America's Road To Fame

Chapter 109: she took the initiative

"You\'re making other investments now, William," Rick said suddenly.

He looked straight at William Chen:

"I guessed it right. You can tell from your expression. Then, it should be your securities investment?"

"How did you know?" William Chen suspected that he was guessing randomly, although he did guess correctly.

"I said guess, do you believe it?"

Chen William\'s pupils were slightly condensed, and he still said lightly: "What is the basis? Don\'t say you just guessed."

"I said, I have studied your investments, William." Rick seemed to be more and more certain, and he continued:

"When you invest in those Internet companies, including Twitter and Siri, you hold the vast majority of shares, but for high-value companies like Netflix and Tesla, you only invest in a small part of the shares. For the companies that you fancy and can absolutely control, you will get the dominance."

"But I found out that you actually gave up the controlling stake in Building 666. If it is to sell shares, it makes sense to invest in other companies, but you let the Kushnar Group increase investment in this way to give up the building. control, which is not normal for your investment style.”

"And most of your sources of funds should be profits from investment in securities, which shows that you have a sharp vision in securities investment. In this case, since you have the ability in this regard, then the move to give up the controlling stake in Building 666 is a more suspicious."

"In addition, you said that you have no funds now, so where have all your funds gone? Have all the previous acquisitions really been used up? So I guessed it, but now it seems that I guessed correctly. "

Listening to Rick\'s clear analysis, William Chen realized that his previous intuition was correct. Under his cynical appearance, it really wasn\'t that simple.

But why is he paying such attention to himself and studying himself? If he wanted to be detrimental to him, wouldn\'t it be too stupid to show it earlier?

So William Chen asked: "Why me? Instead of studying others?"

"It\'s a big coincidence. I did know Roger when I was in Africa. You know, I\'m used to investigating the background of people who take the initiative to contact me. As a result, I found you. I said, Our experiences are very similar, so I checked a lot of information about you, and the more I checked, the more interesting I found."

Rick turned his head, looked at the night sky and said, "We are a kind of people, although not exactly the same, but we all came from rich families, we were all confused, and we all need to prove our abilities. Moreover, I need allies, initially I\'m not sure, but I\'m thinking more and more now, William, you\'re the right person."

"To be honest, I\'m not interested in these ideas of yours, I just want to know what your purpose is."

"I understand you, William, it takes time to build trust, but for now, I want our trust to have a good start."

Hearing this sentence, Chen William\'s pupils shrank again, because he once said similar things to others.

But I heard Rick continue: "Now, I hope to be able to stand with you. You are shrinking your strength, I believe there must be a big move, then, as the basis of trust, I hope to join in."

"I can put $100 million into your investment, and to show my sincerity, if you have the idea of ​​buying MGM, I can help you invest $30 million in MGM, and let them stick with it for a few more years. Months, if you want to buy it, I will sell you those shares at the original price."

"I need to think about it, Rick."

"Okay, I\'ll wait for your reply. I hope you understand that I have absolutely no malice, otherwise I wouldn\'t tell you this now."

Yeah? Chen William is not sure now, and he does need to think carefully before making a decision. Although what Rick said, there seems to be no loopholes at present, and the basis of his analysis can be found through public information. However, William Chen still has to make sure that there are people around him who have leaked information.

When the two returned to the club, they saw that everyone was still in a carnival. At this time, Paris actually started drinking again. She was standing on the chair, fighting with another Kadaishan who was standing on the chair.

Seeing this scene, William Chen walked directly in front of Paris.

This silly girl looked at Chen William with a hazy eyes, and said with a smile: "William, why are you here? Why did you come here? Come and dance with me."

After she finished speaking, she jumped directly onto Chen William\'s body, and the wine glass in her hand fell directly to the ground and shattered into pieces.

Rick pointed at the waiter by the side, and the other party hurried over to clean up the debris.

William Chen hugged Paris, put her on the sofa beside him, and said to her, "Paris, please be quiet for a while, or I\'ll take you home now."

Paris didn\'t know if she heard it or not. After struggling a few times, she found a comfortable position on the sofa, and she seemed to fall asleep.

"Nancy, help me take care of Paris. If she wants to drink again, take her home." William Chen said to Paris\' female bodyguard.

William Chen came to the side and found a sofa to sit down. He needed to think carefully about what Rick had said to him just now, and figure out what the other party wanted.

