All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 983

What is it like for two monsters with the core of the planet as the energy unit to fight each other?

The answer is that each collision will erupt light hundreds of thousands of times stronger than the only star in the solar system, and the energy impact is like sea waves, constantly impacting the earth and its satellite moon.

Its amazing destructive power is much more terrible than the previous asteroid impact on the ground and the lightning storm over the atmosphere.

Some places where the earth\'s crust is relatively fragile began to disintegrate. At the junction of several plates, a large number of bright red magma gushed out, as if it had returned to the period when the earth had just formed, which is no different from the legendary purgatory.

This time, the beginning of mass extinction is no longer just human beings, but countless animals and plants.

In addition to invertebrates hidden in the deep sea, more than 90% of species have disappeared forever, and the whole planet goes back hundreds of millions of years ago.

As for the gods on the ground, they hid early and waited patiently for the two huge figures in space to decide the outcome.

In fact, when things get to this point, Zhang Cheng doesn\'t care about life on earth. He just wants to defeat his opponents in front of him.

But unfortunately, Arya is obviously not a vegetarian, and her combat experience is much richer than him. She has faced many dangers several times, and finally turned the crisis into safety with some special skills.

At this moment, they are not so much fighting as fighting each other.

Whoever can\'t support first is the loser.

Needless to ask, Zhang Cheng has an overwhelming advantage in this regard.

Because he not only swallowed the star soul of Azeroth, but also swallowed something similar to the star soul embryo in the Harry Potter World, so in terms of the total amount, he should be at least two grades higher than the other party.

"Is that all you can do?" while mocking, Arya built hundreds of complex mysterious patterns that could not be understood by mortals or even gods at a speed that could hardly be distinguished by the naked eye.

In just a thousandth of a second, these patterns are transformed into the purest energy impact, and each one is completely different in type and strength.

Obviously, there are bright spots in the benefits of doing so. One is to greatly reduce their own consumption without reducing their attack power; The second is that there is no way to defend through ordinary energy shields.

After all, all shield magic usually constructs the force field or protective layer with the help of stable fulcrum, so it is very easy to collapse in an instant when the attack is extremely dense and uneven.

"As an old woman who has lived for unknown years and has been kept as livestock for a long time, I don\'t think you are qualified to say such words." Zhang Cheng also fully expresses his ability to learn, summarize and create from all over the world over the years.

However, he did not choose to use sophisticated and complex spells, but increased the power of each released spell to the highest, so high that he could break through the critical value of protective magic at once.

Although this will consume a little more energy, the damage can be just as terrible.

Maybe when he first came into contact with magic, he subconsciously thought that gorgeous and changeable skills were the way for the caster to show his power, but as he went deeper, he gradually found that no matter how many skills were, they could not be compared with the crushing of pure energy level.

It\'s like a level 20 mage player in the game encounters a level 60 opposing mage player in the wild. No matter how good the operation consciousness of the former is, it is impossible to stop the latter\'s instant magic.

Sometimes, blindly pursuing superb skills and ignoring the most essential things of some forces is the real putting the cart before the horse.

The so-called skill is actually an alternative to further improve your strength when your strength is stagnant or when melee is slow.

But now, Zhang Cheng doesn\'t need these alternatives at all. His existence itself means unlimited possibilities.

"Shut up! I will defeat you! Kill you! Those guys will pay for what they have done!" Arya\'s mental state obviously had serious problems and immediately accelerated the attack frequency.

For a moment, thousands of colorful energy flashed in the deep space of the light spear.

Because there is no air, sound can not spread in space, so no matter how violent the explosion will not produce even a little sound, and the two people\'s dialogue is even completed through spiritual connection.

"Kill me? Just rely on the poor energy storage in your body? Or do you think I won\'t crush the former parent star behind me? No, honey, you never really understand my idea, and you don\'t realize how many emotions cherished by ordinary people can I sacrifice in order to achieve my goal..."

With the last word blurting out, Zhang Cheng suddenly held up the highest authority of the artifact in his hand and stabbed it hard at the blue planet not far away.


I saw that under the attack just now, the earth had been penetrated from the equator, and one third of the energy stretched out from the star core was extracted in just a few seconds.

"Ha ha! Eat! Eat more!" Zhang Cheng laughed wildly and kicked the woman who rushed over to stop the supreme power from absorbing energy.



Feeling the increasingly powerful artifact in his hand, he realized that his plan could finally take the last step.

Watching the earth dry up and wither gradually, and finally lose all its vitality, Arya finally showed a look of despair in her pupils, opened her mouth and roared wildly: "good! Very good! Even if I\'m destined to die, I\'ll take you as a funeral companion before I die. Come on, let\'s die together. Do you think I really haven\'t made any preparations these years?"


The star at the core of the galaxy suddenly began to become active and expand outward. The nearest mercury was soon swallowed up, followed by a rapid explosion. Its terrible power is hundreds of millions of times more terrible than any weapon known to mankind.

"Damn! Are you crazy?" Zhang Cheng saw such a spectacular and terrible scene, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

You should know that solar expansion is not an ordinary means. It will destroy most of the solar system, or form a huge black hole.

"Crazy? No! I\'m not crazy! I\'ll make all of you regret! No one can fool me!" Arya\'s face showed a happy expression, raised her chin like a proud princess, and calmly prepared for death.

But at this time, a mysterious force suddenly tore the space, followed by Lao Chen wrapped up in the mecha.