America's Road To Fame

Chapter 149: Movie finalization

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

After the bar was over, Chen William and Yang Mi came out together again. After getting into the car, he felt that the other party was looking at him strangely, and Chen William couldn\'t help asking.

"Oh, I didn\'t expect you to be so talented in music."

Yang Mi blushed slightly, turned her head to look out the car window, and said with her mouth.

"Hehe, I have a lot of talent, so I\'m always scared."

"afraid of what?"

"Afraid that there will always be someone who will discover my talent, be attracted to me, and fall in love with me."

"Bah, stinky fart!"

The current Yang Mi is just a little girl, so Chen William doesn\'t care too much about him.

"Send you home now?"

From the time they got in the car until now, William Chen\'s bodyguard has been waiting for his orders to see where he goes next.

"Ah." Yang Mi\'s face was still blushing, she looked at the time, it was past eleven thirty in the evening, so she said hesitantly:

"At this point, my parents and the others have already slept. For fear of affecting their rest, I said before that I was going to my friend\'s place tonight."

Hearing her say this, William Chen also had a bottom line, so he continued to ask:

"Then go to your friend\'s place?"

This idiot! Yang Mi\'s heart was complaining for a while at this time, should he be a girl\'s family to take the initiative to say it?

Seeing her expression, Chen William knew that he could no longer tease her, so he said directly:

"Why don\'t you go to my place? It\'s more convenient to have a guest room in my house. If you go to the hotel so late, it will be troublesome to be photographed."

Feeling Chen William\'s gaze, Yang Mi\'s winning streak turned a little more rosy, almost invisible, and nodded.

So William Chen instructed his bodyguard to drive back to Jiayuan in Haidian, where the property management is very strict, the Mercedes-Benz car drove directly to the underground parking lot, and then William Chen and Yang Mi got on the elevator.

"Your home is so big."

After entering the room, Yang Mi looked around and sighed.

And a bigger one...

Uh, what William Chen means is that his courtyard is being renovated, but if you want to live in it, you have to wait.

Visiting the decoration of William Chen\'s house, Yang Mi asked with a hint of panic in her tone:

"I, which room am I staying in tonight..."

Before she finished speaking, she was already pulled into his arms by Chen William and kissed her lips.

They are all adults. Since they came here, they are naturally ready. She did not resist. After the initial shock, she silently hugged his waist and closed her eyes.


After lingering in Yanjing for two more days, it was not until he received news from John Paulson that William Chen set off on the flight back to New York.

Before leaving, he instructed Li Ying that Lei Jun\'s investment should be handled by her alone. After all, most domestic investments in the future will require her to be responsible, not millions or tens of millions. The investment requires William Chen to come forward in person, so he is busy.

In addition, it is to help Chen William continue to buy a few houses of about 150 square meters in Beihai Garden, er, not too much, just four or five sets.

Of course, there is no need to buy in this one neighborhood, and there are many scattered purchases in the vicinity.

Thinking of when he said this, Li Ying looked at him suspiciously, um, the Golden House... No, it\'s an investment property, don\'t you understand this?

At the same time, he and Yang Mi have been together for the past two days, and their relationship has naturally heated up sharply. When Chen William asked about Yang Mi\'s future development plan, she said hesitantly, that the contract with Rong Xinda is coming soon. She is not ready to renew her contract at the moment.

She was contacted by an entertainment company in HK, and one of them, Maya, gave her a good condition. She could go to HK to develop and participate in the movies there. She is a little excited now.

Hearing this, William Chen realized that this time, it should be a few years before Yang Mi was going to develop in HK, but it was obvious that this decision was a great failure.

In the past, it was true that in the entertainment industry, HK was much more developed than the mainland, but in recent years, the focus of the domestic entertainment industry has begun to shift to the mainland. Many directors and actors from Hong Kong and Taiwan have begun to come to the mainland to receive plays. HK\'s film and television industry is in decline.

