All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 984

"Did you do this?" Lao Chen stared at the expanding red star with incredible surprise.

You know, it\'s not easy for anyone to cause stellar expansion and destroy a galaxy in advance.

This requires not only enough strength, but also considerable knowledge and hundreds of thousands of years of preparation.

Zhang Cheng gently shook his head: "no, it\'s not me, it\'s the woman who claims to be ruthlessly abandoned by you."

"Oh? Ruthless abandonment? Don\'t say that I seem to be a scum man. After playing with a woman\'s body and feelings, I will abandon her cruelly." Lao Chen turned and glanced at Arya, who looked indifferent nearby.

"I don\'t know whether you have played with her feelings and body, but I guarantee that her resentment against you is absolutely strong." Zhang Cheng sneered and joked.

Facing the expanding sun, he did not show even a little tension, but his eyes were full of excitement and expectation.

Because in the history of Azeroth universe, Titan, which is above all living beings, was only born in the interior of the planet, the strength of Titan also varies greatly according to the energy level contained in each planet.

But I don\'t know why stars that are thousands or even tens of thousands of times more powerful than planets have never bred a Titan.

As a bold and crazy guy, Zhang Cheng tried a long time ago to swallow all the energy of a star directly through energy conversion, so as to turn himself from a planetary Titan to a stellar Titan and evolve towards a higher level of life again.

Obviously, the sun in its twilight years is just a good choice.

First of all, among the many stars in the universe, it is neither small nor small. It is quite close to the earth. It has been observed by scientists for many years. Whether it is the internal structure or the way of nuclear fusion, it has been studied for a long time.

Secondly, in terms of energy level, its remaining energy is just the limit it can bear, and it won\'t be killed by eating too much.

Finally, and most importantly, the current sun is expanding rapidly, and the energy radiates around at a very fast speed. Even if it cannot be completely swallowed up, the remaining part can be dispersed to other parts of the solar system in the form of impact, so as to prevent the explosion caused by excessive energy concentration from damaging itself.

Lao Chen was obviously not a fool. He immediately realized what Zhang Cheng wanted to do, and quickly opened his mouth to stop him: "are you crazy?! don\'t do anything stupid! This kind of thing has gone beyond the scope of the trial. Let\'s deal with it."

"No!!!!! You can\'t interfere! Don\'t forget, the rules are the rules. This trial is dominated by me, so before I am killed, whatever happens is a part of the trial." Arya immediately argued loudly when she heard Lao Chen\'s idea of participating in it again.

After all, she has made so many preparations for this moment. If she fails in the end, what is the purpose of her planning and efforts for so many years.

"Rules? Ha! Naive! What are rules? It doesn\'t depend on you, but on us. Do you think the organization will give up a promising person for a worthless garbage? Don\'t be silly, Arya, you\'re just a sad prisoner and have no right to bargain with us." old Chen stretched out his hand and slapped the woman on the cheek, The attitude is full of contempt and contempt.


Grief and anger!


Arya seemed to recall the terrible scene that her hometown was invaded, occupied and destroyed by the endless army. There were no words to describe her mood at this moment.

However, just as she stared at her angry eyes as if she wanted to tear up the two men who looked very similar in front of her, Zhang Cheng suddenly smiled and shook his head and refused: "No, I don\'t want to need anyone\'s help. Remember our previous conversation? Since this is my trial, it should be completed by me alone. Whether it\'s success or failure, it\'s my choice. What\'s more, I don\'t think I will fail..."

With the last word blurted out!

He raised one end of the supreme power to the star, and the other side directly inserted into the original heart of his chest, and suddenly began to gather the huge energy everywhere.

In just a few minutes, the light and heat generated by the continuous expansion of the sun were all attracted and transformed into pure energy to strengthen the body of Titan, which was terrible to the extreme.

Stronger and stronger!

It\'s getting hotter and hotter!

The temperature is getting higher and higher!

Zhang Cheng\'s metallic skin soon began to turn red with the naked eye, like a red soldering iron, emitting amazing power from the inside out, and there were slight melting and cracks in some places.

There is no doubt that as the only star with the largest volume and the largest energy storage in the solar system, the sun is by no means better than you.

Its energy is so huge that even in its twilight years, it can\'t be borne by one or two titans.

But the state of Zhang Cheng\'s body is not the worst. The worst is the artifact - supreme power.

In the process of energy transformation, it bears the most high temperature and heat. At present, it is densely covered with fine cracks, which is maintained by the magical energy injected by the master, otherwise it will break into small particles that cannot be distinguished by the naked eye in the next second.

"Oh my God! You are really crazy..." old Chen narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

Although the mecha on his body compresses an entire star as a power source.

But it\'s one thing to use scientific and technological means, and it\'s another thing to directly accommodate a star with your body.

The latter is much more difficult and dangerous than the former.

It\'s a joke about life!

In contrast, Arya\'s eyes were full of excitement and expectation. She cursed with a voice that only she could hear: "die! Die! Arrogant madman! You won\'t succeed!"

However, to his disappointment, no matter how high the surface temperature of Zhang Cheng\'s body rose, it never collapsed. After reaching the highest critical point, the temperature began to decline slowly, and finally returned to the normal level, and the expanding sun in the distance began to shrink unknowingly.

When it shrinks to a certain extent, it suddenly shrinks sharply to form a star emitting white and cold light.

White dwarfs, this is the ultimate destination of most stars with insufficient mass.

Normally, they will survive in this posture for billions of years, and then eventually die in the universe.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng obviously didn\'t intend to let go of the sun and was still absorbing energy. In the end, the mass of the whole white dwarf was low to a certain extent, and finally collapsed, forming a huge black hole, constantly pulling the surrounding planets