All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 981


With the roar of anger, a young man with long blond hair, golden armor and a sharp spear rushed over, with bloodthirsty eyes.

Needless to ask, he must be Ares, the God of war driven by desire and instinct.

Unfortunately, at the moment when the spear stabbed him, Zhang Cheng suddenly cast an amazing Destructive Magic on him at a speed almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Next second


The poor God of war immediately threw it into the air, like a ragged doll thrown out, rolled 30 or 40 meters away on the ground with a bang, followed by violet Arcane Missiles, falling like raindrops.

When all this was over, he was seriously injured and tried to get up several times, but he failed in the end.

It has to be said that it is not unreasonable for soldiers to be discriminated against and despised in most fantasy worlds.

Look at Ares, who was known as the embodiment of war, battle, military and riot in ancient Greece, and think of tampas, the God of war of the same style in Phelan continent. Without exception, he succumbed to his inner desire for blood, violence and killing.

They don\'t know the value of creation at all, and their minds are full of all kinds of impulses of destruction and destruction.

Inevitably, a large number of human beings who believe in the God of war do the same, so they are bound to be excluded by a mature civilized society.

"Is this your son? A complete fool?" Zhang Cheng asked with a smile.

He could hardly believe that there were at least a dozen powerful gods from the blood of the Titan giant god, but this idiot was the first to jump out. He didn\'t even bother to test, and directly changed to attack.

Such recklessness completely refreshed God\'s IQ offline.

Zeus glanced at ares from the corner of his eye and asked, "are you sure you want to go to war with us at this time? Are you not afraid of being attacked by other gods hiding in the dark?"

"Fear? Why should I be afraid? No, dear Zeus, all I have to do is issue a notice to all the gods in the world who wake up from their deep sleep, either crawl down like a dog as my servant, or be torn to pieces and disappear forever. Whether you or your woman who calls herself the creator, they are all my stepping stones."

When the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng completely released all his energy as a Titan.

In less than a second, all human beings, buildings, animals, plants, mountains, lakes, rivers and oceans in Europe, North Africa and Central Asia, without exception, were transformed into small particles almost indistinguishable to the naked eye under the terrible energy explosion.

When these glittering particles gradually dispersed, the huge giant with a height of tens of thousands of kilometers appeared out of thin air in the earth\'s outer space orbit.

It is so huge that the earth looks like a small toy. It will be crushed if you move it a little.


In the eyes of mankind, the God who can create large-scale natural disasters such as thunder, volcanic eruption, hurricane, tsunami, earthquake and flood is already an invincible force.

But now, facing the huge figure standing in outer space, the gods also fell into fear and despair.

In particular, the gods who obtained their original power from the interior of the planet clearly felt the overwhelming gap, which was even more terrible than the sealed creator they had jointly attacked.

Fight to the death or abandon God\'s dignity and surrender to unmatched power as at first?

Obviously, this is an extremely difficult choice.

After the creator was sealed, the vast majority of gods have been used to the high attitude and let them lower their noble heads again, which is 100% unacceptable in their hearts.

When the gods were very tangled, Zhang Cheng slowly raised his right hand and gently touched the atmosphere around the blue planet.


After a deafening noise, a lightning storm that could not be described in words swept every corner of the world.

With Titan\'s inherent control over energy, he easily disturbed the originally orderly energy in the air, made it extremely manic, and constantly released amazing destructive power.

You don\'t have to ask. It\'s a sign of impatience.

After a long wait, Zhang Cheng gradually lost his good patience. He was extremely eager to find out the truth behind it and the purpose of the organization.


A few hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Although God is not as fragile as human beings, he was devastated almost at the first time and can basically withdraw from the earth stage, they are also uncomfortable.

Finally, after careful consideration, Zeus, the king of Olympus, finally chose to kneel on the ground and beg loudly with the action of human beings praying to the gods: "stop! Great existence! We are willing to submit to you and become your servants."

"Ha ha! No! That\'s not enough! Because you rejected me before! So you must do something to prove your value! Now, kill all the Egyptian Gods nearest to me and tell everyone with their lives that there is no third way, either surrender or die." Zhang Cheng gave the order with a wild smile.

The Supreme God?

It\'s just a group of garbage produced by the utilization of energy waste inside the planet!

Although to some extent, they can indeed compare with the weaker Titans, the essence of life is thousands of miles worse.

At least Titan is truly immortal!

So far, Zhang Cheng doesn\'t know how to kill the Titan in the state of star soul.

But these gods, as long as they have enough strength, can kill them forever without fear of resurrection.

The gods of Olympus undoubtedly did not have much choice. Soon, under the leadership of the God King Zeus, they launched an attack on the Egyptian Gods close at hand.

For a moment, the rough sea and the thunderous sky were full of spectacular scenes of divine power.

In order to live!

Every God took out the ability to press the bottom of the box and tried his best.

When the war was coming to an end, only Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera and other third-generation Titans remained in the Olympian God system, and all the rest died with the enemy.

Among them, Apollo, the sun god, died the most tragically, detonating the core of divine power as dazzling as the sun in his body.

In contrast, there were no survivors of the direct mass destruction of the Egyptian gods.

The war between God and God is far more bloody and tragic than human imagination. The bodies of many gods falling to the ground have been swallowed up by fish in the sea, gradually evolved into life bodies similar to half man and half fish, and evolved a certain degree of intelligence.

Maybe in a few thousand years, they will replace humans and become a new intelligent species on the blue planet