And Yang Mi chose to sign a contract with a HK company at this time and go there for development. It can be said that this operation is a little confusing. It can be said that it was a delay of the past few years, which caused her to be scammed in the film and television industry in the mainland. Many younger actresses came out and took a lot of opportunities.

And the other two who were far less famous than her fairy sword Sanmei before, also took advantage of the past few years to surpass their fame.

It is said that Yang Mi should be a very smart person. The reason for making such a decision may be the limitation of the times.

Therefore, William Chen pointed out to her that going to HK was not a good choice, and staying in the mainland would provide more opportunities. If she wants to, she can go to Huayi first, develop it for two years, and then invest in opening a studio for her, similar to Fan Bingbing\'s current situation.

After thinking about it, out of trust in Chen William, Yang Mi still accepted his opinion, so before leaving, Chen William agreed with Wang Zhonglei, and then Yang Mi joined Huayi Company.


Back in New York, John Paulson told William Chen that at present, more than two-thirds of the profits of the No. 1 Fund have been paid, and more than 15 billion US dollars have been withdrawn.

Among them, the short order of CDO bonds is the simplest, because the counterparty is mainly the purchasers of CDO bonds of large institutions, and the self-operated funds of a few large institutions can be fully redeemed as the counterparty. Therefore, the current short contracts of CDO bonds have been Payment completed.

The premium for CDS bonds is more troublesome. It needs to be paid after the other party confirms the default. This takes longer. At present, only about a quarter of this part has been paid. The next main work is to pay for this Some CDS bonds are subject to claim redemption.

Well, the results were good. William Chen asked John Paulson to set aside $10 billion in the company\'s account, and the remaining funds continued to be invested in shorting the stock market.

With the support of Goldman Sachs, at present his acquisition, the 10 billion US dollars is enough, and the remaining CDS bond redemption proceeds will continue to be invested in the shorting of the stock market.

It is also worth mentioning that it has now arrived on December 10, and it is only 11 days since the gold price fell to the recent low on December 21. The current international gold price has fallen below $850 per ounce. It seems that this is the last For more than ten days, the decline is also limited.

When his short position for gold futures is closed, another large sum of money will arrive, so Chen William is not in a hurry to keep too much money now.

At the same time, William Chen also instructed John Paulson to wait until the international gold price fell below $790 per ounce, and then he could start to close his position. Chen William was not prepared to wait until the lowest price to close the position, otherwise it would impress others too deeply. If he stepped on the right position every time he made such an investment, it would be a bit unreasonable.

And he also needs to reserve enough time for the future to do more gold, but he knows that by May next year, the international gold price will rise to 1,400 US dollars per ounce.

I feel like I am really working hard, but no, in the next time, William Chen rushed to Andy Haring, the director of "Magic Mike" It took two days to spend two days with him. Together they completed the final cut for this version of the Magic Mike movie.

For Harlem\'s previous editing, William Chen is still very satisfied. All he needs to do is to compare the original version and make some adjustments. Anyway, he didn\'t need to copy the original version completely, to be exactly the same.

His thinking at this time has changed a lot from the initial time. At this time, the importance of this movie to him has also decreased a lot. Therefore, as long as the difference is not bad and the pictures are similar, it will not affect the viewing experience too much. , it will not make people feel that there are still many differences between the original version and this movie after watching it, it is enough.

On the contrary, director Andy Haring was quite grateful to William Chen, thinking that the other party valued him very much. Although he initially said that he did not have the final editing rights, in fact, he did most of the editing work. Let him have a feeling of encountering Bole for Chen William.

At this time, William Chen naturally took the opportunity to encourage him, telling him that if the film ends up with a good box office, then the sequels can be given to him, so work hard, maybe you will be directing a series. .

This made Andy Haring continue to devote himself to the improvement of the film as if he had been beaten. It\'s not too long before the Christmas file is released, and there is still a lot of work to be done. For example, the publicity and promotion have already started.

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