All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 972

"I don\'t know what you mean. Is there any difference between the two ways of ruling the country?" daenerys frowned subconsciously.

Since she spent her childhood in constant exile, she had never received even a little Royal elite education. In addition, limited by her horizons, she could not understand the huge difference between enfeoffment and centralization, let alone how huge and amazing potential she could explode when power was highly concentrated.

"What do you say?"

Zhang Cheng touched his chin and organized his language a little, followed by a casual explanation: "Letting the great nobles have unrestricted rights in their own territory means that they are actually independent kingdoms one after another. Their relationship with the royal family is not so much a monarch and minister as a collaborator, sharing rights and ruling the whole country. As a queen, your rights are actually limited and you can\'t really intervene in the affairs in each territory. Although it seems that this can greatly reduce the cost and difficulty of ruling, it has led to an increase in the risk of rebellion. Remember how your father lost his throne? Robert baratheon took the initiative to lead a war for personal reasons! If he is not the Lord of windbreak castle and his men do not have an army fully loyal to him, that\'s true Will this happen again? "

"So you think I should weaken the rights of traditional nobles such as matel and Erin, so that they can\'t establish strong prestige and power in the territory as before?" danilis was obviously not stupid and realized the key to the problem at once.

Zhang Cheng nodded gently: "That\'s right! Although you can\'t take back all your rights from a political point of view so far, it\'s no problem to give them some trouble. Especially, the whole seven kingdoms have just experienced a war, and famous families such as stark, Tyrell, Lannister and Tully have been seriously damaged or directly disappeared, which is a good opportunity to redistribute interests "You can promote some new nobles from the civilian population and let them fight against the old nobles, and you can act as an arbiter to ensure a weak balance between the two sides. Over time, they will gradually form a fear of kingship, and there is no way to pull up the army and launch a rebellion as before."

"So it is! I see! That\'s why you eliminated two nobles with the longest history and the greatest influence in the river bay area, and promoted their mercenary leaders to become new nobles." a suddenly enlightened expression appeared on danilis\'s face.

After so many days of study, she has gradually begun to deeply understand the essence of politics and kingship, as well as the number of interest disputes hidden behind many phenomena she could not understand before.

"That\'s right! It\'s very effective, isn\'t it? Look at the current river bay area. There is no strong family that can really dominate the whole area. Everyone must obey me, or they will perish." Zhang Cheng smiled and said his real intention of wantonly killing the traditional nobles in the river bay area.

Never let your men become bigger, and then get out of control and have unwarranted ambitions. This is the essence of the game of rule and power.

Unfortunately, the natives of Westeros obviously did not understand such a simple truth, including the conqueror AEGON.

They always wantonly enfeoffed nobles over and over again and handed over all the ruling power in a huge area to a family for hereditary rule. I believe they can ensure that loyalty can continue forever by virtue of vows and good personal relations.

Not surprisingly, civil strife has never stopped from beginning to end. Whether it is the battle for the right to inherit the throne, or the counter attack launched by the subjects after the decline of the royal family, it shows how ridiculous this childish politics is.

Danilis sat on the iron throne with a dignified face and meditated for more than ten minutes. Then she looked up and said, "cut the Seven Kingdoms previously divided into smaller lands, and then grant them to more nobles. No longer give any family the right to manage the area, let them swear allegiance directly to King\'s landing. This is the suggestion you want to express, right?"

"Exactly! I admit that doing so will greatly increase the pressure of management, so I also suggest that you set up a college, just like a school city in ruins, to train corresponding management talents for the royal family and give them corresponding rights, but do not give them noble titles, so as to make it a new political force that can compete with the noble group. So As a result, kingship, old and new nobles and bureaucrats will form a stable and competing power system. Before this system loses balance, you never have to worry about the decline of power in your hands. "Zhang Cheng said, holding up his glass and sipping a slightly sour wine.

There is no doubt that it is very interesting to teach a young and beautiful queen from scratch, and even make him feel like playing nurturing games.

"I see! Mason, you are really a genius. You can build a new ruling structure from scratch. But now, there is a more serious problem between us to be solved."

After that, danilis stood up, walked gracefully to the front, pasted it in Zhang Cheng\'s ear and whispered, "honey, I think you should immediately perform your duties as a husband. As a queen, I need a healthy heir, otherwise all this is just a beautiful bubble."

"Of course! Your majesty! It\'s my pleasure..." Zhang Cheng tilted his mouth slightly, put down his glass and began to untie each other\'s belt.

After a while, an attractive voice sounded in the closed conference room.

The maid of the imperial forest iron guard at the door exchanged eyes with each other. Soon, she pretended not to hear anything and continued to perform her duties.

However, no one knows that Zhang Cheng has actually lost his ability to bear offspring, even the cloned body.


For a Titan who is proficient in magic power, creating life is not difficult.

While Denise was immersed in primitive instincts and desires, he quietly injected the seeds of life into each other\'s body and quickly condensed into a healthy embryo.

Before long, this embryo will slowly grow into a healthy fetus and become the legal heir of the iron net. It is also the only hero who can fight the army of the dead in the far north in the future.

In the prepared script, Zhang Cheng arranged roles for everyone, waiting for Warren to make up his mind to stay in the world