All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 957

In the endless void, the woman who claimed to be the creator was sitting at a stone table, staring at the man opposite who was nine points similar to Zhang Cheng.

After a full minute, she sighed slightly and took the initiative to say, "two million years! Since you left me on this primitive and desolate planet, you seem to have disappeared, and now you are finally willing to show up."

"Two million years is not long for a life like you and me, is it? What\'s more, I\'m not here for you, but for another person. The organization urgently needs a master in energy and mystics, so after discussion and voting, we always think it\'s time to end this trial and accept him as one of us." The man gently stroked his mysterious sci-fi mecha, and his tone revealed strong expectation.

"Hum! How do you know he will defeat me?" the creator asked with a sneer.

The man smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "It\'s very simple! You should know that he is essentially no different from us. He can even be said to be a separation in the parallel universe. In the whole 200 selection trials, the final winner is ourselves. What\'s more, do you think that taking half of the star soul energy by yourself can be comparable to him who took two star soul energy? Don\'t be naive! You are just a chess piece to catalyze him to grow and surpass. "

"Are you going to sacrifice me?" asked the creator, clenching his fist and gnashing his teeth.

"No, not sacrifice, but embrace destiny. Honey, you should be honored. Because thanks to your blessing, we have got a madman who completely embraces darkness and has no moral bottom line. In return, I will let him erase all the consciousness in your soul after killing you, and then exile to a strange world to start over. Don\'t worry, we won\'t be right All meritorious officials were killed. "

After saying these meaningful words, the man stood up and started the dazzling engine on the mecha. He crossed time, space and distance in an instant and easily got rid of the bondage of endless emptiness.

Seeing this, the woman who claimed to be the creator clenched her fist and muttered in a voice that only she could hear: "Want my life? It\'s not that easy! You don\'t know how much preparation I have made in these two million years. If the situation really reaches that point, I will not hesitate to directly detonate the whole planet, or even the galaxy, to bankrupt your plan. No one can ignore me! Let alone use me as a tool to abandon after use!"


Meanwhile, Zhang Cheng, who had just returned to the western continent of North America from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, was surprised to find that two moving light spots suddenly appeared on the old parchment that had been following him.

After a little experiment, he recognized that one of the light spots was himself, and the other was moving in his direction at a very fast speed.

Before he could tell what had happened, he saw a blue light passing through the sky, followed by a bang, and hit a big pit 20 meters deep on the ground.


Rubble and soil splash!

When the smoke dispersed, a man with nine points similar to himself, wearing a pure black mecha, came out slowly, with a friendly smile on his face and gently waved: "yo!"

"Who are you?" Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and subconsciously raised his vigilance to the highest.

Because he can feel that there is a terrible energy source hidden inside the other party\'s seemingly gorgeous mecha, which is not much worse than his Titan, but may be stronger.

Of course, the most important thing is the indescribable sense of familiarity between the two people, which is like looking at the reflection in the mirror.

"Ha ha! You\'ve felt it, haven\'t you?" the man laughed and opened his arms. "That\'s right! I am you, you are me, we are different projections of the same consciousness in countless parallel spaces, and you can also understand it as another self in the parallel universe."

"So you took this thing to hell?" Zhang Cheng took the black metal ball from Satan\'s tomb from his pocket.

"Yes! The full name of this thing is called high-energy antimatter annihilator. It can instantly decompose all matter into the most primitive particle state through biological energy. How about you? Are you still satisfied with its power?" the man tilted his mouth to show a trace of satisfaction.

Zhang Cheng gently shook his head: "I don\'t know! To be exact, I\'ve never used it. In addition, could you please explain what\'s going on about all this I\'ve experienced? Don\'t tell me that you\'re not the behind the scenes planner."

"Ah! I don\'t deny this. In fact, I\'m here this time to talk to you about organization and trial." the man didn\'t mean to avoid it at all and admitted it openly.

"In that case, let\'s find a place to sit down and have a drink and talk."

After that, Zhang Cheng took the initiative to lead the way to the nearest town, followed by men who looked very similar to him.

After a while, they went into a shabby tavern in business.

With the ability to invade his mind and control his mind, Zhang Cheng threw out everyone, including his boss, without much effort, opened a wooden wine barrel and slowly poured two glasses for the other party and himself.

None of them had the meaning to speak first. They raised their glasses to greet each other, then raised their heads and drank them all at once, allowing the sour and sweet taste of the wine to stimulate their taste buds.

About two or three minutes later, the man took the initiative to introduce himself: "My name is Chen Le, and you can also call me Lao Chen. In fact, like you, I have achieved immortality to some extent, but you use occult science, and I use science and technology. As a saying goes, whether science and technology or magic develop to a certain height, there is no big difference in essence. I understand that there is a secret in your heart There must be many questions. I\'m willing to answer them in detail. "

"First of all, what\'s the matter with the organization you just mentioned? Second, why did we choose me. Finally, and most importantly, what\'s your purpose?" after a moment of meditation, Zhang Cheng immediately put forward his three most concerned questions.

Obviously, judging from the other party\'s attitude, all these things he has experienced can be classified as trials.

In other words, this incredibly powerful organization will screen corresponding talents through a series of methods for self expansion