America's Road To Fame

Chapter 15: Alicia's Background

Next, William Chen searched the Internet for news about the New York Observer, and found that the current owner of the newspaper is Robert De Niro, a well-known Hollywood movie star.

He bought the newspaper for $8 million two years ago from the newspaper\'s founder, the famous banker and sculptor Arthur Carter.

"Uncle Tom, my shares have been sold and the proceeds have arrived." William Chen called Tom, knowing that although he had been holding back and didn\'t ask for a while, he must have been under a lot of pressure, so the money arrived today. After the account, he was notified as soon as possible.

"How\'s the situation, William?" Tom asked with a little reassurance after hearing William Chen\'s talk about the benefits.

"I made more than ten times, haha, don\'t worry, the 70 million loan at the end of this month will definitely be repaid."

"Why, so many? More than ten times?" Tom even suspected that he had heard it wrong, and confirmed again.

"Yes, one of the stocks I bought is DryShips. You can look at the recent trend of this stock. I bought it half a month ago, mainly because of the money I made from this stock." Fortunately, Chen William bought it. Among the stocks, there is such a demon stock as DryShips, so when he can let Tom know that the funds are only 20 million US dollars, it is still very good to explain his income.

"My God, it\'s great, William. But this time, it\'s luck. After all, stocks are still relatively risky. Don\'t take such risks again in the future."

Knowing that William Chen really made so much money, Tom is naturally very happy, which also means that they can keep the building left by William Chen\'s parents. But now that he thinks about it, he is still a little scared. After all, this time, in his opinion, Chen William is too risky, and he bet almost all his chips. Once the investment fails, the consequences will be unimaginable. So I couldn\'t help but persuade him not to take such risks in the future.

"I see, Uncle Tom. I will only invest a part of my funds in the future. By the way, please help me check the information in the New York Observer. The more detailed the better."

When William Chen called Tom this time, in addition to telling him about the investment income to reassure him, there was another purpose, which was this.

"What? Do you have any ideas?"

"I\'m just interested in this newspaper. I want to know more. If it\'s suitable, I want to try to buy it." As the person he trusted most, William Chen naturally didn\'t need to hide Tom.

"Okay, if that\'s the case, those investigation companies are the best way to do this kind of thing. I can find a trustworthy investigation and consulting company to do this."

As for the New York Observer, Tom also knew something about it, and knew that the value of the newspaper would not be particularly high, so he didn\'t say much about William Chen\'s idea of ​​acquiring it.

"By the way, there is one more thing, Uncle Tom, this time I made so much money, I need to plan for the future investment. After all, if I simply keep these funds, I will definitely pay a large amount of tax when I file a tax return next year. So I need to find a professional to do these things for me."

April of each year is the deadline for filing individual income tax returns in the United States. Before this time, you need to fill in your income and report it to the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), and then make tax payments. Otherwise, you will face high fines once you are found out. even punishment.

You must know that the IRS can be said to be the most deterrent in the United States. Everyone may have no interaction with other departments in their lives, such as the CIA, FBI or the military, but they must definitely deal with the IRS.

The IRS in the United States has its own special law enforcement agency, and its combat effectiveness is even higher than that of the police or the FBI. There is a joke that those drug lords may not care about the police or agencies such as the FBI and CIA, but they never dare to provoke the IRS. The drug lord, under the investigation of the previous agencies, has been safe and sound, but because of tax evasion, he was arrested by the IRS and brought to justice.

Therefore, the most important thing for all people living in the United States every year is to be careful about paying taxes. Chen William directly earned more than four billion dollars this time, and he believes that there will be more income in the future. Therefore, how to make reasonable tax arrangements is already something he needs to be cautious about now.

The United States still has a high tax rate for the wealthy. At this time, the maximum personal income tax rate is 35%, but this is a national tax. Each state has different amounts of state tax, so all add up to more than 40%.

However, the tax regulations are very complicated. There are many tax exemptions, as well as deductible items or matters, such as losses, consumption, donations, and industries encouraged by policies. Therefore, William Chen needs a professional now to help him make reasonable decisions. investment planning.

Because it is ridiculous that his predecessor, because he has been in arrears all the time, miraculously did not have too many entanglements in this area, so he did not need to hire such tax consultants. This also made Chen William very speechless.

"This is also a very important matter and needs to be considered in advance. However, regarding tax matters, why don\'t you ask Alicia for advice?"

