All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 974

"Oh - so this is the legendary ghost..."

Hiding behind the huge rock wall, Warren carefully watched these tall humanoid creatures with strange energy all over them.

Although he had enough ability to kill all of them, he didn\'t mean to do it at all. Instead, he stayed where he was and waited patiently for the other party to leave.

Because through this close contact, he can peep into the fragments of the future and understand that the ghosts and the controlled living corpses, although they can cause amazing casualties to other kingdoms, are not enough to shake the absolute dominant position of mankind in this land.

Since it does not pose a great threat, Warren naturally has no need to worry about security. He has made up his mind to stay in this medieval world and spend the rest of his life comfortably.

He did not realize that in the coldest place in the far north, a group of undead had built an ice fortress with the characteristics of fearing no fatigue and no need to rest. Millions of corpses sleeping under the ice were awakened by the powerful magic sword and joined the ranks of the army of death, including tens of thousands of giant corpses, Enough to make any country in the world despair.

What\'s more terrible is that xiuma, the death knight, did not mean to stop. He still ordered his men to constantly build all kinds of war machines, including tens of thousands of meat grinder, skeleton puppets made up of countless unknown bones, and ice magic statues created by the integration of ten thousand years of solid ice and magic.

In short, with the passage of time, the army of the dead will become more and more powerful until it becomes an existence that all life in the whole world can\'t defeat together.

Compared with this terrible army, the ghosts and the bodies they control are as harmless as a newborn baby.

Of course, as Zhang Cheng secretly arranged all this, he didn\'t know that his men were so capable. He had completed the set goal in a short time and was ready to launch an all-round attack on the human world.

However, it is not the best time for them to appear. At least before all the ghost forwards are destroyed, the army of the dead will still be stationed in the ice and snow and wait patiently for orders.

According to the plan, they will launch a comprehensive attack on the whole Westeros in ten years, that is, when the next winter comes, breaking Warren\'s dream of spending the rest of his life safely.


"Honey, do you think I\'ll have a boy or a girl?" daenerys asked gently, stroking her slightly raised belly.

Since she learned that she was pregnant again, she fell into an inexplicable excitement and ecstasy.

You know, she once had a child, but she couldn\'t be born alive in the end, so she injected all her feelings for the child into the three young dragons that had just hatched, regarded them as her own offspring, and thought that she could never breed offspring for the rest of her life.

But now, the prophecy has been broken.

She was pregnant again, and according to the bachelor\'s observation, the fetus was abnormally healthy. Soon, the tangaryan Dynasty will usher in a legal heir.

Dressed in robes, standing barefoot on the balcony, Zhang Cheng, who looked down at the city, replied without looking back: "of course it\'s a boy! Believe me, you will get a dream prince, a king who can really inherit the throne and lead the whole kingdom to glory."

"Oh? Is this a prophecy?" the young queen smiled and blinked.

"No! I\'m just stating the facts. In addition, I have something to tell you. I\'m afraid I\'ll leave again in a few days. I\'m afraid this time I\'ll leave forever." Zhang Cheng turned and his eyes showed a deep light.

In order to ensure that the world will never be interfered by external forces, Warren will ask for the complete destruction of spatial coordinates when completing the transaction.

So once he leaves, he can no longer accurately locate in the endless universe.

"Farewell? Where are you going? Can\'t you wait until the baby is born?" daenerys frowned subconsciously.

Strictly speaking, the young queen is not a ruler with strong power and even enjoys having people around her who can help her deal with complex government affairs and is willing to share power with close people.

If she could, she would prefer her legal husband to stay, just like now and forever.

Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head: "sorry, I can\'t answer. I told you before that what I pursue is different from most people, so you and I are just passers-by in each other\'s lives, so we don\'t have to be too persistent. Well, that\'s all for this topic. Let\'s enjoy the last few days."

"What about Kulo kelba? Will you take it?" danilis quickly asked her most concerned question.

Because she knew that the nobles\' awe of themselves was completely based on the magic dragon that could hardly be killed.

If you lose the dragon, the situation will immediately become complicated.

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t take Kulo kelba, but I will keep it. But you\'d better not expect too much of it. Under my arrangement, it will gradually fade out of people\'s sight and become like the Dragon God in ancient legends. Of course, in addition, I will leave you some dragon eggs to ensure that tangaryan is still the awesome royal family."

The voice just fell!

A wooden box inlaid with silver patterns suddenly appeared on the table out of thin air.

Six dragon eggs of different colors are placed inside neatly after special transformation, and they will collide with each other from time to time and make a slight noise.

People with a little experience know that this is a sign that the young dragons are fully mature. Within a few days at most, they will break their shells and become wild beasts at the top of the food chain.

Moreover, because the red comet has just visited the planet, there is no need to worry about the fading of magic energy in the air for a long time.

"They are so beautiful!" daenerys carefully picked up a dragon egg, and her eyes were full of infinite memories and associations.

As early as a few years ago, after she married zhuogo, she also received three dragon eggs as gifts when she was pregnant.

Unfortunately, the husband became a walking corpse at the critical moment, the child was not born smoothly, and the hatched young dragons were taken away by the enemy and died in the war.

However, she finally had the opportunity to make up for all this pain and regret.

Zhang Cheng didn\'t care about danilis\'s complex emotions. His eyes had gone through the obstacles of space and clearly saw that Warren was riding a carriage back along Kingdom Avenue from the north.

Even during the journey, he didn\'t forget to hang out in the carriage with several young girls he paid for, and indulge his inner desires