America's Road To Fame

Chapter 148: fairytale town

However, Yang Mi\'s opposition was eventually suppressed by a majority of votes.

After that, everyone still didn\'t agree on what game to play. There is hope to play guessing points. However, William Chen doesn\'t drink, and some singers rarely drink in order to protect their throats, so in the end everyone decided to throw darts.

There is a venue next to it. For this, Chen William is still very sure. After all, his body\'s ability to respond is really good. But Nai He was divided into groups by lottery. Six people were divided into three groups. It was fine at first, but after a few times, he was able to avoid performing.

And those groups that failed, all came directly to the stage, sang their own songs, and won bursts of applause in the bar.

But people stumble, and horses stumble. It\'s not that Chen William missed, but after grouping again, he was assigned to Yang Mi.

In the previous game, he could see that this girl was really not good at throwing darts, and it was a fortunate thing to be able to hit the target. Therefore, William Chen was still unable to move him, and in the end it was the two of them who chose one to sing.

At this time, William Chen wanted to say, just sing your famous song, "The Offering of Love"~

But at this time, she had not appeared in that TV series, let alone sang the theme song, so she looked at William Chen pitifully.

Seeing the helplessness on William Chen\'s face, the girl immediately started booing, and asked international friends to sing a song for everyone. All of a sudden, the people around her really responded.

"William, come on, I really don\'t know how to sing. I can\'t sing in my life. If I sing, I\'ll be out of tune, so don\'t make everyone suffer."

Yang Mi said with a bitter expression.

Seeing this, Chen William glared at her. Seeing her embarrassed sticking out her tongue, she didn\'t hesitate and walked directly to the stage.

At this time, others were still looking forward to the song William Chen was going to sing.

Chen William also knows his own situation. When it comes to singing, he can only say that he is not out of tune, and he cannot compare with these professional singers at all.

After arriving on stage, he pondered for a while, and remembered that in his previous life, there was a song he liked very much, and he even learned the guitar accompaniment version at that time.

So he borrowed a guitar from the band and sat on the bar stool in front of the microphone.

"William, come on!"

At this time, Yang Mi\'s voice came from off the field, she was really a girl who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

He secretly decided to let her sing "The Offering of Love" every day in the future. After Chen William glared at her, he calmed down, recalled for a moment, and then plucked the strings with his fingers. After a prelude sounded, he opened his mouth and sang:

I heard Snow White was running away

Little Red Riding Hood is worried about the big bad wolf

I heard the Mad Hatter likes Alice

The ugly duckling turns into a white swan

I heard that Peter Pan is not very big

Jack he has a harp and magic

I heard there is a candy house in the forest

Cinderella lost her beloved glass slipper

What he sang is the song "Fairy Tale Town" that was popularized by a certain internet anchor in his previous life. William Chen especially likes its lyrics. Only those who have experienced the hardships of life and have a certain experience can taste it from it. A faint sense of helplessness.

Chen William\'s singing skills are not good, but fortunately, this song is familiar to me in a previous life, plus I have my own understanding, so it sounds a bit decent, and his slightly magnetic voice is also for this song. Lots of extra points.

When he sang the above lyrics, everyone was just a little surprised. I didn\'t expect him to sing well. What\'s rare is that, as a Chinese, when he sings, his words are very clear, and the lyrics are a bit interesting. It seems that all They are all characters from fairy tales, but no one has heard this song before. Could it be that he wrote it himself?

Only the wise river knows

Snow White ran out of the castle because of playfulness

Little Red Riding Hood has something to restrain himself

The big red robe that turned into a wolf

There is always a colorful river winding through the fairy tale town

The perverse breath of magic

But twists and turns in love

The stream keeps raising the water

Involved in a curtain of time and water

let all long long ago

Time for a happy ending

If the previous lyrics just make everyone feel a little novel, from William Chen\'s singing "Little Red Riding Hood has something to restrain himself

At the beginning of "The Big Red Robe that Becomes a Wolf", some people immediately felt their scalps tingle. It seems that the lyrics of this song are not that simple.

