All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 958

"Organization, as its name implies, is an organization formed by countless like-minded people. Maybe you won\'t believe it. So far, the organization has conducted more than 200 trials, and the results are all our own. In short, from the founder to every member later, we are our own in each parallel universe Separation. How about Ken? It\'s incredible, isn\'t it? "The guy who calls himself Lao Chen grinned with a playful smile.

Zhang Cheng incredible as like as two peas: "your consciousness is... The whole organization, more than 200 members are all very similar to you and me, or even the same?"

"Yes! Do you know how crazy this is? Many times I can\'t even tell who is who without the help of the auxiliary system." Lao Chen shook his head with emotion. "But the advantage is that we have a very strong sense of identity with each other, and we are also very united. We are willing to make sacrifices for each other when necessary. After all, we have closer ties with each other than blood."

"What about the trial?" Zhang Cheng frowned and continued to ask.

"Trial, as the name suggests, is a way to recruit qualified members. In short, we will artificially intervene in the process of a parallel universe and earth, make it deviate from the original history, and create a time environment. For example, when I was conducting the trial, the earth was a world with highly developed science and technology, and human beings not only became the overlord of the galaxy, but also Launched a war and invaded the nearby Andromeda supersystem. At that time, the organization needed to build a powerful space fleet, so I successfully passed the test and joined the organization as a member. Now, the organization needs a master of energy and mystics, so you were selected. "

While answering, Lao Chen picked up the cup, scooped a large glass of red liquid in the barrel, and continued to pour it into his mouth. He did not dislike this extremely primitive and backward brewing technology, resulting in a very sour wine.

"I see..." Zhang chengruo nodded thoughtfully. "No wonder I always feel that something is wrong. It turns out that you have transformed the planet."

"Hey, hey! It\'s more than transformation! We turn this planet into your food! In the process of swallowing, you will become stronger and stronger, and finally achieve or even exceed our expectations. As for the last question, the highest goal of the whole organization, I can\'t give you an answer for the time being. Although I personally think it shouldn\'t be a big problem for you to defeat that woman. But Anyway, rules are rules. As long as you fail to pass the final test, I can\'t say the organization\'s goals one day. Believe me, you will be surprised when you hear it. "

When saying this, Lao Chen\'s eyes burst out with a mixture of excitement, excitement and fanaticism, just like a lunatic with abnormal spirit.

Of course, this kind of look is not strange to Zhang Cheng, because sometimes he will look like this, so he touched his chin and fell into meditation.

From the other party\'s strange mecha, which moves science and technology to the extreme and is no worse than Titan, he can almost judge how terrible the strength of the so-called "organization" is, not to mention the founder who has been on fire for many years.

You should know that there are only a few Titans in the universe where Azeroth is located. Among them, Azeroth star soul is known as the most potential one.

But the organization is good. There are more than 200 individuals comparable to or even more powerful than Zhang Cheng. I\'m afraid this amazing strength is enough to conquer the whole universe.

What on earth do they want to do?

Why are so strong and tireless in recruiting new people?

The more you think about it, the more Cheng feels that the goals of the organization must be far beyond his understanding.

But he didn\'t want to get the answer urgently. His hands crossed his chin, and his eyes were empty and deep.

Seeing this scene, Lao Chen smiled and comforted: "relax, there\'s no need to be so nervous. I believe that with your knowledge and strength, it should be more than enough to deal with her. After all, long, long ago, she was betrayed by the gods she created. Not only was her strength sealed, but her consciousness was expelled into the distorted void, and there was no further opportunity."

"No, I think you misunderstood the gods. I\'m not worried about the woman who claims to be the creator, but how to untie all the seals quickly, release her and destroy her completely." Zhang Cheng explained helplessly.

"Sorry, I\'m afraid I can\'t help you with this. Because the organization has strict regulations, I can\'t intervene or give you even a little help before you officially pass the test. Fortunately, time is never a problem for us. Maybe decades, maybe hundreds of years. In short, we will wait patiently for you to complete the test. OK , that\'s all for today\'s talk. I still have a lot of things to deal with. Take your time and enjoy your last leisure life. Once you become a member of the organization, you may never have a chance to enjoy a good holiday... "

The voice just fell!

Lao Chen stood up and walked out of the tavern, followed by him, broke through the atmosphere at a speed indistinguishable to the naked eye, crossed a dazzling white track in the outer sky, then directly broke the constraints of time and space, drilled into a channel like a "wormhole", and finally disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Cheng raised his head and stared at the "singularity" that was quickly restored to its original state. His eyes showed a hot light. He said to himself, "it\'s incredible that he can surpass the speed of light thousands of times in a short time with the help of science and technology, and let himself enter a distorted time and space with simple speed and kinetic energy."

As a Titan with outstanding attainments in energy, magic, alchemy and mystics, he has so far been unable to advance at a speed beyond light. This shows how difficult it is, let alone scientific and technological means.

According to Einstein\'s viewpoint in the special theory of relativity, it is impossible for matter in the world and even the universe to exceed the speed of light.

Because once it exceeds the speed of light, it will theoretically form a terrible black hole, generate infinite gravity and firmly attract all the materials around.

Although Italian physicists later claimed to have found a superluminal neutrino in another experiment, it later proved to be only a wrong data.

This means that so far, in the science and technology known to Zhang Cheng, no civilization can prove that matter can move faster than the speed of light.

But now, this common sense has been broken, and it has been refreshed by a man wearing a black power mecha who looks nine points similar to himself