All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 991




For demons, as long as they can make themselves stronger, blood, race and so on are not important at all.

Soon, under the arrangement of Zhang Cheng, those powerful lords quietly landed on the surface of the dark planet through landing ships, formed a hunting team, and began to launch crazy attacks on the civilians of the harlems. In less than half a month, at least 2000 harlems were killed, more than half of them civilians.

Of course, the demon lords are not much better. Nearly half of them died miserably on the spot in the other party\'s retaliation, and many were irreversibly seriously injured. As a result, they were killed by their own people to prevent the disclosure of information that should not be disclosed.

But similarly, the harvest is also quite rich.

Through the cruel and bloody vivisection and the application of magic and genetic technology, a small number of demon lords finally began to absorb and manipulate the energy stored in those crystals like the Harrison people. In addition, there were hundreds of fear demons of "guide Party", and they began to apply those powerful and terrible technologies to the Legion before long.

In less than half a year, tens of millions of new demons mixed with Harlem genes were born in the huge Mothership incubator.

Compared with their predecessors, their bodies are undoubtedly stronger and more sensitive to energy. They can easily perform destructive spells that only high-level demon lords could use before.

In addition, the new demons also showed unparalleled coordination. They are no longer full of madness, chaos, tyranny and the oppression of the strong against the weak.

On the contrary, they have an unprecedented identity and consciousness identity with each other. They vaguely form two distinct camps with those arida warlocks, abyss lords, fear demons and doomsday guards, and even gradually begin not to listen to each other\'s leadership.

There is no doubt that there is a mysterious power hidden in the Harlem gene, which leads to the current change.

Zhang Cheng deliberately turned a blind eye to the opposition between the new demons and the original demons, allowing both sides to fight secretly, while he devoted himself to sorting out and analyzing the information and data sent by the fear demons.

As the only intelligent race on this lonely planet, the recorded history of the Harrison people was born 47 million years ago.

Of course, the so-called "year" does not refer to the time spent by the earth in a circle around the sun, but a periodic change in the magnetic field of the dark planet, about 27000 hours.

At the moment of completion of this process, almost all energy crystals will emit dazzling light. Although it will only last for a few seconds, it can make the Harrison people aware of the passage of time.

And almost every big city must be built on a complete crystal.

Only in this way can the crops and animals planted around thrive and reproduce. Otherwise, it will completely maintain the desolate state of no grass in the open field and on the surface.

It can be said that the huge number of crystals inside the planet is the basis for the survival of the Harrison people.

As for the legendary "eye of Harrison", it is said that it is in the hands of a mysterious organization calling itself gurus. They are held by the oldest and wisest members recognized by the Harrison people. A total of 37 people, including their identity and headquarters, are unknown.

To be exact, it is forbidden to talk about topics related to them in Harlem society.

"A mysterious organization separated from ordinary people but holding the most powerful weapon of the whole race? It\'s really cautious! But it doesn\'t matter. I\'ll let you know that the most terrible enemies often come not from the outside, but from the inside..."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng raised his mouth slightly, showed a chilling smile, turned and said to the female clone aide who helped him manage the huge army: "Go and contact my fear demons, let them start to create rumors, panic and riots, incite the Harrison people to hate their ruling class, especially the elders who claim to be superior, and then wait for the opportunity to create conflict and confrontation."

"Understand!" the proud female adjutant bent down and bowed deeply, followed by turning away from the room.

Appreciating her attractive back, Zhang Cheng touched his chin and muttered: "Selfishness is the common nature of all intelligent life! There is no exception to any intelligent life! Maybe the Harrison people can restrain it through religion, belief and habit, but it is impossible to eradicate it. All I have to do is water and fertilize the seeds deeply buried in the soil, and watch them take root and sprout, and finally grow into towering trees."


With advanced means of communication, within two hours, the fear demons lurking among the Harlem people received the task and began to contact their own kind one after another to select some weak willed targets.

Some of them start from the feelings between young people, while others encourage those ambitious and capable guys to seize power from the older generation.

In about half a year, at least six underground cities on the dark planet broke out rebellion, and more began a fierce political struggle for the right at hand.

The wise elders of the Harrison people obviously found something wrong and tried to find out what happened.

But unfortunately, once the seed called selfishness takes root in the crowd, it can no longer be suppressed.

In particular, the bold young people simply don\'t understand how much harm their actions will cause to the whole ethnic group. They are full of thoughts that once they have supreme power, they can lead the ethnic group to strength, or even leave their hometown to explore the vast sky.

you \'re right!

The fear demons have made full use of the characteristics of young people who are easy to be motivated, and successfully turned them into the root and scourge of social unrest.

Poor these guys also think they are right. Those old guys hold power and are completely a meaningless waste of time.

"Hey, hey, hey! Look at those fools! They are like green male dogs. If they give a little stimulation, they will act according to our will." a fear demon hid in the dark and gave a sinister sneer.

He admitted that these dark skinned humanoid creatures were so powerful that even the Burning Legion would be destroyed in a very short time.

But the problem is that the peaceful environment has protected them so well for a long time that they are full of countless naive ideas in character and don\'t know the familiar people around the embankment at all.

"Don\'t be careless! Don\'t forget that the task given to us by the master is to completely disrupt the order. Now only a few cities have rioted, which is not enough." another fear demon warned.

"Don\'t worry! My dear brother! There is a human saying that a single spark can start a prairie fire. Now that the fire has been lit, will it be far away to sweep the whole planet..."