All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 965

Some people say that power is the art of competing for dominance.

A wise king will use the contradictions and disagreements between his subjects to quietly complete the control of power, and then establish his supreme position in dealing with government affairs.

But unfortunately, smart kings often belong to a very small number, especially when they depend on blood relationship. It is good that most of them can reluctantly call it mediocrity.

Therefore, in general, seizing power is often accompanied by civil strife and bloodshed. Few monarchs can regain their own rights without bloodshed.

At least with danilis targaryan\'s wisdom and political sense of smell, she can\'t complete this complex plan beyond her own ability.

Therefore, through a class, Zhang Cheng taught her how to use violence and intimidation to make those disobedient nobles learn humility and obedience.

As the bodies of the chancellor of the exchequer and his family were hung on the city wall for public display, the pre imperial meeting passed the proposal of sending troops to attack the Lannister family who refused to obey the king\'s rule at an unprecedented speed.

In less than two days, more than 50000 troops were gathered and close to Kaiyan city. Along the way, nobles led private troops to join them. When they arrived 20 kilometers outside Kaiyan City, the number of troops under the queen still reached an amazing 100000, including 15000 cavalry and more than 800 knights, Wrapped in strong armor from head to foot.

Of course, these are not the most desperate of the enemy!

What makes the Lannister family extremely desperate is the huge figure circling in the sky and the invincible magic dragon - Kulo kelba.

"Look at those poor guys. They are all in panic and despair. I can guarantee that more than half of them will turn and run away as soon as there is a war." Oberon put down his navigation binoculars and revealed his undisguised contempt in his tone.

You should know how brilliant the Lannister family was when tywin was alive. It not only had a legion capable of fighting, but also defeated almost all its competitors. It was only one step away from completely controlling the Iron Throne.

But now?

Only a group of idiots holding the so-called family pride and glory!

Of course, it may also be fear that makes them afraid to surrender.

After all, the residents of half the continent know what Lannister did to the tangaryan family in order to please Robert. It can\'t be described as crazy.

God knows if they surrender, they will be greeted by a massacre.

Many times, losers know they have failed and are unwilling to surrender. That\'s why.

"When can we attack?" daenerys narrowed her eyes and looked into the distance, deliberately pretending to be cold.

After several days of trying, she gradually found that when she straightened her face, those originally presumptuous ministers would be extra cautious, and there was a little more respect and fear in her eyes.

without doubt!

This is the change of power dominance!

"Don\'t worry! Please remember, this is not a war, but a public punishment. Our purpose is to let everyone see with their own eyes what the end of rebellion is. Therefore, killing and destruction are not the whole purpose. The real thing to do is to burn fear into everyone\'s heart." Zhang Cheng touched his chin and explained meaningfully.

"Oh? What are you going to do?" Oberon asked with a little curiosity.

"Very simple! The first is to create panic and make the residents in the city realize that Kaiyan city is not as indestructible as they thought..."

With that, Zhang Cheng raised his arm and shot a dazzling red light into the sky.

Next second

The dragon, which was only circling in the sky, swooped down, opened its mouth, and spewed out a deadly dragon breath along the city wall.

In this way, thousands of soldiers waiting for battle were directly burned to ashes, and even the city wall piled up with hard rocks melted into boiling magma.


Kulo kelbas had no intention of continuing to attack several other walls and fortresses. After destroying one wall, he immediately climbed up and returned to the sky hundreds of meters high.

It took less than 15 seconds for the nobles and civilians in Kaiyan city to understand that the city could not be defended at all.

After a short silence, the soldiers belonging to danilis burst into warm cheers. Some guys with a large amount of adrenaline secretion even rushed to the bottom of the city wall on war horses and shouted loudly to vent their inner excitement.

For the army, nothing can boost morale more than an easy victory.

In addition, Kaiyan city is the nest of Lannister family. Its wealth is far more than that of most towns. It is also said that the underground vault of the castle is full of gold mined from the mine.

In short, as long as you grab it hard once, you will find it in the second half of your life.

In Westeros, the army is actually no different from bandits in essence. Even many ruthless guys have secretly begun to wonder whether they can build a slaughtering city.


Just when Kay rock fell into unprecedented panic and chaos, Warren had secretly left the "happy nest" through the secret road to collect information in hotels and bars of King\'s landing.

Whether it is the myths and legends of ancient times, the lost civilization, or the rumors of supernatural forces all over the world, he would rather kill by mistake than let go.

It took about two or three days to sort out a not too thick notebook. Several of them were marked with red pens, which he thought were threatening to himself.

Among them, Kulo kelba ranked first!

As for the rest, there are the extinct Valeria, the shadow land where supernatural forces are most active, the strange ghosts outside the northern desperate Great Wall, the son of the forest who disappeared from people\'s sight, the king of light and so on.

It has to be said that Warren\'s ability to live up to now with not too strong strength basically depends on his caution.

He is not a fool. He knows not to be confused by superficial phenomena and directly explore the most essential part of the world.

On the whole, however, he was quite satisfied with this place called Westeros. Even if there was a terrible disaster, he was sure that he could escape.

Anyway, so far, no sign of world destruction has been found in the future clips.

But Warren didn\'t know that the future world he saw didn\'t include the undead army growing rapidly in the North