All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 956

"First of all, I need to see the city again..."

Most of the time, Zhang Cheng never mind using some unconventional means.

Therefore, after confirming that this is probably the place he is looking for, he directly cast a powerful spell to directly tear the crust thousands of kilometers around and make the seabed rise directly above the sea level.

As for whether this practice will cause a terrible tsunami, or whether the sea level will rise sharply and directly submerge a large number of rocky cities and villages, that is not his concern.

Then he summoned tens of thousands of elemental life composed entirely of silt and gravel, responsible for cleaning and absorbing the dirt covered from buildings and streets.

The whole process lasted three or four days.

Finally, a city full of exotic customs finally appeared in front of him.

Huge shrines, amphitheaters, arenas, public bathrooms, military barracks, statues, stone columns, relief murals

Everything is so dreamy, as if it had returned to the distant ancient Greek mythological era overnight.

In particular, the statue of Poseidon, the sea emperor in the center of the city, is almost lifelike, and the two eyes inlaid with sapphire show a fascinating brilliance.

But interestingly, the hands of the statue were empty and did not hold Poseidon\'s iconic Trident.


Zhang Cheng seems to be aware of something. He walks to the statue and inserts the Trident into the sea emperor\'s right hand.


Just listen to a loud noise!

The ground originally paved with strip stones suddenly cracked, followed by a slow separation from the middle, revealing a tunnel to a deeper underground.

"It seems that this is the seal! I just don\'t know what monster is waiting for me." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders and walked in carelessly along the steps.

Soon he saw a huge thing entrenched in the pool.

Although the light was very dim, he still saw each other clearly. A huge marine beast with countless sea dragon heads, only one of the heads retained a woman\'s face, and there was incredible divinity in his body.

There is no doubt that this is a freak born by the combination of God and God.

If you guessed correctly, her name should be calybdis, the daughter of Poseidon the sea king and CAIA the goddess of the earth, one of the enemies who caused trouble to Heracles the hero in the epic of osid.

However, I don\'t know if it\'s because she stayed in the seal for too long. Her body and spirit have obviously entered the dormancy period. She doesn\'t realize that someone has broken in and is still sleeping.

Thousands of years did not make her vulnerable, but accumulated extremely amazing strength.

"Good evening, madam." Zhang Cheng obviously didn\'t intend to take the opportunity to make a sneak attack, and took the initiative to say hello.


But it was a pity that calybdis had no sign of waking up and remained motionless.

Seeing that the other party didn\'t want to pay attention to himself, Zhang Cheng didn\'t insist and went directly in the direction of the seal.

But just as he passed the monster\'s huge body, Cary budiston opened his eyes, opened his mouth and rushed up.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

With her unparalleled body advantage, she broke at least seven or eight stone pillars in a short moment, and hit several big holes in the wall.

"Hehe, you are as insidious and cunning as the rumor." Zhang Cheng easily avoided the impact of the faucet again and again and smiled sarcastically.

Obviously, the divine monster flowing in his body woke up from the beginning, pretended to be asleep and waited for the opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

"Who are you?" calybdis, no doubt not the irrational beast, narrowed his eyes and asked loudly.

In any case, she is the son of Poseidon, the sea emperor, and Gaia, the goddess of the earth. Poseidon is the third-generation main god of Olympus miaogan, and Gaia is one of the first gods.

"Sorry, I\'m in a hurry today. I\'m not interested in talking too much nonsense to you. But out of respect for the lady, I\'ve decided to give you a choice, surrender or die." Zhang Cheng gave an ultimatum directly.

To tell the truth, if it is a God such as Zeus, Poseidon, Hades and Athena, he doesn\'t mind spending some time talking to each other to see if he can get some useful information.

But what is calybdis?

The Olympian gods did not even recognize her as a member of the gods, but just regarded her as a banshee with divine blood.

Zeus, the God King, imprisoned her like a watchdog here for thousands of years without even trying.

"Who do you think you are? Go to hell!" calybdis was obviously angered. Countless faucets opened their blood pots and suddenly spewed out high-pressure water columns, swallowing everything around in an instant.

What\'s more terrible is that these waters form large and small vortices at a very fast speed, constantly squeezing and colliding.

Even if the rock doesn\'t last for a few seconds, it will pop open and turn into countless finer particles.

As for flesh and blood, it is estimated that it will be torn into minced meat at once.

However, this kind of attack is obviously not even tickling for Zhang Cheng.

In order to deal with the huge monster, he directly restored the Titan\'s huge body up to hundreds of meters, smashed the terrible magic vortex with a slap, picked up calybdis like a chicken, and joked with a playful face: "Madam, it seems that you have made a wrong choice. In that case, let me take you on the road. Maybe in the near future, we can see you again in the kingdom of Hades."


With the scream and roar, calybdis was directly trampled into meat patties. The divine power and divinity contained in her body were not wasted, and they were collected for emergencies.

When the guardian is dead, it is not difficult to break the seal.

Just at the moment when the seal was broken, Zhang Cheng clearly felt that a powerful force filled the whole planet, as if something was waking up.

"Hum! Creator? I see..." with a disdainful smile on his face, he turned and left the city buried under the sea for many years.

After he completely walked away, the land rising from the seabed began to sink again and finally disappeared forever.

Perhaps one day in the future, when human civilization develops to a certain extent again, they will discover this ancient city and carry out a series of archaeological investigations and research.

But now, it is just a fragment forgotten by history, which has no meaning at all.