All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 953

In the evening, the light rain in the sky continued to fall, bringing a trace of peace to this land full of barbarism and violence.

In this weather, even the most diligent bandits will not go out easily, so business travelers are seizing the time to hurry, even if the muddy road will bring a lot of unnecessary trouble, and even after the rain, it may lead to serious consequences such as cold and fever.

We should know that after the great disaster, mankind has lost the industrial technology of manufacturing antibiotics. Even a little cold and fever may kill people.

Wound infection and inflammation are incurable diseases with a mortality rate of more than 70%.

However, for Zhang Cheng, this light rain not only did not affect his mood, but also had a feeling of going out for an outing.

The team led by you others is going to a small town in the former central United States.

The closer to the destination, the more nervous those hired to call themselves mercenaries in the team are. If there is a slight disturbance, they will enter the state of combat readiness.

"Sir! From now on, we have entered the city of the old era. You\'d better be careful. There are many monsters here. Many people who want to make a fortune never come out alive after they go in." a black man in leather armor and holding a sharp spear suddenly reminded.

"Monster? Hehe! No, you\'re wrong. What\'s really terrible is never a monster, but a person." Zhang Cheng responded meaningfully.

Obviously, by forcibly invading Willie\'s brain, he has found out the real hiding place of the hermit, which is the city abandoned hundreds of years ago.

In a hidden place in the city, there was an air raid shelter built by the United States during the cold war. All the children bought were sent inside.

As for what was going on inside, no one knew at all. Willie\'s level obviously couldn\'t touch the core secrets of the convent.

Needless to say, all the so-called monsters in the city are actually the ghosts of the hermits. They don\'t want anyone close, so they make up such rumors to prevent more people from breaking in.

After all, the things before the great disaster are a miracle for the extremely backward productivity level. Among them, the well preserved guns are valuable, not to mention a large amount of residual gold and jewelry.

Generally speaking, every city that has not been searched will be transported to countless greedy people without exception.

But the hermit society, with its ferocious style, stubbornly suppressed this greed. If Zhang Cheng hadn\'t paid a high price, these mercenaries wouldn\'t have risked their lives to get close.

"That\'s right! Talents are really terrible monsters! Look at the world! It is said that it was because the previous humans were so arrogant that they angered the Supreme God, resulting in a terrible disaster, and everything they created was destroyed overnight." another young man with obvious Latino wheat skin color echoed excitedly.

"Hey! Don\'t spread your ridiculous fallacies in front of the employer! There is no God in the world! All gods are deliberately fabricated lies!" the only female member of the team brushed her lips disdainfully.

"Don\'t insult my faith! God is real! Otherwise how can you explain that the ancients created so many great miracles, but they collapsed and perished overnight. According to the oldest records, there were countless huge stars falling in the sky, causing the earth to collapse and the sea to set off thousands or even tens of thousands of meters of waves." the young man retorted angrily.

Just when the woman wanted to say something, a huge dark figure suddenly came out of the dense forest.



A monster, twice as big as an elephant and covered with cyan scales, appeared out of thin air. Before anyone reacted, he cut the young man off and made a creepy click.

"Shit! It\'s a scale beetle! Everyone is ready to fight!"

"Spread out! Spread out! Don\'t fight hard!"

"Prepare flame powder!"


With a heart rending roar, the mercenaries quickly set out to fight with the giant beast. They didn\'t notice that their employers had left quietly and didn\'t take their life and death as a matter at all.

Following the monster\'s steps on the muddy land, Zhang Cheng quickly found the legendary air raid shelter.

As he expected, there were not only a dozen resting monsters at the mouth of the cave, but also people feeding them, while the smaller ones were trained by breeders.

"Ah! I caught your tail."

Seeing this scene, Zhang Cheng tilted his mouth slightly, and the whole person suddenly became transparent and finally disappeared into the air.

As a powerful spellcaster, it was easy for him to deceive the eyes of mortals and beasts.

After entering the air raid shelter, he was surprised to find that each small cave * * was constantly playing a video data. Those abducted children were staring at the large screen LCD hanging on the wall. Their eyes were full of fanatical worship and shouted praising words and words from time to time.


The word jumped out of Zhang Cheng\'s mind for the first time.

Actually, a guy is using the technology before the disaster to cultivate a large number of devout and fanatical believers for himself.

Can God who has slept for thousands of years quickly understand the role of science and technology in a short time and apply it to his belief system?

In particular, the content played in the LCD did not mention the specific name from beginning to end, just repeatedly emphasizing that he is the only true God in the world and the controller of the supreme thunder.

If you were an ordinary person, you might think of Zeus, the famous third-generation God King in ancient Greek mythology.

But Zhang Cheng felt that this must not be the work of the Olympian gods.

Because the blood of the Olympian gods comes from the legendary Titan gods. They master part of the original power of the world and do not need the belief of mortals at all.

On the contrary, these guys regard mortals as chess pieces and playthings.

If they really wake up, they will show their greatness without stinginess, and then provoke the war between mortals in the name of God for fun.

There is no doubt that this air raid shelter belongs to a God who depends on the belief and worship of mortals.

Moreover, the other party was extremely careful and adopted the method of isolation from the outside world from the beginning to ensure that his spreading faith would not cause even a little commotion and attention.

What\'s more terrible is that the God doesn\'t even fully believe the believers, and even doesn\'t want to tell them their real name