All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 990

When the fear demons lurked down one by one and hid in the dark to observe this strange planet and the strange residents living on the planet, two guests were welcomed on Zhang Cheng\'s space carrier.

One of them is a familiar old Chen, while the other is a cold looking woman.

Staring into their eyes, he asked expressionless, "what\'s the matter?"

"Of course! I heard that you used one tenth of the expeditionary army in exchange for hundreds of low-strength spies to sneak into the Harlem society?" the woman asked in a bad tone.

"That\'s right! But my fear Lord is not just a spy! They are the best conspirators, enough to subvert a seemingly powerful country or organization from the inside. The reason why you failed to attack before is that you relied too much on violence and regarded it as the truth of conquering the universe. Of course, to some extent, I also agree with the importance of violence, but in violence When it\'s not enough, I\'ll take another strategy, "Zhang Cheng explained without panic.

However, the woman obviously didn\'t think so. She retorted with a sneer: "do you know the social structure of the harlems? Do you know the distribution of their rights, power and resources? No! You don\'t! So your ridiculous plan is doomed to failure. Don\'t waste time, newcomer. You don\'t know what a real superstring war is at present."

"Hey! You\'ve gone a little too far!" Lao Chen, standing aside, said.

"Too?" the woman turned and stared at him with two vertical pupils like reptiles. "You know how much time it takes me to build an expeditionary fleet? But what about this guy? He didn\'t even think about it, so he buried one tenth of his strength as a cover."

"Shut up! Remember, that\'s the decision of the initiator. If you have any complaints, go to him and don\'t play prestige in front of a new person." Lao Chen scolded without weakness.

From their tit for tat attitude, it is not difficult to see that their relationship is not good, and it is by no means the first time they quarrel.

"Hum! It seems that you are on the side of the newcomers this time, aren\'t you? Let\'s wait and see what effect this so-called thief plan can have." after that, the woman turned into the time-space linker and returned to the headquarters with the power of the main string.

Looking at the unstable overflow energy emitted from the crack, Lao Chen helplessly sighed and explained: "That woman was responsible for technology research and development and logistics support just now. Almost all expeditionary fleets, clone soldiers, weapons and equipment came from her. In addition, almost every expedition will produce a lot of wear and tear, resulting in some irritability in her nerves. But don\'t worry, usually she just complains and loses her temper, and won\'t go to the initiator A complainant. "

"So she came to demonstrate today? She thought I was a newcomer who had just joined the organization and looked easy to bully." there was a dangerous light in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes.

"Damn it! Promise me not to go crazy, or you will be besieged." old Chen clenched his teeth and issued a warning.

Perhaps if other people in the organization make such a response, he will regard it as a verbal vent, but the guy in front of him is definitely not just vent.

"Relax, I\'m not so stupid. But since someone takes the initiative to provoke, I\'ll fight back accordingly. I believe it will be very exciting to beat the lady\'s face in the regular meeting after my plan conquers the dark planet, won\'t it?" Zhang Cheng\'s corners of his mouth rose slightly and showed a meaningful smile.

You know, he is not the kind of person who will swallow his breath, especially a second-line member in charge of equipment and logistics.

you \'re right!

It\'s a second-line member!

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, such people engaged in scientific research and logistics supply are basically the irreplaceable core of a country or organization.

Unfortunately, in the superstring war, their greatest use is not to invent anything new, but to effectively integrate all technologies in the conquered areas, that\'s all.

This means that the traditional concept of focusing on R & D and innovation does not work here, or even faster than plundering other civilized technologies.

On the contrary, those front-line combat members, each with unimaginable power, can easily destroy galaxies when necessary. They are the irreplaceable main force.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng, who has the power of stellar Titans, is such a main attack force.

Although he doesn\'t quite understand what the other party suddenly came to the door for, he won\'t turn a blind eye to this provocation. He must make a tough response.

"Hey, it\'s up to you. Finally, you\'d better not fail in your plan, or..." Lao Chen deliberately delayed a long voice, and the implication is self-evident.

"I see! There is no word" failure "in my dictionary." Zhang Cheng promised categorically.

He is not a fool. He understands that this task is essentially a test of his own ability and vision.

If it succeeds, it will be easy to say anything. It means that it may be assigned to a certain region to be solely responsible for attacking cities and territories in a region and expanding the scope of influence of the organization.

But if it fails, it is impossible to obtain major rights for a long time. Maybe it will be marginalized and completely reduced to the role of consultant.

After all, within the organization, the rights section not only means mastering a huge fleet and resources, but also means being able to take a main chord as the center and establish its own base.

"I hope so! I have great expectations of you!"

After leaving this sentence, Lao Chen also left the Mothership and returned to the headquarters.

After the two disappeared for more than half an hour, Zhang Cheng, sitting in his chair, muttered to himself with a smile: "interesting! An organization that seems United but is full of fierce competition. It seems that the main string is an irresistible temptation for each member. In that case, I\'ll show my ability a little."

The voice just fell!

He turned to Polak, the Lord of doom, who stood behind him and said nothing, "go! Inform all the demons of the Legion that it\'s time to start a hunt and let all the demons begin to evolve in a stronger direction."

"Hunting? You mean..." Pollack\'s eyes twinkled with a green flame symbolizing evil energy.

"I believe you have seen how powerful the Harrisons are! Devour them! Or be killed by them! This is my chance to give the new Burning Legion! You are too weak. If you don\'t want to become like downright cannon fodder, fight hard."

"As you wish! Supreme Master!"
