All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 952

"Sir, I think there may be a misunderstanding between us."

Looking at the extent to which part of the garden in front of the manor was damaged, Willie\'s cold hair suddenly stood up.

Because he can feel that this is the closest death he has had in the last ten years.

No matter who the other party is, the unmatched mysterious power can never be countered by ordinary people.

"Misunderstanding? Didn\'t you send an assassin to assassinate me?" Zhang Cheng calmly sat in a chair and looked at each other with interest.

It has to be said that as the largest slave owner in this city, Willie does have two brushes. He is far better than other similar people in terms of personal strength, management and operation.

Most importantly, although he has never really studied systematically, he respects knowledge and books very much and has been sparing no effort to collect and build his own library.

In contrast, the Lords of the Supreme Council, who were caught in internal strife and filled with ideas of violence and plunder, were like barbarians in the primitive world.

Willie explained with a bitter smile, "I don\'t deny that it was my order, but you should understand that I am a man. When a man is tempted, he often makes some irrational actions. For this, I am willing to make compensation."

Zhang Cheng glanced at Joanna wearing a Tulle robe not far away, immediately understood it, smiled and sighed: "ah! I see! Indeed, when men are dominated by the desire of the lower body, they usually selectively forget their reason. No way, this is determined by the part of the gene that breeds offspring. It\'s reasonable that you have weak willpower in this regard."

"Thank you for your understanding!" Willie was so cunning that he immediately bent down and bowed deeply.

It\'s not a shame to give in to people who are stronger than themselves. In particular, others climb up from the bottom of society bit by bit. They know very well that the so-called dignity and pride are worthless at all.

Those who survive will have a chance!

There will be a future if you live!

If you die for the so-called dignity and pride, you will get nothing but ridicule from others.

"Understand? No, I\'m just stating a fact, which doesn\'t mean forgiveness." Zhang Cheng shook his head with a sneer. "Now tell me, what are you going to do with Joanna?"

"I\'ll catch her and throw her into the dirty and smelly slave shed, so that those men who stink all over the body can * * it again and again. I don\'t know whether you are satisfied with this answer?" Willie\'s eyes flickered with undisguised malice, fully showing what is called pulling x ruthlessness.

Joanna\'s face suddenly changed when she heard this, and she roared angrily, "humble pig! How dare you? My father will..."

"Sorry, honey, I\'m afraid your father will never find you with me. Even if he does, he won\'t admit that you are the daughter of the Lester family." power grinned with an iconic smile.

Next second

A seemingly harmless female * * official suddenly swung the pottery pot in her hand and hit Joanna\'s head with lightning speed from the rear.


Without any accident, she fell straight to the ground and fell into a coma.

At the same time, a fully armed slave soldier went straight to the rest place of the sea snake crew and launched a tragic massacre. No one escaped alive.

You don\'t have to ask. This is killing people and completely erasing the trace of Joanna\'s visit to the manor.

In addition, pirates docked on ships in the port may not escape.

Before law and order were fully established, violence was the biggest factor determining the ownership of the world.

As long as there is enough force to support, even if more than half of the earth\'s population is slaughtered, no one will dare to stand up and resist.

In the ancient history of mankind, the Mongols have successfully done it once, and even later some people called Tiemuzhen, who often regarded the slaughter as the executioner of the game, a generation of Tianjiao, and constantly beautified it in various film and television works.

It can be seen that good and evil, morality and law are all bullshit. At least in the face of strong violence, they are as fragile as a newborn baby.


About half an hour later, the poor girl was placed in front of hundreds of slaves being trained.

With the teacher\'s order, these young men rushed up like crazy and staged a terrible picture.



You can\'t even kill yourself!

With the strong endurance unique to women, Joanna Leng persisted for five hours under this terrible tyranny.

In the whole process, Willie kept watching Zhang Cheng\'s reaction secretly without stopping the remaining light in the corner of his eyes. As a result, he found that the other party\'s face had not changed at all from beginning to end, as if he appreciated the drama.

There is no doubt that this indifferent attitude frightened him.

Because those eyes revealed indifference and extreme contempt for life.

If you put it simply, you don\'t treat people as people.

You know, even as a slave owner, he can\'t do this completely.

Watching the slaves who hadn\'t bathed for many days, Zhang Cheng continued to vent on the cold corpse. Zhang Cheng suddenly turned his head and asked, "are you working for the hermit?"

"What?!" Willie shivered in an instant.

"Retreat! Don\'t tell me you haven\'t heard of this organization." Zhang Cheng smiled meaningfully.

Obviously, it was a surprise.

He never dreamed that he could find clues about the hermit in the memory of the guy in front of him.

After all, reading memory is not an easy job. It\'s like reading a book full of running accounts. Even if it\'s ten lines at a glance, it takes a long time to read it all.

"Sir, I think we\'d better talk about compensation." Willie subconsciously licked his lips, and the whole person became very nervous.

"Hehe, it seems that I\'m right. Tell me what\'s going on between you and the hermit. As long as your answer is satisfactory to me, I\'ll let you go." Zhang Cheng raised a finger and tapped the table gently.

"The power of the hermit is beyond your imagination! If you don\'t want to die, you\'d better not be too curious." Willie swept away his cautious attitude and revealed a threat in his tone.

"Hey, forget it. Since you don\'t want to say it, I don\'t intend to force it. Let me see it myself..."

Zhang Cheng sighed slightly. Suddenly, without warning, he stretched out his hand, pressed it on Willie\'s face and began to invade the memory in each other\'s brain.

In just a few seconds, the poor creature twitched and foamed at the mouth, and became a complete idiot.

The side effects of violence invading the brain are quite large. In particular, the more the target resists, the more serious the brain damage is