America's Road To Fame

Chapter 13: Ivanta's invitation

When Jos came to Chen William\'s office, his face could not hide his excitement. He held a newly printed form in his hand and handed it to Chen William, and then told him about the operation of stocks during this period. , and the final result.

William Chen didn\'t care about the specific operation, he just listened roughly, compared the table, and knew what to do. What he is most concerned about now is the return of investing in stocks this time.

This time William Chen invested a total of 70 million US dollars in the stock market, but the biggest part of the income was brought by the DryShips stock. Jos invested $5 million into this stock. Initially, the share price of DryShips was around $0.3, but the transaction was sluggish, and the daily trading volume could be said to be very low. Therefore, even if only $5 million was invested to build a position, the final The average price of positions has been pushed up to around $1.

The DryShips stock has indeed reached a price of up to $102 today, but when Joss started to liquidate the stock, the price of the stock was knocked down a lot, almost to the point of halving. Joss saw the trend. Wonderful, and suspended the operation of this stock.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, many investors poured into this demon stock, which continued to push up the price of the stock. In the end, the average price of this stock for liquidation was around $80. So the $5 million invested in this stock ended up being $400 million.

In the report of Eyes of the Future, Chen William also found two stocks, which have more circulation, so a total of 30 million US dollars was invested in these two stocks. In the end, the two stocks were half Months brought in a 2.2x gain, turning $30 million into $96 million.

Finally, there is 35 million US dollars, which is invested by the potential stocks in the shipping sector selected by Jos. These funds also bring 1.3 times the income, and finally these funds become 80.5 million US dollars.

In this way, William Chen\'s final balance of funds is $576.5 million, but investing in stocks in the United States is subject to capital gains tax, especially for holding shares for less than one year.

Among them, $200,000 was the commission of Jos\'s team, and then William Chen decided on the spot to give $3 million to Jos\'s trading team, of which Jos could get $1 million, and the rest of the team would get $500,000 each. After learning the news, Jos and the team members were naturally very excited. Usually, they might not be able to earn this money in a year.

The $3 million bonus is already very generous from Chen William, because this time, Jos\'s team is more about performing operations, and most of the specific stock selections are given to them by Chen William. And Jos also played a role in it, so he got a bonus of $1 million.

Of course, these 3 million and 200,000 commissions can only be obtained at the end of the month when their team\'s contract expires. Now William Chen is more concerned about what rewards he will get for the investment he completed this time in the future bank novice investment task?

However, when he opened the panel of Future Bank, he saw that the [Newcomer Investment Rewards] activity was still in progress on the [Event] page, and he could not receive the reward yet. He guessed that he needed to repay the future bank loan before he could Count the end of an investment. So he can only wait until the funds in the stock account reach the bank account to see what happens.

At this time, William Chen\'s phone rang, and he picked it up because it was a strange call.

"Hello, William, I\'m Ivanta." The voice over the phone came from Chen William\'s somewhat familiar voice, but I didn\'t expect it to be Ivanta.

"Hello, Ivanta, nice to receive your call, what\'s the matter?"

"There were too many people at the party that day, and I didn\'t have a chance to have a good chat. Will there be time? I made a reservation at the PerSe restaurant, and I hope to chat with you. I haven\'t seen each other for many years." On the phone, Ivanta told William Chen Invited.

"Just the two of us? Ivanta, you know about my recent situation, and I don\'t want to affect you." William Chen naturally wouldn\'t think that Ivanta had any thoughts about himself. He thought of Gared finding him a week ago. things, there is a faint suspicion in my heart.

"It\'s nothing, we are just friends talking about old times. Why do people care so much about what others say?" Ivanta\'s voice was soft and always sounded charming.

"Since you can think so, Ivanta, thank you for your invitation, what time is it?"

The last time I was at the party, I just met in a hurry and didn\'t talk much. Although this time Ivanta\'s invitation, Chen William thinks that it is likely to be related to the matter that Gared mentioned last week in the hope of acquiring Building 666, but this is still an opportunity for the two to have a better understanding. Not to mention, Ivanta itself is still very attractive to William Chen, so he doesn\'t mind accepting the invitation to see what she will say when the time comes.

After going home to take a bath, Chen William changed his clothes. When he looked at the wardrobe, he felt again that his predecessor might be related to the entertainment industry. Most of the clothes were fancy. This style is not what the current William Chen likes.

In his previous life, he was accustomed to business attire. Even if he usually wore some casual clothes, he usually wore more basic styles and didn\'t have any too flashy clothes. Therefore, William Chen decided that he had the time to choose according to himself. If you like it, go buy some clothes and come back.

