All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 962

"Control your emotions! My dear friend! Don\'t force me to use violence!" Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and warned.

However, it\'s a pity that the inherent impression left by the last meeting and the inherent arrogance of the dragon made cronada make a wrong judgment. He directly opened his bloody mouth and roared, "go to hell! Despicable bug! I\'ll burn you to ashes!"

Next second


A group of hot dragon breath gushed out, directly covering the originally not very spacious underground hall. Its terrible high temperature made the surrounding rocks melt into liquid, rolling and bubbling.


Uncontrollable anger!

Since the last time it was fooled by a human being, it was trapped in an extremely shameful resentment and couldn\'t extricate itself. It played back the details of what had happened almost all the time, and this sense of shame was quickly transformed into uncontrollable anger.

Now, this anger finally has a channel to vent.

The terrible breath lasted for a whole minute. When the Dragon stopped, the rocks around the passage to the surface had melted and formed a huge circular pit.

However, Zhang Cheng, who suffered from Longxi barbecue for one minute, was undamaged. He still had a faint smile on his face and said casually: "Is this the way you welcome old friends? Or do you think I\'ll be so stupid that I\'m not sure and come back to you for revenge? Dear cronada, it seems that you\'re no different from your kind. You\'re always so stupid and arrogant."

"Did you resist my breath?!" the red dragon was obviously surprised, and his eyes flowing like lava showed incredible light.

"Stop?" Zhang Cheng shook his head mockingly. "No, actually I didn\'t do anything! The temperature of the magic flame you spit out is so low that it can\'t even hurt my skin. You and I are two different levels of life, and I am much more advanced and powerful than you. In return for your warm welcome, I\'ll show you what is really powerful..."

The voice just fell!

He raised his left hand and sprinkled a bone chilling cold air into the air.

In the blink of an eye, the terrible low temperature quickly spread around. In less than half a minute, everything within a radius of hundreds of meters was frozen, and even the hot magma was instantly solidified into hard rock.

Although the energy contained in Titan\'s body is too amazing to tear the space directly as before, Zhang Cheng can only use the projection of consciousness, and can\'t even reach 1% of the strength of the body. It\'s still very easy to deal with just a red dragon.

Feeling that his body temperature was getting lower and lower, and the fire of life beating in his chest was getting weaker and weaker, cronada finally realized how amazing the power of this terrible magic was. While struggling to get rid of his frozen lower body, he shouted in panic: "No! You can\'t do that! Let go of me! I can\'t die! If I die, the dragon in this world will be extinct, and all magic related to dragon and light will disappear. Those silent ghosts in the extreme cold of the north will kill all the living people in this world."

"Ah! Don\'t worry about ghosts. I\'ve asked the most loyal servants to incorporate them. I believe that in a short time, a new force and a huge death empire will rise outside the desperate Great Wall. However, they will not easily destroy the human world, but will act as a catalyst for civilization and force those nobles who claim to be superior to others to make changes. As for Dragon, my child Kulo kelba will inherit your position and become the new king of dragons in the world. "Zhang Cheng broke each other\'s fantasy with an extremely cruel tone.

Let go of your former enemies?


There are usually only two kinds of people who can do such things. One is stupid enough to really believe that good for bad will make the world a better place, and the other is the "show" out of special needs.

For example, Han Xin, the founding General of the Han Dynasty, forgives the butcher who humiliated himself.

Not how generous he really is, but wants to take advantage of this opportunity to further his reputation. In essence, it is a kind of political show and artificial hype.

As a conspiracy theorist, Zhang Cheng never believes that there are any perfect saints in the world. Maybe some people will occasionally lend a helping hand to those in need out of compassion, but it is absolutely impossible to persist for a lifetime.

The more a celebrity is praised, the worse he often does, and even secretly he is a liar who relies on betraying the country in exchange for his own interests.

Looking at the red dragon frozen into ice sculpture bit by bit, Zhang Cheng finally raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers.



The huge ice sculpture suddenly fell apart and fell to the ground into thousands of pieces.

In particular, the head full of fear perfectly preserved kronada\'s reaction before his death.

"Hum! It\'s cheap for you! Otherwise, in a hurry, I\'ll slowly let you taste the pain and despair before you die. Next, it\'s time to visit my dear wife and see if she is still as naive as before and treats governing a country as a child."

With that, Zhang Cheng exerts his transmission magic again and disappears in place.

He just left with his front foot!

The island shook violently, and then sank to the bottom of the sea with a deafening noise.


At the same time, Warren, who had just finished a fierce hand to hand fight with three women, was lying on the soft big bed, raised his head, drank a large glass of wine, licked his lips and asked one of the fair skinned young women, "lovely baby, can you tell me what interesting things have happened in the city recently?"

"Interesting? I don\'t know what you mean?" the naked woman winked playfully.

"Aha! I think these golden gadgets should satisfy your greedy appetite, shouldn\'t they?" Warren laughed, took a handful of gold coins from his pocket and spilled them into the air.


The prostitutes who were originally lazy in bed and chairs jumped up one after another and screamed for gold.

They don\'t know that gold is the most useless metal in hell. The demons even prefer to throw it away by the side of the road rather than look at it more.

Warren successfully took advantage of this, unknowingly collected a large amount of gold, and ordered the little devil to cast it into money.

Needless to ask, he was preparing for the evacuation from the beginning. In that humble magic leather pocket, there were enough coins made of 500 tons of gold, enough to live a luxurious life for the rest of his life