All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 988

Getting rid of meaningless social entertainment, Zhang Cheng quickly entered his role and took over a well-equipped expedition fleet from the organization.

Including 20 billion ground combat units, 5000 large Star Destroyers, 20000 medium-sized Star Destroyers, 100000 small outer space combat ships, three super carriers, 300000 supply ships and transport ships, including terrorist weapons that can destroy planets and even stars with one blow

It can be said that this fleet composed entirely of advanced technology is enough to sweep the universe where the earth is located and attack those alien black technologies that were once regarded as unattainable by mankind.

But the problem is that such an expedition armed to the teeth was defeated by a group of Harrison people who didn\'t even understand what the universe was.

They use a mysterious weapon called "the eye of Harrison" to decompose all intruders into particles that cannot be distinguished by the naked eye in an instant. Almost all energy and material weapons are as fragile and ridiculous as a newborn baby in front of the "eye of Harrison".

If the commander had not reacted quickly enough and fled directly with the help of the adjacent main string, I\'m afraid there would be an empty seat in the conference room now.

Maybe that\'s what\'s interesting about the high latitude universe.

You never know what a powerful and incomprehensible enemy you will encounter on the next planet.

However, Zhang Cheng does not intend to use this expeditionary army too early, but uses the infinite energy near the main string to build a portal to hell.

In less than a few minutes, the long-awaited demon Legion appeared inside the Mothership that can accommodate hundreds of millions of lives through space folding technology.

"Here... Where is it?" Reines, the enchanted Witch King, looked around at the walls and sky full of science fiction, and his eyes showed strong curiosity.

"This is a space carrier! You are at the entrance of another higher dimensional universe." Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and stared at the cannon fodder whose combat effectiveness can almost be described as slag, with an expressionless explanation.

you \'re right!

Once in the three-dimensional universe, the government and the Burning Legion and hell demons who have destroyed countless planets are basically five dregs in front of the military strength to organize terrorism.

In particular, the main gun carried on the star carrier can send a guy like the dark Titan Sargeras to meet his old friends in the Titan pantheon.

"Great Dark Lord! Your wisdom and strength amaze the humble me! Please allow me to offer you supreme respect and loyalty!" belom, the first lord of nasrezm and the leader of the fear demon king, is always good at seizing the opportunity to flatter.

Although he was cunning by nature, he knew very well that such advanced technology contrary to magic was not what his master was good at, but he was very smart and didn\'t point it out.

"Master, are you calling us to start a war?" Polak, the Lord of doom, asked cautiously.

"War? Yes, I\'m going to start a war. But before that, I need to fear the devil\'s ability. First, I need to break into the enemy\'s interior and find out what the technology they use is. In particular, it\'s called the" eye of Harrison. "Zhang Cheng didn\'t try to hide anything and explained the situation directly.

Although he himself has always believed that violence, killing and destruction are the best means of ending the problem, he doesn\'t mind playing tricks when there is insufficient violence in his hand. Anyway, he is also good at this aspect.

"Your consciousness is... To infiltrate, disguise, provoke, and let those stupid enemies kill each other?" bellom\'s eyes glittered with a terrible red light, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing shark like sharp teeth.

For the fear Lord, this set of actions to disintegrate and destroy the enemy from the inside is familiar. They are irreplaceable pioneers in almost every Burning Legion expedition.

Zhang Cheng nodded gently: "That\'s right! But this time, it\'s different from all the enemies you\'ve met before. They call themselves Harlem people. They are a kind of life with dark skin and shape very similar to elves. Their individual strength is very powerful, and even comparable to most abyss Lords. Most importantly, this planet called darkness produces an energy crystal. With energy crystal, they Everyone can release unimaginable terror magic. If the number is large enough to a certain extent, even my life will be in danger. "

"I see! Please rest assured that nasrezm will infiltrate the planet and bring back the secrets of the harlems for you." bellom bent down and bowed deeply.

"Very good! I will send a fleet to create some death and unrest, so that you can sneak in. Now, take action. I don\'t like waiting for a long time." after that, a clone adjutant behind Zhang chengchong winked.

The latter understood and immediately ordered the dispatch of one tenth of the warships and land units to rush towards the dark planet and launch a carpet attack.

At the same time, a transport landing ship full of fear demon landed quietly on the ruins not far from the battlefield.

Just as Zhang Cheng observed the damage caused by the fleet to the planet through a three-dimensional detector, a bright spot suddenly appeared on the dark planet surface.

Next second


All the warships involved in the attack seemed to be torn by some powerful force. In the blink of an eye, they began to disintegrate until they became small particles that could not be distinguished by the naked eye.

No brilliant explosion!

There was no deafening noise!

But it feels more gloomy and terrible!

The unknown is the most chilling thing!

Zhang Cheng can even detect subtle energy fluctuations from the flash of light just now. Unlike the destruction sphere made by Lao Chen, it is closer to the understanding and application of strings.

No wonder the organization has spent millions of years recruiting and cultivating a master of energy, mystics and alchemy in order to deal with a mere planet.

Because the weapon invented by the Harrison people is not so much a product of science and technology as closer to mysticism and magic.

"Interesting! It seems that as long as I conquer this planet, I can fully understand what string is and how to use its endless energy..."

With the mumbling that only he could hear, Zhang Cheng sat in his own position with his hands crossed and waited patiently for the action of the fear demons.

Having got rid of the constraints of time and space, he didn\'t need to care that the plan would waste years, decades, hundreds and thousands of years.

He wants only one thing, that is to make himself satisfied with the final result