America's Road To Fame

Chapter 14: Newbie Event Rewards

Ivanta was a little surprised by William Chen\'s words. She nodded and affirmed his words, saying:

"I agree with your idea very much, but sometimes you don\'t need to put too much pressure on yourself. William, friends often help each other at these times. If you need it, you can contact me at any time. By the way, do you want some Wine, the red wine in this restaurant is very good, you can drink some properly."

"Uh, no, if you want to drink, you can do whatever you want, Ivanta." William Chen took out a coin-sized badge from his pocket and said:

"Actually, I\'ve decided to quit drinking before, because you may have heard that when I was in Los Angeles, I attended too many Hollywood parties, and passed out because of drinking too much, so after I reflected, I decided to completely Staying away from alcohol, for which I did AA and got my sober badge, although it\'s only a short-term badge, and I hope to keep it."

"Your approach is great, William, then I won\'t drink anymore, we\'ll just have a good chat." Ivanta heard that William Chen had quit drinking, and she said in an appreciative tone: "Yes I don\'t know if I should ask, Gared, have you met? We are also friends. He talked about wanting to buy your shares in Building 666 and gave a good price, but you rejected it ."

"Yes, he approached me about this a week ago, and I rejected it. Ivanta, what would you do if someone said they were going to buy your Troup headquarters building?" William Chen asked back. road.

Around the world, there are many buildings named after "Troop", most of which are properties of the Troup Group.

In New York alone, there are five Troop buildings, including the Troop Building at 40 Wall Street, which Ivanta\'s father bought for $8 million in the 1990s. Once known as the "Jewel in Wall Street\'s crown," it is now worth more than $500 million.

And what William Chen mentioned is the Troup headquarters building, which is also located on Fifth Avenue. As can be seen from the name, the headquarters of the Troup Group is located in this building, and in the sky villa on the top floor of the building. , also lived with the Troup family, Ivanta also lived in it at this time.

"As long as the price is sufficient, the Troup Group has no products not for sale." Ivanta said lightly. Obviously, her words were aimed at Chen William\'s previous statement that Building 666 was his not for sale.

"That\'s what makes us different, Ivan Tower. Building 666 means a different thing to me, that\'s what my parents left me. Yes, a lot of people call me a prodigal, and I\'ll admit to my previous years. I did a lot of things wrong when I was there, which caused very bad consequences, not only lost hundreds of millions of dollars in assets, but also almost let this building leave my family." Chen William brewed a good mood and started his performance:

"The last time I passed out at a party in Los Angeles, the closest I\'ve ever been to death, I went back to New York and kept myself at home, reflecting on my past. I was deeply aware of the mistakes, paid the price for my immaturity, and finally, I vowed to make a change. And at that moment, I felt that the greatest force behind me in making this decision came from my parents, so I I secretly decided not only to take back Building 666, but also to fulfill my father\'s last wish, to continue his plan to renovate the building and make this building the most dazzling pearl in New York."

At this time, Ivanta quietly watched William Chen, who was gradually bursting out of sadness, with a light in his eyes. Looking carefully, the light seemed to be the tears he held back.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a sense of guilt for the thought of supporting Gared to buy his building. She seemed to be infected by William Chen\'s emotions, and Ivanta\'s voice became softer:

"William, I\'m sorry, I didn\'t know there was such a story here. I\'m really touched by your relationship with your parents, and I\'m proud of your ability to get back on your feet."

"Thank you, you are such a kind girl, Ivanta, I know this road will be difficult, and I have made too many mistakes before, everyone will look at all my actions with the impression of the past, but Now that I\'ve decided, I\'ll go on firmly." William Chen has fully entered the play, showing his acting skills to Ivanta.

"I will support you, William. But what I\'m worried about is that I know Gared, and with his character, I\'m afraid I won\'t give up easily. You are all my friends. I really don\'t want you to have any conflict." At this time, Wanta\'s impression of Chen William had changed a little, and he said a little tangled.

"I understand, even if you\'re on his side, I won\'t blame you, really, after all, you\'ve known each other earlier, have been together longer, and I heard that he\'s still pursuing you. But I hope we even have Conflict will also stop in the scope of business, even if he finally has a higher ability and wins, I will not complain."

"No, I just think of Gared as a friend, William, and if we know the time, we met earlier, didn\'t we? Although we have less contact because of your going to Los Angeles these years, but in the future we can With more time to get along, I believe we will also become good friends. You remember that I will support you, and if there is anything I can help, I will be happy to do it.” Ivanta said to William Chen sincerely talking.

