All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 961

There is no doubt that for Warren, whether a world is suitable for his long-term residence mainly depends on two aspects: security and the openness of men\'s and women\'s atmosphere.

Of course, the security of the former does not refer to social security in the ordinary sense, but to the strength of supernatural forces. Will that kind of terrible invaders or terrible monsters wake up from the seal suddenly emerge.

As for the latter, as long as you walk around those special service places, you can basically see eight or nine times.

This is not

Just less than two hours after he came to King\'s landing, he couldn\'t help coming to a well-known brothel.

The shopkeeper is a black woman from the midsummer islands. Her name is sataya. What\'s more interesting is that she also has a daughter named ailaya, who also provides customers with all kinds of wonderful services here.

In fact, including Tyrion, the "little devil" who has been missing for a long time, Oberon mathel, the "Red Snake", and bolon, the head of the mercenary once canonized as a knight, were once regular guests of this brothel. Robert baratheon, with a large green grassland on his head, had an illegitimate daughter with the prostitutes here.

But none of the above is the most amazing!

The most incredible thing is that there is also a secret road inside the brothel, leading to inaccessible places.

According to the statement given by Wallis, this secret road was dug by a prime minister, and the reason is very funny. He dug a secret tunnel because he didn\'t want others to know that he often visited here because of his face.

But Zhang Cheng will never tell Warren about these secrets, or even tell each other about the strange ghosts gathering in the north and preparing to go south.

After all, he was not generous enough to be coerced and treated as if nothing had happened.

On the contrary, his real style of action is to seize the opportunity to retaliate severely.

The patience now is to recover interest a hundred times or a thousand times in the future.

Poor Warren didn\'t understand that his self righteous little intelligence had pushed himself into the abyss of despair. He was still enjoying embracing left and right, lying in a woman\'s arms and venting his beast like primitive low-level desires.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Cheng came alone to the island where the red dragon clonada was imprisoned.

The death knight xiuma has transformed this place into a bone burial place emitting strong death energy by killing sailors of passing ships. Half rotten zombies and groups of wandering skeletons can be seen everywhere.

They are more loyal to their duties than any guard. They don\'t need to eat, drink, rest, entertainment, or feel boring and sleepy.

Just set foot on the beach, a death dragon covered with pale scales fell from the sky, constantly roaring menacingly, and two strange cold lights twinkled in his eyes.

Needless to ask, this is the little guy hatched from the dragon eggs sent by Zhang Cheng. Now it is more than 35 meters and has a certain intelligence.

Before the dragon of death launched a tentative attack, xiuma, the death knight stationed here, finally arrived, stopped his partner\'s reckless behavior through spiritual connection, knelt down on one knee and greeted him in a low and hoarse voice: "the great master and the most loyal slave salute you."

"Well, during my absence, the old dragon underground didn\'t make any noise?" Zhang Cheng directly put forward his most concerned problem.

"It tried to summon some of its men to attack the island, but in the end, without exception, they became one of the dead. Thanks to its help, I now have eight necromancers, more than 15000 zombies and skeletons." with this, xiuma turned and glanced at the death army kneeling on the ground.

Even with the help of undead magic, he transformed many ships into undead ships, constantly cruising in the surrounding waters. Once he found a living person, he would launch an attack immediately.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Cheng raised his mouth, showed a demonic smile and nodded with satisfaction: "Well done! Now, I think it\'s time to give you another more important task. Here, take this magic sword to the North! Tell those stupid strange ghosts for me! Either surrender! Or destroy! There is no third choice! After taking the strange ghosts, kill all or all lives outside the desperate great wall and build a truly invincible army of dead souls."

"As you wish!" without saying anything, xiuma immediately felt a resonance from the depths of her soul.

Needless to say, this sword is actually an artifact - an enhanced copy of Frostmourne. It is not difficult to make it in the library on the mother planet of the fear demon, and even its manufacturing process and the whole process.

As the weakest chicken in the Lich King\'s two-piece suit, the value of Frostmourne can\'t be comparable to that of the helmets of the Lord. Therefore, Zhang Cheng made a series of enhancements to combine the abilities of the two artifacts into one.

As early as when he came to the song of ice and fire world, he had already considered how to retaliate, that is, to build an army of death, and then threaten the human world and force them to hand over Warren, otherwise he would launch an all-out war and completely kill all the living people.

In this way, this unlucky man will become the public enemy of all mankind. No matter where he escapes, he can\'t think of settling down at all. Even if he can\'t die, he will spend the rest of his life in constant wandering.

Many times, killing a person is not the best way of revenge, but a change of direction.

Zhang Cheng doesn\'t want Warren to die too easily. He wants to destroy each other\'s spirit and will, let him slowly taste the bitter fruit he brewed in endless pain and regret, and don\'t pay the price for his stupid behavior.

With a portal across the ocean and Westeros slowly opened, xiuma took his men to the wild land of ice and snow and began a new journey.

As a undead, the meaning of his life is to create fear and despair, and he is 100% obedient to the orders given by his master.

In just one month, he and his undead looted dozens of gathering places of wild people and quickly expanded their army to more than 50000.

In particular, the giant who came back from the dead is simply a natural war machine, and most human weapons are full of powerlessness.

But these have nothing to do with Zhang Cheng.

Since the dead completely left, he opened the channel with powerful magic power and walked underground along the direction of hot magma. Before long, he came to the red dragon and joked with a slightly joking tone: "long time no see, dear cronada, don\'t you know you still remember me?"

"Is it you?! how dare you come back? Appear in front of me again!"

Cronada suddenly opened her eyes from her deep sleep and exuded an amazing momentum all over her