All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 963

"Your Majesty, you must not be soft hearted in dealing with rebellion. Especially the ambitious diehards like Lannister who have planned and participated in rebellion many times and even killed the royal blood, they must use blood and death to wash away their sins."

"That\'s right! I totally agree! The Lannister family must be removed from the nobility! Have you forgotten how they treated your parents and brothers and sisters?"

"Objection! Lannister has made many mistakes, but he is not guilty to death. Don\'t forget that they have been guardians of the West for generations. Once Lannister is lost, how should we maintain stability and peace there?"

"Hum! Stability and peace in the west? Don\'t you know that Lannister is the biggest threat to the Kingdom now?"

"Fool! Politics is no joke! Do you think that if Lannister is cleared and Kay rock is destroyed, the West will obey the rule of her majesty? Naive!"

"Damn it! Old man! Who are you talking about? Do you want to die?"

"That\'s you! Why, are you going to draw your sword at the imperial meeting?"

"Duel! I\'ll duel with you! If it\'s a man, pull out your sword! Don\'t tell me that thing around your waist is just an ornament."


Looking at the meeting before the royal court, danilis targaryan was in a state of tension again, holding her forehead, and her young and beautiful face showed an expression of pain and helplessness.

Obviously, this situation from quarrel to hands-on has long been an inevitable reserved program every day.

Because she was forcibly pushed to the throne by external forces, her deterrent to the great nobility was really limited, especially after the other party found out that she was not a cruel and bloodthirsty tyrant, she soon became bolder, formed three stable political and military alliances, and couldn\'t stop fighting.

In short, bullying the queen is relatively young. She knows nothing about politics and plans to take the opportunity to expand her influence and sphere of influence.

"Your Majesty, aren\'t you going to stop the adults?" a close maid warned carefully.

Danilis glanced at the increasingly chaotic scene and gently shook her head: "no, let them go. In their eyes, I\'m just a little girl who doesn\'t understand anything."

The voice just fell!

She stood up and left the iron throne, disappeared at the end of the dark corridor of the castle, followed by the close maid and the iron guard.

Ironically, the Queen\'s departure was not noticed by all dignitaries, including the prime minister. They still got together and quarreled. Two guys with self-restraint of force even began to swing their fists and fight each other. There was no etiquette and reserve that nobles should have at all.

It can be said that the current Royal parliament is not so much an organization to help the king deal with government affairs as a feast to divide up interests. However, when they can\'t reach a compromise, they prefer to drag each other back rather than let their competitors take advantage of it.

Of course, they don\'t have much ideas about the queen daenerys for the time being.

On the one hand, the dragon made everyone avoid rats. On the other hand, there was only one single seedling left in the tangaryan family, which could not threaten the interests of the great nobles in a short time.

On the contrary, because the queen doesn\'t even have a confidant around her, what can she do except to count on the help of the great nobles?

Is it difficult for a group of civilians who don\'t know a word to rule a huge country?

Stop kidding!

What\'s the difference between that and suicide?

Then the whole Westeros will fall into chaos and famine!

Although daenerys was a little naive, she was not stupid at all. She could feel almost undisguised contempt from the behavior of her ministers.

There is no doubt that these guys have never regarded her as a real queen, and there is no even a little respect and fear in their hearts.


For some reason, this strange and familiar word suddenly came out of danilis\'s mind.

Because there was a very melancholy period in her life, she was always controlled by others as dolls. When she was young, she was her brother and Elio mopatis, the rich merchant governor of pantos. When she was older, she was sold to drogo as a wife

It was this wandering life that taught her perseverance and patience.

Standing on the balcony of the Red Castle, the young queen took a deep breath and released all the anger and reluctance she had just accumulated.

Just as she was going to turn back and announce the end of today\'s pre imperial meeting, she suddenly found that the knight and personal maid responsible for protecting her safety fell to the ground and fell asleep for some reason.

Next second

Suddenly, a dark figure came out of the darkness slowly, smiled and said, "good morning, danilis, born of the storm, how have you been recently?"

"Yes... It\'s you! When did you return to King\'s landing?" danilis showed a trace of undisguised joy in her eyes and immediately rushed forward to offer a warm hug.

"I haven\'t been back for more than 14 hours. How about being a queen? Ruling a country with many contradictions is not as simple as you think." Zhang Cheng joked with a smile.

When he came in from the front door, he had seen the chaotic scene of the pre imperial meeting and understood that the woman who had not received corresponding education could not fight those cunning old foxes.

"Did you see it?" Denise raised her eyebrows slightly.

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders and replied, "that\'s right! I have to say, you are really a failure as a queen. You obviously hold the biggest trump card, but you don\'t know how to use it. You were robbed of your rights by a group of hyenas. To tell the truth, I now regret pushing you to the Iron Throne."

"Trump card? What trump card!" daenerys subconsciously opened her eyes and quickly thought in her mind about what else she didn\'t do.

"It\'s easy! Your trump card is dragon!

Take Kulo kelba to Kay rock personally, uproot the Lannister family, and tell the self righteous nobles who you are with killing, destruction and destruction.

Do you know?

The nature of the world is cruel. All seemingly beautiful emotions such as kindness, compassion, love and friendship are fatal poisons for a king.

To become a king, you must be prepared to be lonely all your life. The only thing that accompanies you all your life is power.

As long as the monarchy can be stabilized, don\'t hesitate to order the slaughter of thousands of rebels, otherwise the country will fall apart and more civilians will taste the pain of war again... "