After this meeting with Ivanta, William Chen returned home and remembered today\'s conversation. I remember in my previous life, Garred\'s two most famous deeds when he was young, one was the successful acquisition of the 666 Fifth Avenue Building; the other was the private acquisition of the "New York Observer", which is very well-known in Manhattan. .

It is mainly because of these two business achievements that Gared has received a lot of admiration, becoming one of the most sought-after diamond kings in the United States, and has also won the favor of Ivanta.

In the current world, because Chen William\'s father bought the building earlier, and now that the building has been passed on to Chen William, it is natural that Gared will not be able to buy it easily. The other "New York Observer" newspaper, I don\'t know what the situation is now, it seems that it still needs to be investigated.

On the second day, William Chen still came to the office in Building 666 to continue his studies. At noon, he received the news that the income from the previous investment had been credited, which was a full $475,237,852. The string of numbers makes Chen William feel particularly enjoyable.

Chen William immediately entered the future bank interface, and chose to repay. After confirming, he saw that the loan amount on the [Account] interface was displayed in the re-evaluation. At this time, he opened his bank account and found that there was 50 million less, and the current balance was about 425.2 million US dollars.

When he entered the [Account] interface of the future bank again, he found that his borrowable limit had turned into 100 million US dollars, from 50 million to 100 million. This time, the repayment amount doubled. Yes, very powerful.

Seeing that the [Account] page was still bound as Paris, William Chen silently gave her a compliment. It seemed that she was still very honest and didn\'t cause any trouble for herself.

Then he opened the [Event] page and saw the event inside - [Newcomer Investment Reward]

Congratulations to the new users who have made the first loan, please start your investment, we will give corresponding rewards according to the user\'s investment results. Please participate in the event in time.

At the bottom of this passage, the original [Participated] mark has become [Completed]. And there is also an option for [Receive Rewards]. After Chen William selected it, he saw a pop-up notification box—

Your event reward has been distributed to the inventory, please check.

Chen William opened the item bar with anticipation, and saw four items quietly displayed inside, he looked at it in turn, the first one—

[Random Temporary Credit Card (Primary)] Randomly select multiples to increase the amount, level: Beginner, random multiples will be selected between 1-25, and the validity period is 1 month. Note: This card can only be used when the amount is full, and the repayment will be forced when the expiration date is reached or the bound partner is judged to be deviating.

This is not bad. The key is to increase the amount according to random multiples. Now William Chen\'s quota is 100 million US dollars, which means that if he draws 1 times the amount, then his quota will become 200 million US dollars; if lucky Defying the sky, if he draws 25 times the amount, then he can lend 2.6 billion US dollars of funds.

But unfortunately, the validity period is a bit short, only one month, and now he doesn\'t have a good investment opportunity, so UUkanshu is temporarily unavailable. Then he went on to see the second item—

[Lucky Perfume (Primary)] Spraying this perfume can make you instantly become the emperor of Europe and bring good luck to you. Level: Beginner, valid for 1 minute.

This thing is good, and it can increase luck. In many times when luck is required, such as lottery draws and blind box opening, good luck is indeed very important at these times. But this duration is a bit short, only 1 minute.

Can you be a man and last longer, just like me? Chen William couldn\'t help but complain, but when he saw the previous [Random Temporary Raise Card], he suddenly realized that this card is to randomly select a multiple of the allowance, so if before using this card, spray it on Lucky perfume, wouldn\'t that have resulted in better results?

So this is the correct way to use lucky perfume? Thinking of this, William Chen couldn\'t help but silently gave 32 likes for his wit. However, the latter two items left him speechless. They were [Liuwei Dihuang Wan] and [Six Walnuts]. Are these two things, feelings, used to make up the number?

However, after using these two things before, the effect is not bad, and Chen William is very satisfied. Therefore, although it is a little regretful, this time there is no information that can help him make money, but at least it is useful.

Therefore, he decided to temporarily keep the [Random Temporary Credit Card] and [Lucky Perfume], and use it when the time is right. Then take out [Liuwei Dihuang Pills] and [Six Walnuts] and take them like last time.

There was still a burst of coolness flowing from the stomach to the dantian and the head respectively, and there was no abnormal feeling after that. Chen William returned to the [Events] panel and saw that there were no new events, so he closed the Future Bank interface.