America's Road To Fame

Chapter 147: you will sing later

Chen William turned his head to look, facing a familiar face, with obvious characteristics, that is big... Mi Mi.

"It\'s you, Miss Yang Mi." William Chen said very gentlemanly.

"Oh, you still know me, I thought you forgot the last time we met."

Hearing Chen William calling out his name, Yang Mi seemed to be a little surprised. After all, they only met once at the celebration banquet after Huayi went public, but they didn\'t expect Chen William to remember her.

It wasn\'t that time. After all, it\'s hard not to know a female star with such a high traffic in her previous life. It\'s just that she is still young now, and she looks fresher and more pleasing to the eye.

"Did Miss Yang Mi also return to Yanjing from Hangzhou?"

"Yes, I have an event over there. I just finished attending and I am going back. You, Mr. William, didn\'t you hear that you have returned to the United States before, but I didn\'t expect to see you here again."

It seems that Yang Mi is quite familiar with Chen William\'s itinerary, Chen William smiled and said:

"I have some business matters here. I plan to go back to Yanjing to deal with some matters. I will go back. Don\'t always call me Mr. William, just call me William. Miss Yang Mi hasn\'t been filming recently? "

After all, Da Mi Mi\'s nickname of San Niang is not for nothing. Most of the time, several dramas start shooting at the same time, which can be said to be a true master of time management.

"Oh, I want to take a break, but I still can\'t take it easy. I also went back to Yanjing to participate in an event, and I\'m going to join the crew again. I really want to take a break and go out to travel and play, but I think it\'s a young struggle now. At that time, I still persuaded myself to make a few more plays..."

The flight from Hangzhou to Yanjing took about two hours, and the two of them had a good time chatting.

After all, Yang Mi is a star, and her popularity is very high at this time. Therefore, after getting off the plane, the two exchanged contact information. After meeting together for time, they separated.

Chen William brought his bodyguards directly to the Yanjing office of Meta Investment Company, and Li Ying finally settled on the matter of investing in Xiaomi.

It\'s just that the company has not yet decided on a name, and it can\'t be called Xiaomi. At present, Lei Jun is still busy looking for the company\'s personnel.

After Chen William asked, he knew that Li Ying and Lei Jun talked about the result of investing 5 million US dollars and holding 15% of the company\'s equity. In this way, William Chen realized that Lei Jun still wanted to introduce other investors. As a person with many entrepreneurial experience, Lei Jun will be very cautious about the release of financing shares in the early stage. Therefore, when Xiaomi finally goes public, unlike Ali and Penguin, Lei Jun still holds more than 30% of the shares. The control of the company is very beneficial.

If 5 million holds 15% of the shares, then the valuation of this company is more than 33 million US dollars, which is completely within Chen William\'s tolerance. He once said that just Lei Jun alone, he will Willingness to value his project at $100 million is not something to be said lightly.

"Talk to him again, we want a 25% stake, and we can invest $10 million."

In this case, the valuation of Lei Jun\'s company will increase to 40 million US dollars. If he accepts his financing, he will not need to introduce other investors in the short term, and will release part of the team members at most. Shares, he himself can hold nearly 70% of the shares, which can leave a lot of room for future financing.

The reason why William Chen wants more shares is because he holds more than 20% of the shares, he will have more influence on the company, which will be conducive to the promotion of Siri and other companies\' businesses in China, because he knows that in the future Xiaomi will play a pivotal role in China\'s mobile phone market.

"And we hope to get the equity anti-dilution clause."

In this case, Chen William\'s Meta Investment Company can choose to follow the investment in Xiaomi\'s subsequent financing, so as to keep the equity ratio from being diluted.

Although I don\'t know why the boss is so optimistic about Lei Jun\'s project, since he has already ordered it, Li Ying still has to do his best to complete it.

When Chen William himself returned to the house in Jiayuan, Haidian, Chen Zihan was still filming, and even Zhang Yuqi recently received a play under the arrangement of Huayi Company and went to Hengdian. Chen William was fine for a while. But I was thinking about sending a message to ask what Fan Bingbing was doing when I suddenly received a message on the phone, which was sent by Yang Mi.

