All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 973

The cold wind from the far north is always a nightmare for the night watchman.

Especially recently, many people have found an incredible phenomenon, that is, the time of day is getting shorter and shorter, while the time of night is getting longer and longer, and the temperature of the surrounding environment is getting lower and lower day by day.

It seems that everything indicates that the long summer is coming to an end and the terrible winter is coming.

You should know that the season of the song of ice and fire does not want to take three months as the dividing line on the earth, which will alternate soon.

The season here usually lasts for a long time, especially after the long summer of several years, it is often accompanied by cold winter for two or three consecutive years, or even more than four or five years.

In this process, food production will be seriously reduced due to the lack of ambient temperature and light. A large number of civilians will starve or freeze to death because of insufficient food, or because they do not prepare enough clothes and fuel to keep out the cold.

For the residents of Westeros, especially in the north, the cold winter is like a white God of death. There is no beauty described in any poetry. Every occurrence will be accompanied by a terrible disaster.

However, as an outsider, Warren did not worry about the arrival of winter like other night watchmen. Instead, he devoted himself to looking for the trace of strange ghosts.

Because he knows that as he wastes more and more time in the world, there will be fewer and fewer choices left.

Although he still has some information that someone urgently needs, he doesn\'t dare to use it as a threat at all.

Unfortunately, the poor guy didn\'t realize that he had been on Cheng Cheng\'s blacklist from the moment he put forward the exchange terms.


"Damn it! I hate this weather! These white snowflakes have been floating since two days ago, and I don\'t know when they will stop." a young night watchman was biting his teeth and cursing in a low voice as he trudged through the snow that touched his knees.

"Don\'t complain! If I were you, I\'d save my energy! Try to return to the black castle before dark, or I\'ll never know what I\'ll meet." another night watchman breathed out a hot breath.

The terrible low temperature caused frostbite on each face of the patrol team, and the beard and eyebrows were covered with white frost.

In such a terrible low temperature, not to mention eating and drinking water, even excretion can only be solved in your pants, otherwise once you take off your pants, you can freeze people alive in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the clumsy movements of the night watchmen, Warren took a deep breath and carefully hid his whole body behind a huge rock wall without following each other.

Because his ability can clearly feel that the danger is approaching quietly.

Among them, the night watchman walking in the front is about to form a substance.

Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to change his dying fate unless a God comes into the world.

Just as the unsuspecting young man was about to turn around and say something to his companions, hundreds of people suddenly appeared in the canyon ahead.

Due to the heavy snow, the visibility is not too high, so I can\'t see the faces of these people for the time being.

However, according to the experience of the night watchman, it is impossible to have a large number of residents of the Seven Kingdoms north of the desperate Great Wall except savages.

So without saying a word, they immediately pulled out their long sword and shouted, "stop! Don\'t come any closer! We are night watchmen! If you don\'t want to die, get back immediately!"



Obviously, the other party didn\'t mean to respond. He just shook his body and moved forward slowly without paying attention to the warning.

"Shit! Looks like we\'re in trouble! Matt! Hurry up and report back!" the leader shouted at the complaining young man.

But before the latter turned over and got on his horse, a spear made entirely of solid ice pierced the air directly, puffed the poor guy through his chest and nailed him to the ground.

The location of the hit was very accurate. It pierced one of the most important organs in human body, the heart.

"No!!!!! Matt was killed!" the older night watchman next to him glanced at the body and immediately shouted nervously.

If it weren\'t for the regulations of the night watchman corps, all the guys who escaped from the battle would be sentenced to death without exception. He would definitely scramble to climb up the war horse and directly escape back to the land of the seven kingdoms. Even being a carefree robber is better than dying.

"Get ready for battle! The night watchman army has no cowards! Even if it\'s dead, we\'ll pull some savages together!"

Noticing that the enemy had quietly surrounded the patrol led by him, the captain immediately issued a death order without thinking.

After hundreds of years of vendetta, the night watchman corps and the savages outside the Great Wall have long been in the same situation. There is nothing to talk about. Usually, they encounter in the wild. Unless one of them dies completely, they will never stop.

But soon, the captain found that he had made a mistake, an unimaginable huge mistake.

What he encountered was not a savage at all, but a group of dead bodies. Some of them had been exposed to extreme cold weather for a long time, their skin was full of gray and pale, and their eyes flashed bone piercing blue cold light.

"Who can tell me what the fuck this is?!"

"Ah ah!!!!!!!!!"

"Monster! The monster that came back from the dead!"

"Run! We can\'t beat such a monster!"


In just a few seconds, the poor night watchman fell into a state of collapse. It was not easy to build up his courage to fight a decisive battle, and his head did not turn back and ran in all directions.

They may be willing to fight with savages with the same flesh and blood, but they will never fight with the living dead they can\'t understand.

It may be superstitious concern, or there may be too many horror stories about monsters circulating in the north. In short, the living dead are always monsters that can frighten ordinary people, even if they are not much stronger than human beings.

Step, step!

With the rhythmic sound of horses\' hoofs, a group of strange ghosts riding death horses finally rushed out, caught up with these night watchmen who lost the courage to fight, swung the ice arrow with white cold light, and shot it at the owl\'s head. The dazzling red blood spewed out more than a meter high on the spot. Then they ran forward a few steps with their habitualness, and then fell down in the snow with a bang.



These special lives created by magic are integrated with the biting cold wind and white snow. No wonder some people regard them as the God of death in winter.