Alicia mentioned by Tom was the female lawyer he introduced to William Chen before, who helped him draft the contract with Jos\'s team and the non-disclosure agreement.

"Alicia? Is she an expert in this area?" William Chen asked strangely.

"She has also worked as a tax lawyer and is very professional. More importantly, William, you may not know her background, which is why I introduced her to you at that time."

"Background? What background does she have?" William Chen asked curiously.

"Alicia\'s full name is Alicia Frolick, and her husband is Pete Frolick." Tom just answered William Chen\'s words.

When he hung up the phone, William Chen immediately searched the Internet for information on Pete Frolick, and finally understood what Tom meant.

Pete Frolick, 38 years old, was elected governor of New York State last year. The governor of this age can be said to be a very dazzling political star. And this person, like William Chen\'s uncle and grandfather, belongs to the donkey party, so it\'s no wonder Tom wants him to have a good relationship with him through Alicia.

In this case, William Chen also agrees with Tom\'s judgment. As long as Alicia\'s professionalism is sufficient, it is also a good choice for her to do it. So he contacted Alicia. After learning about William Chen\'s situation, Alicia realized that this was a big order, and was very surprised that William Chen could have such a high income in such a short period of time. Subverted her cognition of Chen William.

So Alicia and Chen William agreed on a time to meet. After Chen William finished studying in the afternoon, he would come to Building 666, in his office, to discuss his affairs in detail.

Today\'s noon time schedule is very full, and then Chen William will take out a document to look at. This is the information on the current US stock technology stocks that he asked Jos to help organize.

After paying off Future Bank\'s borrowings, William Chen still has $425.2 million in his account. He has left $25.2 million for backup, the remaining $400 million, and another 100 million loan from Future Bank. US dollars, a total of 500 million US dollars, ready to continue to invest in US stocks.

But this time, he doesn\'t have the exact information about the Eye of the Future, but although this world is somewhat different from William Chen\'s previous life.

But at least 80% of the cases are still very similar. For example, the company with the highest market value in the world at this time is still Microsoft, while Apple, Google, Cisco, Amazon and other companies are still on the list. The iPhone 3GS was released this month, which is basically the same as the world development node of the previous life. Therefore, according to the memory of the previous life, it is still possible to roughly determine which companies have more development potential, and their stocks are more valuable for investment.

Chen William has also had his own thoughts on this. Even if the two worlds are slightly different, but they are in a similar development stage, those industries that will develop rapidly in the future can also be deployed in advance, such as online shopping and video. Industries such as video-on-demand, smartphones, and mobile Internet are destined to become the hottest industries in the future. Deploying these tracks will still yield rich harvests.

Therefore, after reading the information compiled by Jos on the current US stock market, William Chen chose Amazon, Netflix, Apple, MasterCard, Nvidia and these more potential stocks in the future tuyere industries.

In fact, there are still two stocks, namely Facebook and Tesla. UU Kanshu is also what William Chen wants to invest in, but the stocks of these two companies have not yet been listed, so William Chen called Jos. Let him use the $500 million in his current stock account to buy these five stocks of his choice.

Fortunately, these stocks are currently stocks with relatively high market capitalization and relatively large circulation. The 500 million US dollars invested in it cannot afford to splash too much.

It\'s just that William Chen is not sure what kind of income he can get from this investment, but fortunately, this time he won\'t worry too much about his future bank-bound partner, even if Paris makes a fool of himself. , was judged as a deviation by the system, causing his $100 million loan to be forcibly repaid, and he would not suffer too much loss.

"Let\'s get here today, William, we\'ll continue tomorrow." Erica said to William Chen with a smile.

Uh, it\'s to continue studying and clarify whether it\'s okay or not. Chen William felt that what she said was really... or maybe he thought too much. After sending off Erica, William Chen saw Alicia waiting there outside the office.

"Ms. Alicia, I\'m sorry to keep you waiting."

"It\'s alright, William, I just came here according to the time."

After the two entered the office and signed the entrustment agreement, William Chen told Alicia about his previous operations and earnings in the stock market. In this case, the client must trust the entrusting lawyer, so that the other party can understand the whole picture of the matter and can better serve him.

The profession of a lawyer relies on the trust of clients to survive. No lawyer will joke about his professional life. Therefore, since he has signed the entrustment agreement, William Chen naturally does not need to hide the specific income from Alicia, otherwise There was no need to hire her at all.