"Are you busy?"

"Just finished, it\'s alright."

William Chen replied.

Not long after that, William Chen\'s phone rang directly. He saw that the caller ID was Yang Mi\'s number that had just been saved, and he picked it up.

"Where are you now?"

Yang Mi\'s voice came from the phone, with a bit of laziness.

"At home, in Zhongguancun."

"Anything at night? Take you to the bar for a party?"

bar? The other party is a star, so aboveboard?

Seemingly guessing what William Chen was thinking, Yang Mi continued:

"Don\'t worry, it\'s a bar opened by a friend. Generally, it\'s just people in the circle to play. If there are no reporters, we usually go there. By the way, Master Huang, you know, it\'s the bar he opened."

Oh, good brother, it seems that Yang Mi and Yang Tianbao have a good relationship after that, and they interact frequently. It should be through the master Huang.

He was fine anyway, so William Chen agreed.

In the evening, Chen William first picked her up near Yang Mi\'s house. Her home is in Yanjing. Every time she came back, she lived at home. In order not to let her parents see her, she even let Chen William stay there. There was a distance waiting for her in the community.

"Why is there a car parked behind? It can\'t be a reporter."

After getting in the car, Yang Mi asked worriedly.

"Don\'t worry, my bodyguard is behind me, what\'s the location of that bar?"

Like this, Yang Mi stuck out her tongue. She knew that Chen William was a rich man, but she never thought that she would usually go out in this kind of pomp. Not only was there a bodyguard as the driver, but there was also a bodyguard behind him.

In fact, it is not Chen William showing off, it is indeed for the sake of safety. After all, although the domestic security in China is good, it is not something that can be ignored. After all, a place like a bar is already messy, and it was not a well-known actor a few years ago. He was also kidnapped and almost died, which was later made into a movie.

The founder of New Oriental, Yu Minhong, has also been kidnapped twice. The first time he was injected with an overdose of anesthesia. If an ordinary person would have died a long time ago, thanks to his special physique, he was lucky to survive. After this incident, he specially hired a bodyguard, but later he encountered a robber again. Fortunately, he was safe and sound thanks to the presence of the bodyguard.

Therefore, the so-called son of a thousand gold cannot sit down in the hall. Always be careful at all times.

After arriving at the bar, William Chen did see a lot of stars here, everyone had a good atmosphere, and even if they brought friends from outside the circle over, they would not take the initiative to disturb them.

So he and Yang Mi found a place to sit down and chat casually. The bar was not noisy and the environment was still very comfortable.

At first, Yang Mi wore a peaked cap and a jacket. After coming in, he took off his hat and jacket, and only wore the thin sweater inside, showing off his figure well.

Soon after, people who knew her well came to say hello, including Zhang Liangying, a singer who had a good relationship with Yang Mi, and the singer who debuted in Super Girl, and Deng Chao also came to toast Chen William and thank him for giving him the opportunity. Uh, in the end, Mr. Zhou and Hua Yi of "The Hangover" still recommended Deng Chao. Thinking of the funny style he left later, it is more suitable for this role. As for the problem of spoken English, it is not a big problem. His accent may have a different kind of funny effect in this movie.

Afterwards, a few more friends came, including Qi Wei, Zhou Bichang and others. After chatting, they started to play small games together.

Since this bar is often played by people in the circle, the reserved program is that the artists come to the stage to perform shows, most of them are singing, and they are all insiders anyway, and they can be let go.

Just now they saw a celebrity with a familiar face performing on the stage, so while they were joking, someone proposed to play the game, and the loser would have to sing a song on stage, which made Yang Mi a little dissatisfied, she said:

"It\'s not fair. You are not singers, but you have released singles. Even Brother Chao has sung a lot of songs, but William and I have never sang. It will be shameful for us to lose then."

Her words are also true, just like Zhang Jingying and Zhou Bichang are both singers, and Qi Wei\'s family also debuted as a singer, and even Deng Chao sang a lot of songs.

But others don\'t know, Chen William glanced at Yang Mi, feeling complicated. Eldest sister, you will sing in the future, the popularity of that song is not small...

American Road to Fame https://