All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 989

Irena FASS, the name of the living planet of the era under the feet of the haresens, translates into the eternal dark land.

Just like its name, it is far away from all stars. In addition, there is an energy called Tongguang in the atmosphere, which makes the sky like a closed iron curtain to isolate the whole planet from the outside world.

From the moment of its birth, the Harlem people bred here are full of legend.

According to human aesthetics, the men among them are handsome and handsome, and the women are beautiful and attractive. In addition to the bright black color of the skin, there are almost no defects all over the body.

Most importantly, they are too close to the main chord, so they have evolved a unique special constitution that can extract energy from the crystals inside the planet for their own use.

Moreover, after unknown billions of years of catalysis, the whole planet is almost a huge energy crystal, which is far more dangerous than any star.

If you use some powerful weapons to destroy it directly, God knows what will happen and whether it will cause irreparable damage to the main string.

It is for this reason that the organization chose the most time-consuming landing operation, hoping to occupy the planet rather than simple and rough destruction.


With the bombardment of the Starfleet and the start of countless large-scale logins, the originally silent ground ushered in a terrible war.

The gray crystals of these wearers fixed on the body surface with unknown pikes, in small groups, continue to release energy shocks comparable to millions of tons of equivalent nuclear warheads, each time causing extremely considerable casualties, especially without the support of the Mothership\'s protective cover.

A total of 2 billion is like an ant moving an overwhelming army of cannon fodder. It was destroyed without support for ten hours.

No bodies or any mutilation left!

Some are just high-energy particles with strange light spots in the air!

"Hum! Stupid invaders! They are like ugly fish in the underground river. They look like a large number, but in fact they can\'t pose a threat." a man stroked his long black and purple hair and despised it with disdain.

"Don\'t be careless! I always have a bad feeling that there are fewer invaders this time than last time, and they don\'t seem to come to fight at all, but they seem to come to die." a woman nearby gave a warning with her eyebrows locked.

Just when the man wanted to say something, a huge black shadow suddenly fell into the sky, turned into a black shadow and directly drilled into his nose.

Next second

He fell to his knees with a plop, his eyes flashing a strange red light, and the muscles on his face were painful and happy for a while, as if he had committed some terrible disease.

But before the other members of the team could react to what had happened, the whole man twitched twice, followed by a complete fainting.

"Hey! What\'s the matter with you?" the woman quickly squatted down and slapped each other on the cheek in panic.

You should know that because of their physique, Harlem people never get sick, nor age or die. Unless they are killed, even if their hands and feet are broken, they can be repaired by mysterious spells.

"We must take him back quickly! Let\'s go! There are no enemies here." the leader ordered with a dignified expression.

Soon, the team took the guy who was in a coma and ran on the ground with great speed. After a while, it entered an entrance to the underground.

They did not notice that the wounded who fell to the ground and fell into a coma had secretly opened their eyes and carefully observed the surroundings.

In fact, at this moment, there are not only one but hundreds of teams with suddenly unconscious wounded. Some teams even fainted more than two members.

Needless to ask, these poor guys have been occupied by the demon of fear, and they are no longer the same person.

After all, their physical quality and strength are incomparably strong, which does not mean that their souls are equally strong.

On the contrary, in the long-term isolation from the outside world, most Harlem people have an arrogant attitude, feel that they are the Supreme Master of the planet, and there is nothing to compete with their incomparable self.

In addition, the expeditionary army was easily eliminated, which further contributed to their arrogance.

As a result, I met the fear devil who likes to play tricks and tricks, and was caught all at once.

More than half of them collapsed under the terrible mental torture, the soul was swallowed, and the body was replaced by the demon of fear.

There are also some strong willed people who, without exception, have been forcibly suppressed and lost control of their bodies.

As the first lord of nasrezm, bellom has taken the body of a male Harlem and is rapidly digesting the residual language, knowledge, habits, interpersonal relationships and other information in each other\'s mind.

When he arrived at an underground city with huge energy crystals, he opened his eyes and pretended not to know anything. He asked, "what\'s going on? What happened? How did we come back?"

"Are you awake?!" the team leader stared in surprise.

"Yes! Tell me what\'s going on?" bellom winked, pretending to be innocent.

"You suddenly fainted on the battlefield and scared us all," another team member volunteered to help explain.

"Faint? Damn it! Why don\'t I remember!" bellom continued to play his natural acting and deception ability, sitting on the ground and tightening his eyebrows.

In contrast, the team leader was very happy to see his fainted team members wake up, smiled and comforted: "relax, maybe those invaders used some attack means we don\'t know. Now it\'s best to go to the elders to check."

"No! No! I feel good now!" bellom immediately shook his head without thinking.

Through swallowing the soul, he already knew that the elders of the Harlem people had unimaginable power, for fear of revealing something or being discovered by the other party.

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure! Don\'t worry about me, I\'m fine. Besides, if you don\'t mind, I\'d like to go home early and have something to eat."

"Yes! Just leave the task to me."

"See you in ten light hours!"



It has to be said that the demon king of fear is indeed a master of disguise and deception. Hundreds of them sneaked into the Harlem society, none of them were exposed, they all integrated into it safely, and did not even arouse the slightest vigilance of the enemy.

But in order to plan for the future, these guys didn\'t start to act immediately, but lived a regular life like the Harrison people and waited patiently for the opportunity.