America's Road To Fame

Chapter 161: Christmas show

On December 23, more than 3,000 theaters in the United States began to show. Near Christmas, there are many movies released. Among them, it is not the one that attracts the most attention. The movies released at this time are the most popular. The expectation should be directed by Guy Ritchie.

However, after the box office of the day was released, the results were still surprising. With the first-day box office of 20 million US dollars, it was second only to the runner-up at the box office on the Christmas day, and its box office was only less than 3 million US dollars.

In fact, many people have generally guessed that the result is good since the movie started to be released on that day, but the result is still surprising.

You must know that this movie is an R-rated movie, and it has been released in fewer theaters.

However, after the film critics watched the film, the newly released film critics were not friendly, mainly criticizing it as a meat-selling film, which was shot purely to please female audiences, and even some film critics directly It is ruthless to say that this film is extremely rubbish, the plot is simple, there is no skill, it is just a sensory stimulation full of muscles.

Chen William doesn\'t care about these bad reviews. He knows that there is controversy only when there is heat. Now when a movie is released, what is needed is heat.

Not all the audiences go to watch the movie because of the skill or connotation of the movie. Otherwise, most of the movies that will not sell well at the box office will be popcorn movies. The more this kind of family carnival, the more relaxed the movie is, so in the final analysis, the box office is the most important thing.

Speaking of movie box office, William Chen knows that a heavyweight movie will be released soon, and that is Truck Driver. This movie has been released twice. The original movie, which was released for the first time, earned 750 million US dollars in North America. At the box office, the global box office has accumulated a total of 2.75 billion US dollars. It can be said that the truck driver is shocked every time he makes a move.

It\'s just the same as before him, at the beginning, everyone\'s box office estimates were not very high, and the production and distribution company was 20th Century Fox.

Therefore, if William Chen wants to acquire this company, he should do so as soon as possible. But even so, the production and announcement, which cost a full $500 million, has made 20th Century Fox even more looking forward to it. Because of the huge losses they incurred last year, they are now counting on this movie to make them more profitable.

Even if the acquisition is made at this time, I am afraid that the other party will delay the release until the release, let\'s take a look at the box office situation of this movie. However, according to the findings of Goldman Sachs, even if it is a big hit, 20th Century Fox\'s share will not be as high as expected, because most of the production cost of the film\'s total cost of $500 million was made by Two PE funds invest, and their investment exceeds 60% of the total cost.

Twentieth Century Fox is responsible for the publicity costs of about $150 million. Therefore, even if it is calculated according to the final global box office of 2.75 billion, 20th Century Fox can get about 35% of the box office share in China, and it is even lower overseas, and the share should be between 15-25%. Whether 10th Century Fox can distribute independently or needs a partner in the local area, if it is calculated like this, if only the box office share is divided, they should be able to get a box office share of about 700 million US dollars, which is equivalent to 20th Century Fox. less than $300 million.

The above is the producer\'s share, but as the publisher, 20th Century Fox can also earn an additional share of the distribution, between 1-150 million US dollars.

However, in Hollywood films, the pure box-office share only accounts for a part of the total revenue of a film, and the rest of the DVD rental, TV and online media playback, especially the movie peripherals, can get a total revenue higher than the box-office share.

It\'s just that these other benefits, unlike box office share, can be obtained in the short term, but long-term benefits. However, even if the box office is divided, the billing period will be very long for the checkout with various theaters.

Sure enough, after Goldman Sachs initially contacted Murdoch, the other party\'s attitude was rather ambiguous, neither refusing, nor being too positive. Camilo Hagen analyzed that the other party may have waited for many years and carried out After three months of warm-up, I still hope to see the reaction after the release.


As Christmas approached, it snowed in New York. At this time, in William Chen\'s Long Island manor, a piece of silver clad in plain clothes looked extraordinarily spectacular.

But it was still very warm in the house, and the fire in the fireplace was very strong.

In the middle of the hall, stood a Christmas tree that they had just cut back, and it was covered with decorative ribbons.

At this moment, William Chen was half lying on the sofa reading a book, while Erica was using a notebook and sat beside him to deal with documents. She usually lives in William Chen\'s villa in the Upper East Side for convenience, but today, when he got off work, William Chen brought her back together.

"Niki, you traitor, you just made it clear that we would deal with Jessica together!"

Paris\'s voice came from the corridor. William Chen turned his head to look and saw that the Hilton sisters and Jessica Alba entered the living room together. There were traces of snow on their hair. .

"Hehe, you clearly hit me with the snowball first." Nikki said unwillingly.

Gu Tian

"I\'ve said it all, that\'s my mistake."

Paris pouted unhappily and walked to William Chen, pulled his arm, and said:

"William, you should go out and have a look. We built a big snowman, very beautiful."

"Didn\'t the maids help pile it up? Paris, you have to be honest." Jessica said with a smile.

"I said it all, we piled it together."

"Yes, the only thing you did was put a scarf around the snowman."

At this moment, William Chen suddenly realized that it didn\'t seem like a wise thing for him to call them all home, because they were too noisy.

Since that\'s the case, he didn\'t want to read the book anymore. He folded the pages, put them on the coffee table, and said to the girls:

"Okay, why don\'t you go and see if dinner is ready?"

"I asked Mary just now, and she said there\'s still a while, I\'d better go take a hot bath first, I feel a little cold on my body." Paris continued his words and walked to the stairs. She looked back. Glancing at Chen William, gave him a look, and said:

"William, don\'t you want to come together?"

Uh, under the watchful eyes of the other three pairs of eyes, Chen William agreed so badly. What\'s more, it\'s a bit early now, so he sat upright and said to Paris:

" You\'d better hurry up and don\'t delay eating together. Besides, I need to remind you that you don\'t want to wait until you don\'t have the strength to go downstairs."

"Pfft~" The laughter came from Nikki. She looked at her sister\'s staring eyes, turned her head, and said:

"Speaking of which, I\'m still a little hungry. I\'ll go to the kitchen to see how it goes."

"Humph!" Paris expressed her dissatisfaction and went up the stairs.

Jessica sat next to William Chen at this time and glanced at Erica next to her. Seeing that she was working on the laptop attentively, her beautiful eyes stayed on William Chen and said to him:

"William, I saw the report that your company\'s movie box office is very good."

"It should be, Jessica, I didn\'t pay much attention to it, but from the box office on the first day, it was not bad and met expectations."

"I heard that you are going to buy Twentieth Century Fox, isn\'t it?"

"There is contact with Murdoch, but there is no progress so far."

Murdoch is worthy of being an old fox. The news was leaked just after he got in touch with him. Chen William estimated that 80% of it was instructed by him. He is not unfamiliar with such methods. He just wants to test it. Even if he sells, he can raise the price in the presence of other bidders.

However, he won\'t have too many headaches about these matters, so he will leave it to Goldman Sachs to deal with it. Anyway, his choice is not only 20th Century Fox, MGM is also in contact, and in the end it is nothing more than watching It depends on whether he can accept the other party\'s offer, buy it or not. Anyway, he won\'t be taking advantage of it.