All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 954

How can we find the God who makes small moves secretly?

Watching thousands of thoroughly brainwashed children, Zhang Cheng touched his chin and fell into meditation.

Obviously, reading memory directly is undoubtedly the stupidest idea.

Not to mention how much time and experience it will take to do so, just whether you can find the answer or not needs to be marked with a big question mark.

Because according to the other party\'s degree of care, he should not make such a low-level mistake.

As he remained invisible and considered what to do next, a very familiar figure suddenly appeared out of thin air at the other end of the air raid shelter.

"Intruder! Report your name!" roared the man covered in black robes.

His voice was so loud and powerful that a few syllables made the whole cave tremble slightly.

"Are you... Laverne?" Zhang Cheng\'s eyes peeped through the disguise and saw each other\'s true face.

"Hmm?!" lafune was undoubtedly and very shocked. Someone called out the name he had abandoned for hundreds of years, took off his hood and showed his extremely dignified face.

Especially two eyes, flashing silver thunder.

Needless to ask, he has successfully refined his own divinity, officially got rid of the shackles of mortals and became a Thor who gained strength by faith.

"Sure enough, it\'s you! Long time no see, my dear old friend." Zhang Cheng also removed the invisible magic and opened his arms with a smile.

It has to be said that after wandering in earth orbit for so long, it is a little gratifying to see former acquaintances.

As for how Laverne got enough divinity and power, he didn\'t care at all.

Anyway, even if the other side develops believers, it will never surpass the ancient gods born from the original junior high school, nor pose a threat to a powerful and almost invincible Titan.

However, it\'s a pity that Laverne didn\'t know this. He looked up and down at Zhang Cheng with incredible eyes and said after a full minute: "It\'s incredible! I knew you must not be dead! But I didn\'t expect that you also gained strength not inferior to the gods. Tell me, what\'s the matter with your body and soul? It gives me a strong sense of oppression?"

"Titan! I am a Titan now." Zhang Cheng gave a straightforward explanation.

For laforn, a new God who has just been promoted, he doesn\'t have to be sneaky, let alone hide anything.

Because as long as he wants, he can crush each other like a bug with one finger at any time.

"Titan? The Titan God in ancient Greek mythology?" raffen\'s face showed a shocked look.

Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head: "no, it\'s another kind of Titan. In short, my existence itself is equivalent to all the energy of a planet. Remember the terrible disaster that destroyed human civilization hundreds of years ago? I did it! Those monsters and invaders from different worlds are also my pen."

"What?! it\'s you!" laforn\'s pupils contracted suddenly, and his whole body released amazing silver electric snakes.

As one of the few people who kept the memory of that year intact, he was too aware of the terrible damage caused by those asteroids falling from the sky to the planet and human civilization, which could not even be described as extinction.

Because of the violent impact of asteroids, at least two-thirds of life on the earth has disappeared, and the terrain and landform have been permanently changed.

As a typical conspiracy theorist, he always thought that this should be the super magic released by hell demons to invade the earth, but now the truth has finally come out.

"That\'s right! Don\'t you think that people in the past were too arrogant? They didn\'t have the heart of awe at all! They were completely driven by endless instincts and desires! Look at what awe is now. Most importantly, I reshaped the whole world according to my own ideas and permanently integrated magic and supernatural forces into human genes. Maybe hundreds of years , maybe for thousands of years, one day these mortals who are still primitive and backward will slowly establish a brilliant and great mixed civilization. "Zhang Cheng opened his mouth and leaked out a demonic smile.

you \'re right!

Devil\'s smile!

He had neither the slightest sympathy nor the slightest pity for those who died in the disaster.

The reason is very simple. He has completely abandoned his human identity and no longer thinks that ordinary people who struggle hard to survive are his own kind.

On the contrary, human beings have long become very similar to ants in human eyes. Even if they kill hundreds of millions, they will not have any guilt and regret.

"You\'re a madman! The craziest! Sickest madman I\'ve ever seen in my life! Do you know what you\'ve done?" Laverne\'s hands trembled uncontrollably, and he didn\'t know whether it was anger or something.

"Hahaha! No, my friend, it\'s not me but the world that is crazy. Maybe you won\'t believe it. I was just an ordinary person who can\'t be ordinary anymore, living an ordinary and boring life every day. But suddenly one day, my life changed, became dangerous and full of intrigues. In order to live, I lied Deception, killing, destruction, destruction, almost all the most despicable things you can think of, I have sat down without exception. So I am like this, and I can\'t get rid of many people, including you. "Zhang Cheng responded mercilessly while laughing recklessly.

Environment determines character, character determines destiny.

This sentence is not casual, but is really having an impact on a person.

"You mean we made you who you are now?" Laverne narrowed his eyes with a hint of irony in his tone. "Don\'t be kidding! From the first meeting, I can feel the vigorous ambition and desire in your heart. It\'s not others that make you crazy, but yourself."

"Well, well, I don\'t want to argue endlessly with you on this meaningless issue. Because the facts have happened and no matter what we do, we can\'t get it back. Let\'s change the topic and talk about how you were promoted to become a God. Also, what about Faust who has been inseparable from you? Don\'t tell me he\'s dead! Become a spokesman for death It would be fun if he died. "

"Faust has found a kingdom of death and is launching a protracted war to attack and become a real God of death."

"Wow, I! It seems that you two really did a lot of great things when I was away..."