All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 964

What is the ruler?

Rulers do the most cruel and ruthless things under the guise of "justice", "goodness" and "freedom".

Especially in Westeros, a land where a perfect enfeoffment system has been established, only the strongest and cruel nobles are qualified to sit on the iron king and give orders.

Why did the tangaryan family become a royal family?

Did AEGON the conqueror\'s justice and kindness move the Lords and kings?


It\'s a dragon!

The dragon with destructive power made all the nobles feel afraid and kneel down to surrender.

Similarly, Robert baratheon did not ascend the throne for reasons of justice and kindness, but he beat rega to death in the Trident River battle, overthrew the tangaryan Dynasty with naked violence, and then ascended the throne.

After the rebellion of the five kings, no matter which one, there were nobles and huge armies standing behind them, so there was only one factor that could ultimately determine the ownership of the iron throne, that is, power, strong enough to be unmatched.

In the world of the song of ice and fire, the only powerful force recognized by nobles and civilians is the king flying in the sky - the dragon.

Almost all monarchs regarded as "wise and powerful" by the world are doing one thing without exception, that is to constantly suppress the endless greed and desire of their nobles.


A few minutes later, when danilis returned to the Royal conference room again, the ministers who were still arguing immediately closed their mouths, and their eyes revealed irrecoverable panic and fear.

Because she didn\'t come back alone, but came down from the sky with Kulo kelba and Zhang Cheng. The invisible energy field emitted from the top and bottom of the divine dragon made the strictly trained Knights feel difficult to breathe, not to mention the old guys who had been hollowed out by wine and sex.




Everyone present, without exception, clearly heard the sound of their heart beating, and jumped faster and faster. Some couldn\'t support it, and even began to bleed out from the mouth and nose, with uncontrollable slight trembling all over.

"In the name of the queen! I now declare that the Lannister family and its subordinates have been officially deprived of all aristocratic titles, territories and property and become a traitor to the country. Their only end is to be completely destroyed. Tell me, who among you agrees and who opposes?" daenerys asked loudly, sitting on the dragon\'s back.

The aristocrats who boast on weekdays are like chicks stuck in the neck. No one dares to speak. They all lower their heads and show their most humble and obedient side as much as possible.

You know, in the civil war that broke out not long ago, all the guys with integrity and a sense of honor basically died. The rest are basically guys who are good at changing the rudder, so they won\'t jump out and die by themselves.

God knows if the huge dragon will open its mouth and spit out the hot breath at the next moment.

Enjoying such an interesting scene, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help laughing and said sarcastically, "honey, see? This is the true face of the nobility! To deal with them, what you need is not to reason, but to hold the sword in your hand."

"What should I do if someone just stood up against me?" daenerys asked curiously.

"It\'s easy! Classify that man and his family into Lannister\'s camp, and then uproot them, killing all men, women, young and old. Remember, nothing can strengthen memory and ensure that every nobleman dare not rebel easily. In fact, your father iris II did a good job in this regard. Although his spirit is a little wrong Often, but almost everyone is afraid of him. The only regret is that he has no dragon, so he will be defeated by the usurper Robert. "Zhang Cheng deliberately pretends to be careless and explains.

There is no doubt that he is taking the opportunity to instill his dark ideas into the queen who has no ruling experience, and intends to try to cultivate him into a qualified tyrant.

you \'re right!


A monarch who rules the country by means of strong power and iron fist!

"Damn it! Who are you? How dare you bewitch your majesty!" an old man who looked 70 or 80 years old finally couldn\'t help standing up and yelling.

He couldn\'t believe what a threat to all the nobles would be if the queen did.

No one will like a strong king who has a complete grasp of life and death!

This is why, in history, the evaluation of monarchs who have made achievements is always not high. On the contrary, mediocre talents who basically do nothing and give up the task of governing the country to their ministers can often get high evaluation in the end.

"Me?" Zhang Cheng jumped down from the dragon\'s back, calmly came to the old man and responded meaningfully: "my name is Mason Aspen, the Lord of the river, the Duke of Gaoting, and the legitimate husband of Queen danilis. Now tell me, how do you want to die, old man?"

"Mason?!!" the old man\'s pupil contracted suddenly and immediately stepped back several steps.

"Dear Oberon, could you do me a little favor?" Zhang Cheng ignored the old man\'s panic reaction and turned directly to the "Red Snake".

"Of course, it\'s my pleasure." Oberon stroked his chest with one hand and made a very solemn salute.

As one of the participants in the whole plan, he knew more than anyone present how terrible this seemingly harmless young man was, and even one person was worth tens of thousands of well-equipped troops.

Moreover, he is also the spokesman of Dorn in King\'s landing and knows how to stand in line at this time.

"Thank you! Please uproot this old guy and his family! Early tomorrow morning, I hope to see their bodies hung on the city wall." Zhang Cheng issued an order impolitely.

execute one as a warning to others!

Many times, the more simple and rough treatment, the better the effect can be obtained.

As for launching a rebellion, or playing with small means such as poisoning and assassination, he doesn\'t care at all. He even vaguely expects someone to jump out and let himself spend his boring time.

At least Warren must stay here until he confirms that there is no danger in the world and says the key and location of the fourth seal.

"I see. Please rest assured that I won\'t have to wait until tomorrow morning before the sun sets today."

The voice just fell!

Oberon mathel suddenly pulled out his sword and pierced the old man\'s heart directly from behind. Then he grabbed each other\'s leg and walked out, dragging a bright red blood mark on the ground