All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 966

"Northern territory! Strange ghost? Maybe I should go and confirm it myself..." staring at the notes in his hand, Warren frowned and muttered.

Like Zhang Cheng, he is also an extremely insecure person.

The only difference between the two is that when Zhang Cheng feels threatened, he will fall into a mental state mixed with reason and madness, but Warren just wants to escape the danger and find a safe place to hide.

After all, his ability is to predict what may happen in the future from the chaotic fragments, and it is the nature of most human beings to avoid evil and seek good, so escape has become an inevitable choice.

You know, although many soul chicken soup repeatedly stressed that we must face difficulties, otherwise once we escape, we are doomed to do nothing in the second half of our life.

But in fact, throughout human history, few strong people dare to face difficulties and dangers, and most people subconsciously choose to escape.

But Zhang Cheng is just the opposite. He hates fatalism, never thinks that the future is fixed, and even doesn\'t want to learn any prophecy magic. He firmly believes that his power can change the future.

The differences in personality and thinking style between the two people have resulted in their completely different behavior style.

Just when Warren hired a carriage, left King\'s landing and pressed King\'s Avenue all the way north. He planned to visit the desperate Great Wall. By the way, when he asked about the care of strange ghosts, Kaiyan city finally ushered in the prelude to destruction.


Early in the morning, hundreds of catapults threw cans of containers filled with wildfires into the city in a parabola.

In the blink of an eye, a large green flame rose into the sky and spread rapidly among the wooden houses. In just ten minutes or so, half of the city fell into a sea of fire, with screams and cries of despair.

Needless to ask, these dangerous things were found in Junlin city.

They were originally terrorist weapons secretly developed by alchemists entrusted by the tangaryan family after losing the dragon. They were used to deter those unscrupulous nobles. Today, they are finally in use.



"Archer! Shoot!"


With the screams of noble officers, about 6000 infantry began to get close to the east wall that had been melted by Longyan.

In front of them, less than 3500 soldiers, armed with shields and spears, were stationed in place to make the final resistance with flesh and blood.

No accidents!

After enduring the baptism of the short arrow rain, the soldiers of both sides immediately entered the tragic close combat link.

As we all know, hand to hand combat is an anaerobic exercise that consumes a lot of energy. Even after a long time of exercise, it can\'t last long.

Generally speaking, the army with a sound system usually adopts a rotation system, that is, let the veterans in the first row fight for a period of time, and then retreat and be pushed up by the soldiers behind, so as to get a short rest and recovery time.

Due to differences in race and training level, this time ranges from three minutes to five minutes.

This means that the maximum limit for a person holding a weapon to fight fiercely with the enemy is five minutes. Once five minutes have passed, he will immediately fall into a state of fatigue.

What a one-on-one duel with a hundred and eighty rounds is a lie story.

Real masters often decide life and death in an instant. They can\'t see any gorgeous moves, skills and movements at all.

Unfortunately, the army of Westeros is still in a backward state full of ignorance and chaos. Most of the soldiers are either private soldiers of nobility or mercenaries hired temporarily. Once they enter the scuffle state, the tactical instructions will be completely ineffective and depend on their personal performance.

With the advantage of quantity, danilis\'s army soon destroyed the enemy\'s formation, cut and surrounded them, followed by annihilation bit by bit.

When the death toll on both sides reached about 1000, the soldiers loyal to Lannister finally collapsed, threw away their weapons and ran around, even if there were green wildfires everywhere behind them.

Seeing that the defeat was a foregone conclusion, the remaining soldiers immediately rushed in like a swarm of bees, killing every fallen enemy fiercely and kicking open folk houses recklessly. Some robbed property and some raped women. I

Looking at the hellish scene ahead, Oberon took a deep breath and sighed: "they\'re finished! After today, Kay rock and Lannister will become history. But I have a question, what are you going to do with the west? You know, without a strong family, this land will be full of chaos, killing and death."

"Don\'t worry, I\'m going to promote at least 50 knights, four barons and two viscounts from those soldiers who have made contributions. These guys promoted from the bottom of society are naturally loyal allies of the royal power. They will keep an eye on the West for her majesty. Whoever dares to make trouble and wait for him is ruthless destruction and death." Zhang Cheng responded with indifference.

Although he understood that promoting civilians from the bottom to nobility meant greed and corruption.

But the history of the earth has proved many times that the only way to overthrow the aristocrats who occupy a monopoly position is to promote civilians and suppress and tear up this huge interest group from the inside.

"Wow! Big money! I have to admit that although many people said I was crazy before, I was obviously not completely crazy compared with you. Promoting 50 knights, four barons and two viscounts from the civilian population at one time will surely attract countless protests and objections." Oberon raised his eyebrows and his tone was full of schadenfreude ridicule.

What is nobility?

Have noble blood!

To put it bluntly, it is to spell ancestors.

Your father, your grandfather, your grandfather\'s father and your grandfather\'s grandfather should have the title of nobility for at least five generations, otherwise they will be rejected by all the nobility.

The most typical example is Dave seworth, the "onion Knight".

Although he won Stannis\' trust, those old nobles never really recognized him, and even laughed at his poor and humble origin again and again.

"Protest? Objection?" Zhang Cheng raised his mouth slightly, showing a meaningful sneer. "Do you think I care about this? No! Dear Oberon, I will prove with practical action that the so-called aristocratic resistance is as weak as a teenage girl in the face of strong hooligans."

After that, Zhang Cheng turned his eyes to daenerys, who was frowning not far away.

The queen obviously did not adapt to the brutal scene of slaughtering the city. She opened her mouth several times to order to stop the slaughter of civilians and looting of property. Unfortunately, the current chaotic situation made her lose control of the army, and even the noble officer in charge of command could not be found.