All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 982

"Very good! I am very satisfied with your obedience! Now tell me, who is the woman who calls herself the creator? Has she really created everything in the world?" Zhang Cheng asked condescending.

After so much conspiracy, betrayal and destruction, he finally stood at the end of his destiny and was about to uncover all the secrets hidden behind him.

Holding back his anger and grief, Zeus took a deep breath and replied, "I don\'t know her real name, but we all call her Kaus, which means chaos. In fact, she did awaken all the original gods from chaos, give them strong strength and endless life, and help them transform the whole world."

"Wait! You just said it was transformation, not creation?" Zhang Chengmin grabbed a key word.

Obviously, there is a huge difference between the two.

The latter creates everything from scratch, while the former is transformed on the original basis. In terms of difficulty coefficient, it is not at the same level at all.

The latter is many times higher than the former.

"Yes! Transformation!" Zeus nodded seriously. "At that time, there was no human existence on the ground. He and the original gods jointly created countless intelligent lives, and human beings were only one of them. Later, those gods discovered her conspiracy, and then jointly launched a rebellion to seal it and expel it forever."

"What is the conspiracy?" asked Zhang Cheng curiously.

No way not curious!

You know, for artificial life, the creator is just like a parent. The innate sense of closeness can not be erased by ordinary contradictions.

Take Adam for example. If one day he needs the other party to sacrifice himself, Adam will definitely do it without hesitation.

But this is good. He directly rebelled against all his creations.

"I\'m sorry, I don\'t know, and no one knows. Because all the early gods who experienced the war don\'t want to reveal a little information to anyone, and they are all dead." Zeus gave a disappointing answer.

"What about the seal? You should remember the location and opening method of the seal?" when he said this, Zhang Cheng\'s eyes twinkled with a terrible cold light.

As long as he hears half a word of no from the other party\'s mouth, he will immediately kill him cruelly, followed by pinching and exploding the earth, and open the seal in the most primitive and violent way.

Anyway, it won\'t be long before he leaves this place, so the life and death of the earth is no longer worth caring about.

"Of course! Of course I know! I\'ll be happy to help you if you need it." Zeus clenched his fist tightly, and a white light flashed in his pupils.

There is no doubt that he is eager to release the legendary creator and hide aside to enjoy the two beings who surpass themselves fighting each other. It is best to die together.

Zhang Cheng stared at each other with a playful face. After a full minute, he said meaningfully, "what are you waiting for? Hurry up! Break all the seals! Then I can leave this boring place."

"As you wish..."

Leaving a word, Zeus turned into a golden thunder and disappeared in the clouds.

Before long, the seals hidden in all corners of the world were broken one after another, and the huge energy began to gather together and slowly condensed into the shape of a woman.

After the last one was destroyed, a woman with naked beauty finally came out of the twisted void.

Like the last time we met, she is still so elegant and charming, full of unspeakable amorous feelings.

"Long time no see, how are you doing recently?" Zhang Cheng restored his body to normal size, as if greeting an old friend rather than the enemy of life and death.

"It\'s terrible! You know what? You came to me some time ago. His tone was like a doctor telling the patient that you have a terminal disease and will die soon." the woman rolled her eyes angrily.

Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise: "do you mean Lao Chen?"

"Yes! Who else can there be except him? Maybe you don\'t know. More than two million years ago, he brought me to this world, abandoned me like garbage, and ordered me to transform the whole planet. I am a chess piece, a chess piece born and died for you. But I\'m not willing! I want to resist fate! I want to defeat you! Only in this way can they recognize me Because I am valuable... "

The more the woman said, the more excited she was, the more crazy the expression on her face was. Finally, she rushed up like crazy and tried to directly tear up the Titan\'s metal body harder than any material with ten slender fingers.

"Ah! I smell jealousy and envy. But don\'t be so anxious to die. Before I start, I want to know a little about your past. I don\'t know what you think?" Zhang Cheng gently waved his arm and pushed the other party away from him, with a faint smile on his face.

At this moment, he can feel the close connection between the other party and the blue planet behind him.

Obviously, this is the resonance of swallowing the core of the planet.

Unless the earth is destroyed, the other party can continuously get strength supplement from the depths of the earth. If necessary, they can overdraw the energy of the planet to recharge themselves.

"Understand? Hum! What do you want to know?" a sneer appeared on the woman\'s beautiful company.

I don\'t know why!

She behaved so impetuously that she seemed to rush to death.

"For example, name?" Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and tried cautiously.

"Arya! That\'s my name! In addition, I can tell you that I come from another universe, a higher universe. But my hometown has been destroyed by you lunatics!" the woman\'s pupils revealed unforgettable hatred.

"Calm down! I\'m not one of them yet. Please don\'t vent your anger on me." aware that the other party\'s mood began to get out of control again, Zhang Cheng immediately stepped back a little and warned.

The woman who claimed to be Arya disdained her lips and said sarcastically, "it\'s all the same! Look at what you do! What\'s the difference with them? To be exact, you are more ferocious, cruel and ruthless than them. You are a natural executioner and murderer. Only you madmen can set off a Superstring war sweeping the whole multiverse."

"What is superstring war?" Zhang Cheng continued his routine carefully.

He realized that the other party seemed to know a lot of secrets about the organization, so he wanted to get as much information as possible before starting.

"Don\'t talk nonsense! Let it all end! Either you die or I die. If you win the final victory, they will naturally invite you to join. If you fail, it\'s useless to know too much..."