All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 959

Vision is a decisive factor in a person\'s pattern and way of thinking.

This is just like when modern people go to see ancient people. The former is not necessarily smarter than the latter in intelligence, but has the opportunity to contact and learn more knowledge and broaden their horizons. Therefore, it will naturally form a huge gap and an inexplicable sense of superiority.

There is no doubt that the appearance of Lao Chen once again broadened Cheng\'s horizons and made him realize that Titan is not the apex of the evolutionary level of individual life.

On the contrary!

This is just the beginning!

A starting point!

In addition, the universe may be deeper and more complex than the part he currently recognizes. Even time and space are only an extremely small part of the whole universe.

According to the conjecture put forward by some scientists, the universe is likely to be far more than three dimensions, but a complex quantized space as high as eleven dimensions.

Of course, the space between human life is still in the three-dimensional universe, so most of them can not be observed, just like the "dark matter" that has been discussed by physicists, but has never been really observed.

As a master of magic, energy, alchemy and mystics, he can deeply understand the empty, mysterious, profound and almost boundless space of the universe than most ordinary people.

In this huge space, there are infinite possibilities. The content that human science and technology can observe and understand is even less than one hundred million.

The so-called gravity, gravity, strong interaction, relativity, quantum mechanics and other seemingly profound theories are just a drop in the ocean shown by the universe.

Whether it is a mortal or a God or a Titan, a special life that can touch the high latitude universe, it can only be regarded as a stronger ant in front of the universe.

After making this clear, Zhang Cheng quickly gave up his leisurely journey of exploration and directly began to slaughter tens of millions of creatures unscrupulously. He once again opened the door of darkness, let the waiting hell Legion pour into the world, completely destroy all people and organizations who dare to resist or hinder his plan, and captive all remaining humans as livestock, Carry out cruel brainwashing and transformation.

Finally, like the worker ants and soldier ants in the ant nest, they are used as exploration tools to continuously explore the places where there may be relics and keys around the world.

As the Supreme Master of this terrorist legion, Zhang Cheng no longer needs to do it himself. Sitting on the throne created for him by his men, he silently watches the beautiful girls who crawl on the ground like ants through the window and recite hymns 24 hours a day.

Needless to ask, these messy things are small moves made by fear demons who are good at drilling camp and flattering.

In particular, the first lord of nasrezm, bellum, almost didn\'t engrave the word "adultery" on his face and changed tricks all day to please his master.

Although many grumpy abyss lords and intelligent ereda demons are dissatisfied with this, they can only bury this resentment in their hearts and patiently wait for each other to fall out of favor.

Have to say!

The advantage of autocracy, tyranny and cruelty is that it can make the lower class fear to the greatest extent, and even if there is any resistance, it will be carefully hidden.

"I can\'t believe it! You are willing to destroy and ravage an originally prosperous and civilized world again and again into what it is now." Warren sighed slightly and took the initiative to break the silence in the hall.

Different from Zhang Cheng, he obviously still retains the human way of thinking. He is full of sympathy and helplessness for his own kind being squeezed, enslaved and tortured by demons.

"Hum! Stupid idea!" Zhang Cheng glanced disdainfully. "Don\'t they destroy themselves if I don\'t destroy them? You have the power to see through the past and the future. You should understand that the intelligent life born on this planet is not only human beings. On the contrary, there have been many intelligent species and civilizations before human beings. But where have they all gone? Without exception, they eventually went to self destruction, so Human beings are no exception. You know what? In your eyes, the seemingly prosperous modern society is actually more vulnerable than ever. Maybe a biochemical or nuclear terrorist attack can pull the whole world to the brink of destruction. I just made this process a little earlier. "

Warren smiled bitterly and nodded: "because of this, you are the monster who can surpass everything, and I am just a timid, cowardly and enjoy mortal. Take the liberty to ask, what are you going to do with me and this terrible demon Legion after everything is over?"

"To tell you the truth, you are tools to me, just as dogs mean to humans. Perhaps the only difference is that I am colder and more rational than most humans, so I won\'t foolishly think that dogs are human friends. What would you do with useless tools instead of you?" Zhang Cheng asked meaningfully.

"I think... Maybe abandon it." Warren seemed to realize something, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"That\'s right! So I suggest you make preparations from now on and find a way to leave this planet. Otherwise... I promise that when I leave, those ferocious demons will kill you at the right time." Zhang Cheng tilted his mouth slightly and showed a chilling smile.

At the thought of those demons\' eyes full of malice, Warren trembled involuntarily, clenched his teeth and said, "I want to make a deal with you!"

"Oh? What deal?" Zhang Cheng touched his chin with a smile.

He is undoubtedly quite clear that the other party is a person with a strong desire for survival. He takes the sentence "living is better than dying" as the highest goal of life. He simply wants to live if he can. If he can\'t, he has to find a way to revive in the future.

"I can provide the key and address of the fourth seal! In return, I hope you can send me to a relatively safe world." Warren made the offer without thinking.

"Do you know the key and address of the fourth seal? Why didn\'t you say it earlier!" Zhang Cheng\'s eyes revealed a trace of danger, which immediately reduced the temperature in the air to freezing point.

Although he is not moody for the time being, he would rather kill by mistake than let his men deliberately deceive himself.

"Sorry, I just remembered it recently. You have to understand that I have been in a state of suspended animation for too long, so that my memory has been damaged to a certain extent. What\'s more, it\'s not too late to remember now, isn\'t it?" Warren bent down sincerely and bowed deeply.

You don\'t have to ask. He is a really smart man. He knows what to do so that he won\'t touch the bottom line of honesty