All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 987

As a newcomer to the battle Conference for the first time, after taking over the task of raiding the dark planet, Zhang Cheng ignored the remaining big strategies that were too complex for him and a large number of exclusive terms that he didn\'t understand at all. He sat quietly and constantly browsed the information in the database, especially the part about strings.

As the initiator just mentioned, string is something that can not be described in words. To be exact, no words can describe its incredible power.

In short, a main string can provide endless energy for the expeditionary army. Even if hundreds of millions of fleets and cannon fodder are all dead, as long as the main string is still in hand, it can create a huge interstellar fleet beyond that before a pen with the existing technology in a few days at most.


There is no limit!

Never weak!

The super energy oscillation produced by the main string is like an inexhaustible gold mine.

The most important thing is that only through it can we enter the high latitude universe from the low dimensional universe, get rid of the constraints of time and space, and obtain the same ability as the regional life from the moment of entry.

For example, the life of some high latitude universes can be completely free from the constraints of space and jump freely in different spaces. For example, the life of some high-dimensional universes is free from the constraints of time, and they can travel freely in parallel universes between the past and the future.

Such a terrible ability is almost as irresistible as a God to humans in the three-dimensional universe.

But as long as you master a main string connected with the universe, you can enter this area through it, the whole expeditionary army or obtain the same power, and then launch a destructive attack to conquer one planet after another.

In addition, there are a large number of small strings in the whole multiverse, the most common of which is the string dividing the minimum time point and the parallel universe. It is they that maintain the past, present and future, and the infinite possibilities of the whole universe.

Obviously, the fantasy worlds that Zhang Cheng has been to before actually exist in a corner of the universe and are likely to be under the jurisdiction of the organization.

But as an organization strong enough to occupy nearly one ninth of the universe, no one cares about one or two planets.

Judging from previous plans and campaigns, it is only to clean up the planet with life around the main string, and even the Council is too lazy to pay attention to the rest.

Just as he was concentrating on trying to understand those complicated scientific theories and strange intelligent species, Lao Chen suddenly came near, knocked hard on the table and asked, "Hey! What are you thinking? You\'re so absorbed!"

"No! Nothing! I\'m just a little shocked by the string and the real form of the universe." Zhang Cheng stopped reading the data, raised his head and replied with a smile.

"Ha ha! Relax, don\'t be so nervous. Everyone here is just like you when they first came, but they will gradually understand and get familiar with you after a little adaptation for a period of time. Well, don\'t think too much now. We\'re going to hold a welcome party for you before going out." old Chen waved his hands excitedly.

Not only him, but also several members who looked quite young around, also showed interested expressions, as if they were looking forward to the so-called "welcome party".

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng refused straightforwardly without hesitation: "sorry, I\'m not in the mood to participate in recreational activities for the time being. At least I won\'t waste even a second until I solve the dark planet, not to mention the boring thing like a party."

After that, he ignored the surprised or curious eyes of the people around him, turned and disappeared at the end of the dark and deep corridor.

"Wow! Another cold type?" the woman who winked at Zhang Cheng not long ago raised her eyebrows.

"Damn it! I thought I finally got a handsome guy who could relieve my loneliness a little, but who thought it was a guy who didn\'t understand the amorous feelings."

"That\'s right! I haven\'t been in love for six billion years. For women, it\'s the cruelest torture in the universe."

Two other women also joined in the denouncing. For a moment, the meeting room chattered like 1500 ducks croaking together.

"Cough!" old Chen Shi couldn\'t hear any more. He coughed twice and reminded him, "ladies, please remember that we are all ourselves in countless parallel universes, and there is a microsecond connection between us. Are you really hungry enough to plan to attack another self?"

"Hum! Don\'t do this! Tell us what\'s the matter with the new man? I always feel that he is emitting a dangerous smell all the time!" the woman who spoke first turned her eyes and asked in a low voice.

"He is indeed very dangerous! He is much more dangerous than most of us! In the process of trial, he destroyed at least three planets, one of which is his own mother planet earth. Think about it, who among us will be so crazy that we even let go of our own mother star? And who will treat the former kind as a mole ant again and again, bringing them despair and destruction? So I suggest you don\'t provoke him. Even I can\'t see what\'s going on in his mind and what amazing actions he will make next... "

When saying these words, Lao Chen\'s tone was full of warning.




Even he didn\'t know how to describe Zhang Cheng\'s performance in the whole trial process, especially the completely different choice from normal people in the face of danger. It\'s no different from crossing a corner and stepping on the accelerator without loosening when driving.

It\'s just that so far, every corner of Zhang Cheng is perfect and elegant, so it\'s unclear whether it\'s luck or the result of careful planning in his mind.

"This guy destroyed the earth and all humans on it?" a woman\'s face changed slightly when she heard the news.

Although the hands of most members have been covered with the blood of innocent people, and some even led their men to destroy one galaxy after another, they all joined the organization through trial.

Before that, most of them had some special feelings for their hometown, and some even occasionally went back as ordinary people and were eager to keep this beautiful memory forever.

Lao Chen nodded solemnly: "Yes! No scruples! No hesitation! As long as he thinks it\'s good for him, he will do it without hesitation. Although he is harmless to humans and animals, I can guarantee that if any of you annoy him, he will never be stingy and double his revenge when the time is ripe. Oh, by the way, a guy who failed in the trial once threatened Coerce him, and the result is extremely tragic. If you are interested, you can enjoy it through the superstring observer... "