America's Road To Fame

Chapter 110: Kardashian's new love

Wait, Rick? Lindsay Lohan?

Looking at the closeness of the two, William Chen seemed to see that one day in the future, Lindsay Lohan wrote Rick Walton\'s name on a piece of paper full of names...

"What are you looking at? Why do you feel your eyes are so strange?" Jessica sat next to William Chen again, looking at him, and said amusingly.

"Uh, it\'s nothing." William Chen shook his head and kept the cruel camera away, he said casually: "It may be because I\'ve been in here for a long time and I\'m a little dizzy."

"Go to the bathroom and wash your face, it will feel better. I\'ll go with you."

Jessica took William Chen\'s hand, and the two of them walked through the dimly lit seats under the shining of the stage lights, until they walked to the bathroom in the corner.

William Chen turned on the faucet and splashed the cold water on his face, feeling the slightest coolness indeed.

When he raised his head, he took out the tissue next to him and wiped his face casually. He saw Jessica beside him, with arms folded over his chest, smiling at him.

"What are you looking at?"

"Did anyone say..."

At this moment, Jessica put her hands down, walked in front of William Chen, and arranged the collar of his shirt for him. She raised her head, looked into his eyes, and murmured:

"You look amazing, especially your eyes..."

Before she finished speaking, she couldn\'t continue speaking, because Chen William lowered his head and choked her lips.

Seems like she was already prepared? Jessica warmly greeted her in an instant. She raised her arms, hugged William Chen\'s neck tightly, stood on tiptoe, and buried her whole body in his embrace. .

Chen William followed her strength, and the two retreated into the next door...

In the toilet, and then the door was closed...


When William Chen finished his clothes and returned to his seat, Roger and Kadaishan were nowhere to be seen, and Rick\'s side had been replaced by Britney, and the two seemed to be chatting very speculatively. , Chen William sighed, it seems that this friend temporarily escaped the bad luck of his name appearing on that list.

Looking at Paris, William Chen admired her a little, and he could still fall asleep at this time.

It wasn\'t until after Jessica came back that Rick called the waiter, and after a few words, the music stopped shortly after.

"Are we here today?" Rick and Britney walked over and said.

"What about Roger and the others?"

"Roger and Kadishan left first, and Lindsay also has something to leave first. Now we are the only ones left."

So everyone left together, and Chen William woke Paris up, but she was still a little dizzy, so Chen William directly picked her up by the waist, and several people walked out of the club together.

Rick offered to send Britney and Jessica home, and William Chen took Paris back to her.


"Roger, where are you? I\'ve been calling you all morning, are you still with Kadashian?"

It was not until noon the next day that William Chen called Roger.

"She\'s gone long ago, uh, we were together last night, William, don\'t you want to know more details?"

"I don\'t care about your troubles with her, but you just want to think about how to deal with uncle when he sees your lace news in the newspaper. I\'ll come to my place when I have time, and I want to know something about you. , about Rick."

William Chen doesn\'t want his cousin to hang out with Ka Daishan. That woman\'s private life is part of her traffic, so it\'s conceivable that if Roger is really with her, then... .

So become a regular visitor to those tabloid entertainment pages.

However, Roger is already an adult, and now William Chen has no position to accuse him of those things, so let his uncle have a headache.

What he cares most about now is the things that Rick mentioned last night, and the purpose of Rick\'s words.

It\'s like when you are killing monsters in the dungeon, and suddenly a stranger comes out and says that he wants to form a team with you and help you fight the boss, then your first reaction will be to doubt the other party\'s purpose, will it be? I want to grab equipment from you, and even want to explode your equipment.

After William Chen came to Meta Investment Company today, he asked Nielsen to inquire about the news of MGM. The current result is similar to what Rick said last night, and the information that Rick said was more comprehensive.

As for Rick, Chen William felt a little uncertain. He had always been relatively low-key before, and it can be said that he rarely found too many things about him in public information.

There are not many scandals even with female stars, just like last night, he seemed to have a good chat with Lindsay Lohan and Britney, and seemed to be close. But William Chen asked Jessica on the Internet today, and according to her, Rick sent Britney to his house last night, then sent her home, and then he left.

This kind of behavior is like the kind of person who is very restrained in his private life. It is often this kind of person, and Chen William will find it difficult to see through. So today he was going to get Roger and learn more from him.

As for Rick Walton\'s wish to invest money and join William Chen\'s investment plan, William Chen is also considering it.

At the beginning, William Chen promised John Paulson that he would establish a private equity fund for him later, but in William Chen\'s plan, it was when the aftermath of the subprime mortgage crisis began to unfold, and his previous fund already had When the profits are huge, start to build the private equity fund.

Because by that time, by...

Your own profit will also make others more actively join the fund, which is equivalent to a good publicity. Otherwise, there is no convincing record, coupled with the failure of John Paulson\'s previous fund, no one will dare to invest money.

And through such a private equity fund, William Chen can achieve two goals: one is to use other people\'s funds to make profits for himself. On Wall Street, the commissions of more well-known private equity funds are generally more than 20%, which is in addition to management fees. extra profit.

Now that William Chen\'s funds have been invested, through this fund, he can use more funds to make money for himself, and it is a profit without risk at all.

Another purpose is to be able to bind the interests of more people with oneself.

To make money by shorting the subprime mortgage crisis, even if Chen William has a certain background, it is not completely without concerns. After all, he did it through the collapse of the entire American financial system, so through this fund, he can also gain more supporters.

A great man once said that we should make many friends and make few enemies.


"How did I meet Rick? It was in Zimbabwe, Africa. I went hunting with my friends and met Rick. William, you didn\'t see Rick\'s pomp at that time. There were dozens of heavily-armed local soldiers. His command, there are helicopters and even RPGs in the team, those who don’t know it think they are going to war.”

"And then knowing that I was from California, he invited us to go hunting with him. We had a great time, zebras, African buffaloes, elephants, cheetahs, and we killed a lion."

In the coffee shop downstairs in the Troup headquarters building, William Chen listened to Roger talking about the process of getting to know Rick, and he continued to ask:

"Did Rick ask you about me specifically?"

"Not at first, but after we got back, you\'re so famous, William, you\'re just so coquettish. Several times...  

After seeing your report and the scandal with Paris and Ivanta, after he knew you were my cousin, he asked some things about you, that is, your previous situation. Then Rick told me that he thought the two of you were alike and could be good friends, so that\'s why I introduced him to you. "

Roger asked in confusion: "What\'s the matter, You seem to have some opinions on him?"

"That\'s not true. Yesterday he talked to me about the things he wants to cooperate with. I just want to know more about it before that." From what Roger said, William Chen did not find that Rick was too abnormal. Action, he thought about it, and asked:

"You said before that you wanted to tell me something else about your previous cooperation with Roger?"

"Yeah, he was with him yesterday, I can\'t say it. That is, after returning from Africa, I was a little interested in shooting a survival show similar to Bell, and he said he could sponsor me to do this kind of show."

"You want to survive in the wild like Bell? Haha, Roger, don\'t think so easily." William Chen took out his mobile phone, opened the "Observer" app, handed it to Roger, and said:

"Before that, I\'m afraid you have to face your uncle\'s anger first."

Shown above is the latest news about Ka Daishan - she broke up with her former boyfriend and threw herself into the arms of her new love.

That new love, there are pictures on the news, that is Roger and Kadaishan kissing in the car...