At this moment, a fragrant wind blew, and Chen William turned his head to see a woman sitting beside him, with long hair and a shawl, wearing a low-cut dark blue dress. The deep career line was like a black hole that attracted attention.

"William, don\'t you want to go dancing?"

Jessica rolled her long hair on the side of her face, her eyes shining, and said to William Chen.

"I don\'t really like that setting, Jessica."

"Yeah, that\'s not quite like the William I heard about."

"It was unreliable to rely on rumors to understand a person."

Because of the sound waves in the arena at this time, the two of them have to speak in each other\'s ears, amplifying their voices slightly.

Because she had just pulled her hair behind her ears, at this time William Chen could see that Jessica\'s ears were very small and delicate.

A thought suddenly flashed in his mind, that is, he forgot who said that a woman\'s ears are very similar to hers. I don\'t know if that\'s the case?

Jessica approached Chen William again, with the familiar aroma, and said in Chen William\'s ear, "Then I don\'t know how you understand me now?"

"It hasn\'t come and understood."

Hearing Chen William say this, Jessica tilted her head and didn\'t know what to think. Just as she was about to speak, there was a loud noise on the dance floor. The two looked over there, and it turned out that Roger and others were already there. Twisted there.

Chen William took a closer look, and the other party was Ka Daishan\'s boyfriend, who seemed to be an athlete, tall and strong.

He immediately got up and walked towards the place where the two were scrambling. Seeing Kadaishan crying beside them, the other girls also looked at him with bewildered expressions.

It happened suddenly, and many people didn\'t have time to figure out the ins and outs.

However, William Chen, Rick and the bodyguards immediately came to separate the two. William Chen hugged Roger\'s waist and pulled him aside: "Roger, calm down, what\'s going on?"

"F**K, William let me go, this kid dares to attack me first, I\'m going to smash his dog\'s head!"

After pulling the two sides apart, the conflict was finally settled. After Chen William asked, he finally understood what was going on. However, it was Roger who invited Kadaishan to dance together. Under the influence of alcohol, their actions became somewhat ambiguous. As a result, Kadaishan\'s boyfriend couldn\'t stand it any longer and wanted to take her away, and a conflict broke out.

"Roger, I told you before that Kadaishan\'s boyfriend will also come with her, so you don\'t go too far, you will mess with me when you drink TMD!"

"She took the initiative at all. Do you want me to be indifferent, William, it\'s not my fault at all, that kid came first to do it."

Hehe, I believe in you, if it was said that you took the initiative to seduce others, and the other party did not resist, or even catered a little, Chen William could still choose to believe it. It turns out that it was Kadaishan who took the initiative, WTF? Is she crazy to seduce you in front of her boyfriend? The other party is not a tauren, or else they will come up and do it.

However, what happened later made Chen William stunned for a while, and he couldn\'t help but sigh that he was still young.

I only saw Kadaishan being pulled aside by his boyfriend. The two seemed to be arguing fiercely about something. In the end, her boyfriend seemed very angry and reached out to pull her away, but Kadaishan pushed her away. Because of the conflict, the music on the field had stopped, and William Chen could faintly hear Ka Daishan saying something like "We are finished".

When Roger saw this scene, he would definitely not miss expressing himself, when Kadaishan\'s boyfriend seemed to be violent, he quickly stopped in front of her: "S***t, do you still want to do it? Come at me, don\'t be brave with women, come on, try who gets beaten down."

Rick and Chen William saw this and rushed over at the same time, blocking both sides.

"Sir, it looks like Ms. Kadaishan doesn\'t want to go with you. I hope you get out of here. You are not welcome here." Rick said coldly to Kadaishan\'s boyfriend, er, maybe it should be called his ex-boyfriend now. .

"Shit, you bunch of shit!" The athlete looked at the crowd he was facing, and finally spit on the ground and left here bitterly.

Seeing that this matter was finally subsided, Rick looked at everyone and said loudly:

"Sorry, there was a little accident just now, but now it\'s settled, let\'s continue! DJ, let\'s play music!"

So the music continued to play, and everyone started drinking and dancing again.

It\'s as if what just happened never happened.

And William Chen returned to the sofa and sat down. Seeing what happened just now, Paris was still lying on the sofa and fell asleep. Roger walked over to Kadishan with a proud face. I don\'t know what he\'s talking about; on Rick\'s side, he\'s sitting and drinking with Lindsay Lohan and seems to be having a good time chatting.