliciously in her ear.

"Ah, I forgot..." Paris naturally couldn\'t forget, but at this time she absolutely couldn\'t admit it.

"Paris, you\'re not good, it seems that I need to keep reminding you."

Hearing William Chen say this, Paris was really scared. She was a little worried that she would die of exhaustion, so she hurriedly begged for mercy.

"I remember that the bet is to choose you, dear, which one do you want to choose?"

William Chen asked in a relaxed manner.

Only then did Paris The bet at that time was a certain knowledge, or finding a helper...

"Why don\'t you find Erica, William." Paris said tangled.

"She has something to do tomorrow, so she needs to rest well today. Why don\'t you just... just Nikki?"

"Bastard, she\'s my sister, you still want to be with her..."

Uh, wait, your "still" is a bit interesting. Thinking of what happened before, William Chen had a bold guess in his heart...

At this time, Paris continued to say, "How about Jessica. I see her attitude towards you. If you...she would definitely like it, she is single now anyway."

Well, what is this called in the Thirty-Six Plans? Misfortune to the east? This is not the thirty-six tricks, is it Li Dai Tao Zong or stealing the pillars? It should be Li Dai Tao Zong...

Chen William still had time to scatter his thoughts at this time, but he had a smug smile on his face, because of Jessica\'s fighting ability, he didn\'t know it. Compared with Paris, it was a little bit stronger, but it was also stronger. limited.

By the time Paris came back to her senses, she had already seen William Chen coming back, but he was holding Jessica by the waist. He glanced at Paris and immediately avoided his gaze. .

Paris was still a little embarrassed at first, but with the development later, it seems to be a little different...

And Jessica, as William Chen expected, didn\'t last long.

In Paris\' confusion, she seemed to feel that there was another person on the bed, and she faintly heard Nikki\'s voice, but at the moment she was shrouded in exhaustion, she couldn\'t open her eyes, and gradually fell asleep...