In the end, he chose a suit that was not much in his wardrobe and drove to the Time Warner Building. The PerSe restaurant where Ivanta met him this time is a very famous top restaurant in New York and one of the members of the Seven Star Club of New York restaurants.

The so-called seven-star club is a double rating of three Michelin stars and four stars from the New York Times. The restaurant is not far from William Chen\'s house, on the side of Central Park, on the fourth floor of the Time Warner Building.

The popularity of this restaurant can be seen from one thing. When ordinary people come to PerSe to eat, they all need to book the next month’s meal on the 1st of each month, but it is a celebrity like Ivanta. , there will naturally be a lot of preferential treatment, and it is not really necessary to book a month in advance.

William Chen deliberately arrived at the restaurant ten minutes earlier than the appointed time. At the reserved seat, she saw that Ivanta was already sitting there. She was holding her cheeks and looking at the scenery of Central Park outside the window. The whole action was very elegant.

"Ivanta, I\'m sorry, I\'m late." William Chen walked in front of her, spoke, and sat opposite the blonde beauty.

"No, I came earlier, and I just arrived." Ivanta moved the delicate arm on the table, glanced at the delicate watch on the hand, and said with a smile: "I\'m dating you today. , so I didn\'t want to be too rude, so I came over earlier."

"Thank you for your invitation today, Ivanta. Although we met a few years ago, I have to say that you are more and more beautiful."

Hearing William Chen\'s praise, Ivanta laughed. She looked at the handsome and outrageous young man in front of her. The short black hair was a little messy, but it was inexplicably layered. The skin was not as pale as traditional aesthetics, because Half of the Chinese blood in the body has a slightly wheat-colored feeling, but it gives people a sense of health.

His pupils were as blue as the clearest gemstones, obviously derived from his mother whose beauty was still passed down from one generation to the next. At this time, he was wearing a well-fitting suit, and his posture was tall and straight, giving people a sense of handsomeness.

Every time I see William Chen, Ivanta can\'t help but secretly admire that God gave too much preference when creating this work.

She always has to use the things reported by the other party to remind herself that the man in front of her, who will fascinate people without realizing it, is a complete prodigal, not her own good match, so as to offset Ivanta Favorable feelings for each other constantly emerging.

"What\'s more surprising should be you, William, you were so delicate in the past, and everyone who saw you was full of love. After so many years, you look even better, you are simply God\'s darling, there must be A lot of girls are crazy about you, like Paris, isn\'t she by your side all the time?"

A woman\'s girlfriend love, William Chen heard Ivanta\'s words, especially the last sentence, the meaning in it is rich enough. Sure enough, the so-called girlfriend love, what kind of taste it has, only the people who are in it know best , and it is no wonder that in the previous life, the pair of girlfriends still fell out and no longer communicated.

"Appearance is only a natural factor. I hope to improve my ability. Just like you, Ivanta, you are doing very well. You are my role model. Although you have an enviable appearance, you are still constantly He worked hard to improve himself and made great achievements. UU reading" Business praise, this Chen William is good, after all, in the previous life, for business, his compliment skills have also been fully exercised.

At this moment, Ivanta was finally at a loss for words. When it comes to career, she glanced at Chen William and thought of the reports about his prodigal behavior, uh, I can\'t boast about you like this.

"I heard that you have encountered some troubles recently, right, William. If there is anything I can help, I will try my best. After all, although we haven\'t seen each other for a long time, we are still friends. I hope we can become good friends." In the end, Ivanta\'s conscience prevented her from flattering the other party regardless of the facts.

At this time, the restaurant finally started serving food. PerSe means "essence" in Latin, so the concept of this restaurant is to respect the ingredients and try to highlight and restore the original flavor of the ingredients. Most of the ingredients come from local farms, fresh and healthy.

William Chen tasted the appetizer called Salmon Tratare. The crispy egg roll was wrapped in salmon puree, with cheese underneath. There was a bit of fruity taste and a surprising sweetness on the inside, so that the whole thing would not be too bland. The matching small biscuits are sandwiched with salty cheese.

"Excellent restaurant." After eating a piece, he praised aloud. Looking at Ivanta, who was eating the dishes with elegant sips, he continued:

"After all, there are many reports about this. I admit that I did encounter some small difficulties before, mainly because I was too young and immature, and the investments I made were not well thought out. I have been reflecting on my own recently. Mistakes, work hard to make changes, I believe it will improve in the future. Thank you for your concern, Ivanta, but I prefer to use my own efforts to undo the consequences of my mistakes.”