America's Road To Fame

Chapter 163: Bear Stearns ending

In the morning, when Paris woke up, she was alone in the bed, as if the absurdity of last night was just a dream.

"What are you thinking? Why don\'t you get up, little lazy pig."

At this time, William Chen had finished exercising and was about to take a bath. Seeing Paris with her eyes open, lying on the bed in a daze, she couldn\'t help asking.

"I\'m thinking about how this room should be decorated. This bed sheet is not warm at all. I want to buy one..."

"Pink?" William Chen asked after her words. After all, he knew that in Paris\'s suite at the Waldorf Astoria, the sheets were pink.

"You still know me, William." Paris said with a smile.

"Well, my dear, can you discuss, I\'ll buy you another house, you can decorate it as you like, and it\'s all pink. Can this be the case here?"

William Chen was speechless.

"Really? William?" Paris\' eyes lit up, as if she had imagined that kind of scene, but she turned back and said, "Forget it, I\'m still not used to living in my own house, and it doesn\'t matter how convenient it is to live in a hotel. Wherever you go, just go directly to our hotel and stay."

Er, you still have a point, but you sisters can do this, others can\'t learn it.

Now ParisHilton has successfully launched its brand perfume, and its perfume workshops have also started smoothly. Next, ParisHilton\'s plan is to open brand stores in every city, and prepare to gradually withdraw from the brands they cooperated with before. Authorized in other fields, slowly build their own production lines.

Now the timing is more appropriate. After the subprime mortgage crisis, rents have fallen. Compared with the previous investment in brand stores, at least one third can be saved.

During breakfast, she told William Chen about her plan with great interest, and Nikki also made some supplements from time to time, because they told William Chen that Nikki also merged her own brand into ParisHilton. , they are going to change the company\'s name to HiltonSisters.

"Didn\'t William also have a stake? Isn\'t that supposed to be called Hilton Sisters and William Chen?" Jessica said with a smile.

Uh, why does it sound like a threesome? Jessica, are you sure the name is pure?

However, seeing the two sisters were a little moved by the name, Chen William had forgotten it. Europe and the United States seem to like to name the company like this, such as the luxury goods giant - Moët Hennessy-Louis Vuitton Group, LVMH for short. , if it is named that way, wouldn\'t the company Paris be called HSWC for short?

This is really fatal...

In the end, William Chen strongly opposed, and finally they agreed to give up the name, but changed it to Hilton-Chen Fashion Company. Well, HC is HC, it is stronger than that anyway.

It\'s just that this company is still small in scale. Do you want to acquire another luxury brand? Thinking that Bernard Arnault became the richest man in Europe by virtue of LVMH, and was the third billionaire with a personal fortune of over $100 billion after Bill Gates and Bezos, it seems that the luxury industry is still Very interesting.

Thinking of this, William Chen silently wrote down this matter and asked back to ask, which luxury brand is easier to start with now, after all, the subprime mortgage crisis is not only affected by the United States, Europe and Asia have been affected by this, and the stock market has also plummeted, so it is more convenient to hunt for dips of.

However, William Chen is also happy to see the stock market plummeting in Europe and Asia. The reason is that he still had about 17 billion US dollars in his account, but Goldman Sachs took the initiative to contact him and invited him to participate in shorting overseas markets, because they could also see that they were affected by the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States. The impact of the impact, the rest of the world\'s financial markets, will follow the plunge.

It is also possible that the economic crisis really caused these big investment banks on Wall Street to be embarrassed. Although Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley managed to escape this disaster, in this crisis, not only did they not produce much losses, they even made profits. a lot.

But for them, they should have earned more, and now the profit is less than expected, even if it is a loss. But now in the form of the United States, they ostensibly cry out to the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve for financial assistance, so they must not be too heavy on their own financial markets.

then what should we do? Go overseas, such as Japan and South Korea in Europe and Asia. When you get there, you can let go of your hands and feet. Even if they make money by shorting them, the officials of the other party will not be able to do anything to them.

Of course, there are priorities. Europe can be a little bit more restrained. For Japan and South Korea, then let go. After all, although there are also American soldiers, but Europe is at least the younger brother, Japan and South Korea? I understand, they are not from a normal country anyway.