Sure enough, at the back, if you put it into your thinking and continue to listen, you will feel the slightly heavy metaphor.

At this moment, singers including Zhang Liangying and Zhou Bichang are listening to Chen William\'s song with great interest. Although his singing skills are average, this song is really good.

At this time, Yang Mi looked at William Chen with glowing eyes - he was concentrating on playing the guitar, singing this song lightly, and staring at him like this, she only felt a strange feeling, and her heart beat violently.

After Chen William finished singing this song, everyone was quiet for a moment, and immediately remembered the warm applause.

What Yang Mi was thinking about was, what happened to him, why couldn\'t he look away from Chen William\'s body, and his face felt hot...

When William Chen returned the guitar to the band and returned to his seat, he began to face one problem after another.

Why haven\'t I heard this song, did he write it?

I didn\'t understand some lyrics just now, can you write a copy for them?

At this time, Chen William just remembered, it seems that this song has not appeared at this time, so what should I say? Hey, forget it, I\'ll bear it all myself, after all, it\'s easy to reveal the truth no matter how you make it up, saying that it was written by a friend in the United States? When a lie is investigated in the end, it will turn into countless lies, so I can only modestly say that I wrote it casually, and the inspiration comes...

Among them, Jane Zhang is the most positive. She brought pen and paper from the bar and begged William Chen to write down the lyrics. She really liked it.

So William Chen wrote the lyrics to her casually. When he wrote the complete lyrics, and then looked at the lyrics, everyone slowly realized the meaning.

If you just look at the surface of the lyrics, the colorful river, magic, Snow White, Pinocchio... everything comes to a happy ending moment. While some of the content is a bit puzzling, the entire lyrics feel catchy. In the first impression, this song is beautiful, sweet and gentle.

But when you have a certain social experience and have tasted the helplessness of life, and then hear this song, you will taste that Little Red Riding Hood has a red robe to restrain herself from becoming a wolf, Cinderella lost her beloved glass slipper, and Little Fishman Looking at the Golden Palace, I finally threw myself into the embrace of the bubble.

On the surface, Sleeping Beauty, who seemed to have been enchanted with vicious magic, was actually the lucky one who escaped the hardships of life.

When I look at this song again at this time, it\'s all negative and sad again. Ideal and reality are always separated. Many people have been influenced by beautiful stories since childhood, but when they enter the society, they are beaten to pieces.

Therefore, the glass slipper is beautiful, but we have lost it; Little Red Riding Hood is beautiful, but each of us needs to use a red robe to resist becoming a wolf.

The most beautiful love is just a bubble in the end, only the sad little mermaid, before dying in love, smear the sun into eye shadow, the beautiful moment will not be eternal, it will only be like a bubble, want to stay but can\'t stay before the funeral The last ray of light to live.

Then we will realize that this song is sad, although gentle, it is heartbreakingly tactful.

As expected of a professional singer, I just heard it once, and now looking at the lyrics, UU Reading Zhang Liangying has been able to hum it pretty well. The more she hums, the more she likes this song.

She asked a little embarrassedly:

"Mr. William, I really like this song so much, can you authorize me to sing it? If you can, I can talk about everything."

Looking at her eager eyes, Chen William will naturally not misunderstand what she thinks of herself, and can understand that this is the desire of a singer when he encounters a good song that suits him.

He knew that the other party\'s singing skills were good, and if she sang it, he would not disappoint the song, so he agreed indifferently and joked: "Yes, but I want to declare that I am not a professional musician. , I just wrote this song blindly, I don\'t have a score, I\'m afraid I can\'t help you too much."

"It\'s okay, thank you very much, as long as you can agree, they have recorded your singing just now, I\'ll go back and pick it up, and then find someone to make it and arrange it, then I\'ll give you a demo to listen to , if you are not satisfied with anything, you can change it at any time.”

"Uh, I\'m not professional about these, you can just figure it out."

At this time, Zhou Bichang also sighed inwardly. In fact, she also liked this song very much, but Zhang Jingying took the lead, and she was too embarrassed to go to her again. She could only watch the song fall into the other party\'s hands.

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