America's Road To Fame

Chapter 160: Complete the acquisition of Marvel

Goldman Sachs\' efforts finally came to fruition. On this day, William Chen brought his entourage to the Marvel headquarters on Fifth Avenue in New York.

In addition to William Chen and his entourage, all the shareholders and management of Marvel are present today.

When the two parties signed an agreement to acquire Marvel, the acquisition of Marvel by William Chen\'s Meta Investment Company was concluded.

He will fully acquire Marvel at a valuation of $2 billion. Since William Chen had already held 10% of the shares when he invested in Marvel, he will need to pay for this acquisition. Cash was $1.9 billion.

This acquisition is also in cooperation with Goldman Sachs, and William Chen personally contributed 900 million US dollars. The remaining $1 billion was financed by Goldman Sachs.

In addition, William Chen will also inject 400 million US dollars into the company, of which 200 million US dollars will be used for the company\'s daily operations and the follow-up production of two superhero movies.

Another $200 million will be used to repay several high-interest loans from Marvel. After these loans are repaid, Marvel\'s debt will be reduced from $1 billion to $800 million.

After the acquisition was completed, after the previous shareholders left here, only the management of Marvel and William Chen and his party were left. He did not make much changes to the management of Marvel for the time being, but said that he would do his best to Support Marvel to bring superheroes to the screen.

Among the management of Marvel at this time, he paid special attention to Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Studios. William Chen knew that he would become the CEO of Marvel Studios in the future and lead Marvel Studios. Brilliant achievements have been made in the industry.

However, it is too early to promote him at this time. We still have to wait until after Marvel\'s release and achieve surprisingly good results, and then increase our support for him.

At the same time, Goldman Sachs\' Camilo Hagen also received two more difficult commissions, that is, the acquisition of 20th Century Fox and MGM.

The reason why these two acquisitions will be more difficult is that 20th Century Fox has a multinational consortium behind it - Murdoch\'s News Corporation, even though News Corporation is currently shaky due to the subprime mortgage crisis and the growing eavesdropping door, But the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, and it is also difficult to acquire 20th Century Fox from them. It is conceivable that the price that needs to be paid is absolutely impossible.

However, William Chen knows that as long as the acquisition is successful, the small price is completely worth it, except that the copyright of the Marvel superheroes owned by 20th Century Fox can be returned to the Marvel Universe, which can make the Marvel Universe more complete, and can also obtain In addition to greater benefits, the complete film industry chain owned by 20th Century Fox can also make William Chen\'s film puzzle more complete.

As for MGM, the situation of this company is simply too complicated, and the chaotic relationship between shareholders, management and creditors has also led to the fact that although its acquisition price is lower than that of 20th Century Fox, it wants to complete the The difficulty of acquisition is not bad at all.

Therefore, after receiving these two commissions, Camilo Hagen\'s reaction was also very cautious. He understood that now is the time to really test the strength of Goldman Sachs.


When Marvel\'s acquisition was completed and the dust settled, an announcement was issued stating that the company had reached an agreement and that Meta Investment Company had completed the wholly-owned acquisition of Marvel. Once the news was released, it caused heated discussions throughout the United States.

This is Marvel!

Together with DC, it is an important part of American culture. Although Marvel has been struggling to survive all these years, it is undeniable that almost all American boys grew up watching Marvel comics. And its comics also have a wide audience among adults.

Therefore, William Chen\'s acquisition of Marvel has a huge impact in the United States, which can also be seen from the popularity of this discussion on the Internet.

Of course, there are also some ridicules about Chen William. The super rich has one more toy. In addition to movies, he is now reaching out to comics, probably to satisfy his childhood wishes.

And everyone knows that he has invested in Marvel before, and it seems that it is not so surprising that he can buy this company now.

Gu Xiao

Many people couldn\'t help but question how much money William Chen has. He just spent $4 billion to buy Ali stock in Yahoo\'s hands, and now he has spent nearly $2.5 billion to buy Marvel. Did he find out? A gold mine? Even gold mines are rarely so valuable.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world, and some well-informed media quickly answered it. It is said that William Chen\'s Meta Investment Company made a lot of money in the subprime mortgage crisis, making a lot of money, conservatively estimated to exceed 10 billion US dollars. This may also be the basis for his recent big purchases.

Uh, the 21-year-old billionaire, this matter seems to be more exciting than his acquisition of Marvel. Anyway, during this time, William Chen occupied almost all the media pages, but it was different from those who obtained huge sums in the high-tech field. The new rich man of wealth, William Chen was very well-known in the United States. Now the public has different opinions on him, and even they are at odds with each other. It may eventually take time for them to see more clearly.

Of course, some people will never give up this opportunity to gain popularity. Just like Ivanta\'s father, when he was interviewed by reporters and asked about the recent situation of the Troup Group, he said:

"My company? There is no difficulty at all. You must know that the subprime mortgage crisis has indeed hit the real estate market a lot, but we focus on high-end real estate, so it will not be affected too much. As for the funding issue you said? Don\'t worry. Well, we\'ll be able to settle it soon. All I can tell you is that we\'re talking to William Chen about his investment in us, yes, you heard that right, he\'s buying the great Marvel After the company, it is very wise to value the potential of our company.”

"What do you think about his investment? I have seen that many people do not understand his investment, and some idiots are talking about it, but I am different, I can understand him, what smart people can see is different from ordinary people. Yes, the facts will prove that whether it is to buy Marvel or invest in our Troup Group, it will be a very wise decision.”

When seeing his reports, William Chen was also a little speechless. He really is a marketing genius.

However, William Chen also had to admit that after all the hype, the effect was really achieved. On the one hand, it stabilized the company\'s situation, and on the other hand, it also said to other investors: Look, I\'m about to get the investment, do you want to bring in the money? Then quickly set a good price.

If it really creates a competitive situation in the end, the Troup Group will definitely be the one that benefits.

Chen William doesn\'t care about what the outside world thinks about his investment. Compared with everyone seeing him as a shrewd investor, William Chen is more willing to give him the impression of a prodigal. In this case, it is more conducive to his bottom-hunting. Anyway, in the end, it was Goldman Sachs who negotiated the price for him. For his own reward, They will also try their best. William Chen has no doubts about Hey, I really hope that everyone can see that their investments are made by gods later, so that the time left for themselves can still be used. a little more.

If there is anyone who is happiest when William Chen acquired Marvel, even more than himself, then it must be the Wang brothers in China.

It will take a little while for this news to reach the country, but the result is obvious, that is... Huayi\'s stock price has risen by the limit again.

When they saw the relevant reports, the Wang brothers immediately asked their subordinates to find more reports from the American side. After reading it, the two looked at each other and were speechless for a while.

"More than 10 billion worth? Or dollars? Is this true?"

Wang Zhonglei was still in disbelief, because the news was too shocking. You must know that Baidu, one of the three domestic Internet giants, had a market value of only $10 billion.

"It should be true. Didn\'t you read that it said that he went short in the subprime mortgage crisis and made a lot of money?"

"This is too incredible. I didn\'t feel that way before. Now that I think about it, this is a big rich man!"

When Wang Zhonglei heard his brother\'s words, he couldn\'t accept it for a while.

"No matter what, it\'s a good thing for us, especially William\'s acquisition of Marvel. It seems that we will continue to make superhero movies in the future. This is an opportunity. There are more places for us to cooperate. Don\'t forget, he Now he is a major shareholder of our company."

Wang Zhongjun instructed his younger brother, "Also, take good care of his few people, and don\'t make a mess of things that don\'t look good."

"Don\'t worry about this, I\'ve been paying attention, there will be no problem."