But there is always some risk in this kind of thing, so it\'s better to stick together. The money you lose in your home country will always have to be made up elsewhere. So, led by Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, they gathered a group of funds and aggressively entered the financial markets of these countries for short selling. William Chen also took out 10 billion US dollars to participate.

Gu Yu

Anyway, if it\'s just him, he\'s still incapable of doing it, and there is no such suitable manpower to do it for the time being. Now making money with these investment banks, on the one hand, it can deepen the alliance with Goldman Sachs, on the other hand, these funds are also put aside , and earn some pocket money by the way.

Previously, the Nikkei 225 stock index had reached a high of 18,000 points in the past seven years. With the judgment of Goldman Sachs analysts, the Nikkei stock index’s rise was close to stagnation, so they invested a lot of money into shorting the Nikkei index.

Sure enough, as the subprime mortgage crisis spread to the Asian financial market, the Nikkei index plunged to a high level, plummeting to 15,000 points in a short period of time, and it is still falling.

The same is true of European stock markets. The recent wave of decline has made American funds, including Goldman Sachs, full of oil.

Once you get started, you will gradually get used to it later.

It\'s like these two days, I spent the night in Paris\'s room, sometimes it was Jessica, sometimes it was Nikki.

When the Christmas holidays passed, a news shook the whole world—

Bear Stearns, facing a severe liquidity crisis, announced a short-term financial-term agreement with Morgan Stanley that could end its 85-year history of independent operation as an independent investment bank.

This means that **** intends to acquire Bear Stearns, which is in crisis, and acquire the fifth largest investment bank in the United States.

The next day, on December 27, the Federal Reserve announced its support for the acquisition, agreeing to provide $30 billion in financing to Bear Stearns’ less liquid assets, in addition to lowering the discount rate. , of which about $20 billion was used to back mortgage-backed securities.

In the afternoon of the same day, **** issued a statement saying that it had agreed to provide assistance funds to Bear Stearns for an initial period of 28 days.

**** will complete the acquisition in exchange for 0.05473 shares of its common stock for 1 share of Bear Stearns, and the boards of both companies have approved the transaction.

The acquisition was offered to Bear Stearns investors at $2 per share, well below the company\'s previous share price of $30. Bear Stearns\' share price was still more than $60 a month ago, more than $150 more than a month ago, and even as high as $170 at one point.

It can also be seen from these data that in this short period of time, the stock of Bear Stearns has fallen greatly.

**** said it is preparing to buy brokerage Bear Stearns for $236 million, which has received unprecedented support from the Federal Reserve.

Once the news was disclosed, Bear Stearns\' stock fell wildly after the suspension ended the next day, and once fell to the announced purchase price of $2...

William Chen immediately notified John Paulson, and he also took this opportunity to quickly close his short position on Bear Stearns stock. UU reading

They went short this time, from Bear Stearns\' stock price at about 170 yuan, until the stock price fell to about 50 dollars, and then to today, the average closing price is only less than 10 dollars, which can be said to be a big win.

And the facts also proved that their timely liquidation this time was also a very correct decision, because on the next day, the shares of Bear Stearns were suspended again.

After yesterday\'s stock price plunge, Morgan Stanley and Bear Stearns once again announced the amendment to the merger agreement on matters related to the acquisition of Bear Stearns.

Under the revised terms, each share of Bear Stearns common stock will be exchanged for 0.21753 shares of **** common stock, based on yesterday\'s closing price of **** common stock on the New York Stock Exchange, which means that the implied value of Bear Stearns common stock Included value is about $10 per share.

In addition, **** and Bear Stearns entered into a share purchase agreement pursuant to which **** will acquire 95 million newly issued ordinary shares of Bear Stearns at the price specified in the amendments to the merger agreement, representing 39.5% of Bear Stearns\' outstanding common stock after the offering. The purchase of 95 million shares of Bear Stearns is expected to be completed on or about January 8, 2010.

It seems that some people were dissatisfied with the content of the previously announced agreement, which led to the conclusion of a revised agreement.

After all, to buy Bear Stearns at a share price of $2, Morgan Stanley is indeed equivalent to robbery, not to mention that there is help from the Federal Reserve behind this, so it should not be too ugly.

However, thanks to this period of twists and turns, William Chen\'s Meta Investment Company was proud to close the position at a lower price.