America's Road To Fame

Chapter 111: 2 out of 1

"On October 1, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernant, in his speech to senators on the recent situation in the US housing market and subprime mortgage market, pointed out that the recent real estate price volatility in the United States is within a healthy range. The impact on the subprime mortgage market does not exceed $100 million in damages.”

After reading the news on his mobile phone, William Chen didn\'t know what to say.

In fact, it is not that the Fed is unaware of the danger posed by the continuous rise in housing prices. The continuous rise in mortgage interest rates is the result of their intervention. Since 2006, the Fed has raised interest rates on loans 19 times in a row in an effort to control lending risks.

But now it seems that they are too optimistic about the current real estate market. On the phone just now, William Chen and John Paulson also discussed the current situation. The analysis result given by John Paulson is that Not even the Fed is aware of the risks in the subprime bond market, and whether they ignore the sheer size of this market or whether some people don\'t really want them to see it, that\'s unknown.

Roger left excitedly. After William Chen gave another idea to the show he mentioned, he seemed to have found an idea that made him even more excited.

"There is a premise that you can handle the relevant departments. If so, I will support you to do this show."

That\'s what William Chen told him at the time, so Roger couldn\'t wait to find someone to get support.

After getting off the bus, William Chen walked into the building in front of him, got on the elevator, and arrived at the floor where he was.

"I have to say, the place you chose is very good."

"Thanks for the compliment, William, but it\'s far from your company, isn\'t it?"

Alicia walked beside William Chen and led him through the outside office area and into her office.

"At least it\'s a good start, the only fly in the ointment is that it\'s a little off here."

"Now I have to work hard for myself, so everything has to be calculated carefully, and this is the best place I can find within the rent I can afford."

Alicia was wearing a beige dress today and looked good, at least she didn\'t feel the tiredness she had before.

"I saw the previous news, congratulations, you made the right choice, I said, Alicia, you are a smart woman."

After arriving at her office, William Chen sat on the sofa and looked at the office area outside through the glass partition.

"I don\'t think you\'re complimenting me, William. Put away your rhetoric. Yes, I need your business, but that doesn\'t mean I have to endure your humiliation to me all the time."

Alicia was almost unable to control herself at first, but she glanced at the subordinates outside, and then lowered her voice and said to William Chen.

Seeing that she was sitting on his chair, and the ups and downs of emotions could still be seen on her chest, Chen William didn\'t think it was a pestle at all:

"You got one thing wrong. I didn\'t humiliate you, I just wanted you to recognize the truth. Also, why are you so mad at me? For having **** with me?"

"I don\'t want to bring this up again."

"I need you to be trustworthy, not to be my woman, Alicia, I want you to be smart enough not to be controlled by your emotions, otherwise I won\'t trust someone who is irrational to do things for me. But you I know in my heart, that matter, whether you really think this way can reassure me, or whether you gave yourself a reason to take revenge on your husband, you know this better than me."

After William Chen said these words, you can see that Alicia opened her mouth, but still didn\'t say anything, and there was a moment of silence between the two.

After a while, Alicia\'s tone softened and she said, "William, I don\'t want to talk about these things in the office, let\'s go out and talk."

"Indeed, you should make a partition here, Alicia, it\'s not necessary to make it so that others can look at you."

"This is the weakness of women in the workplace, William, and there is credit to all of you men. If it\'s a sheltered office, women will be pointed at if they stay with the male boss for a long time; Male clients will be gossiped when they stay for a long time. Do you think I want to?”

"But it\'s undeniably easier to take shortcuts, isn\'t it?"

"Follow me." After speaking, Alicia walked out of the office, and William Chen followed her into the elevator and saw that she pressed the button on the top floor.

"Where is this going?"

"On the roof, don\'t worry, I won\'t die with you, it\'s just easier to talk there."

"Just talking?"

"You can continue to mess with me like this, William, if I really jump off with you in my arms."

"This is you, Alicia, that weak look just now, I almost don\'t know you anymore."

"Because it\'s useless to be weak. The weaker you are, the more the other party will gain an inch, just like you."

The wind on the roof was obviously much stronger. Chen William\'s windbreaker was blown up, making a hunting sound. He put his hands in his pockets, looked at Alicia\'s raised hair, and said lightly:

"I\'m not the same, I don\'t take anything, I just stay away. If you\'re too weak, it\'s just a danger to me."

"What do you want from me?"

"Choose one of two, my legal affairs or tax."

"Is that why you wanted to provoke me just now? William, want me to quit?"

"Don\'t call me like a scumbag, although sometimes I don\'t deny it. But I still hope you understand that I choose you not because you slept with me, but because your ability is enough to match. "

"You mean my current abilities don\'t match both of these?"

Alicia looked at William Chen\'s handsome face coldly, with mixed feelings. If she was asked to choose again, she would not even be sure that she would come out resolutely when she walked into his door that night?

"Unless you only do things for me, give up your current office. But will you? Alicia, you should know that with the development of my company, these two affairs will become larger and larger in the future, When you are outside of my system, I can\'t be in your hands."

"I choose legal."

"Hmm, a very smart choice." Hearing the result as he expected, Chen William nodded and said to Alicia: "At the same time, I can give you another choice. You should have the investment record of my company. It is also clear that I will form a private equity fund, you can put $2 million into it, and the return should be good.”

"Although I\'m very excited, I don\'t have that much money."

"I will pay for this money, but I will exchange it for 30% of your law firm\'s shares. Of course, you can rest assured that I can allow you to buy back these shares with $2 million at any time, which is equivalent to me giving you interest-free loan.”

"Shouldn\'t I be worried that you will lose all this money?" Alicia asked suspiciously. After all, William Chen\'s proposal would definitely be beneficial to her, if the income was really similar to what he had before.

"Then you can consider whether it is necessary for me to screw up a private equity fund for your firm."

"Then why did you do it? Is it for my own good? Or because you feel owed?"

"Neither, I said, I need you to trust me. But trust is also mutual, what I do is to give you a foundation to trust me. You need to know that I will not treat those who stand with me badly. "

"Okay, I agree, I can sign the contract later."

"Don\'t be in such a hurry, it\'s not too late to wait until the private equity fund is established." William Chen said, and asked, "How are you now? I mean you and Pete have regained their family?"

"It\'s just on the surface. We have been sleeping in separate rooms since then. I can\'t forgive him. After he came back, he confessed to me that in addition to recruiting prostitutes, he was also a good friend with my former colleagues. , UU reading The two of them slept. What can I say? Tell him that although he slept with my best friend, kept it from me and made me a joke in the eyes of others, I would still forgive him ?I can not do it."

Alicia walked to the door they just walked out of, closed the door, turned around and said to William Chen: "So, at most, I will maintain this superficial relationship with him, you are right, this is the best choice for me. ."

"There is no optimal choice, it just depends on what you want. If you want freedom, you have to bear the lost benefits; if you want to gain benefits, you have to endure the status quo. ."

"You\'re right, William, this is what I chose." Alicia walked to William Chen\'s side and asked, "Now, have you got the answer to everything you want to ask and know?"

"Yes, I can leave now."

As soon as William Chen finished speaking, Alicia hugged him, she frantically searched for his lips, and then kissed...

"Alicia, are you crazy? This is the roof!"

"Don\'t you want to? Here..."