All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 949

"Unbelievable! This is a cargo ship carrying coconut wine and iron ingots!"

"Ha ha! We\'re rich!"

"Yes! Just dozens of tons of iron ingots are worth a lot of money! I can\'t believe we have such good luck."

"Don\'t forget coconut wine! I can\'t wait to open a bucket to drink."


As soon as he boarded the deck of the merchant ship, Zhang Cheng heard the cheers of the pirates around him.

After all, not every time you attack a merchant ship, you can get extremely rich returns like this time.

In particular, the wooden barrels filled with coconut wine stacked in the warehouse are a fatal temptation for the boring life floating on the sea for a long time.

Many old pirates would rather not eat a day than take a sip of alcohol to anesthetize their nerves.

We should know that their life is so difficult. We don\'t know when they will die because of a small thing, so wine has become an indispensable part of life.

Joanna glanced and knelt on the deck. Her eyes were full of desperate sailors and businessmen. She deliberately raised her chin and pretended to be arrogant and asked, "who is the owner of this ship?"

"It\'s me!" a middle-aged man who looked about forty and had his hair carefully combed carefully raised his head and replied.

"Which chamber of Commerce do you belong to?" Joanna looked at each other and continued to ask.

As a noble girl, the biggest difference between her and ordinary pirates is that she understands what can be provoked and what can not be touched in the chambers of Commerce, large and small, in this sea area, otherwise she will die without a place to bury.

In particular, several royal families in the western mainland have a large number of loyal and powerful powers. Once they are angered, they will immediately lead to terrible revenge.

"Pelican chamber of Commerce! Please don\'t hurt me. I\'m willing to write to my family to pay an additional ransom of 3000 gold coins." the middle-aged man\'s tone was full of fear.

Because he had recognized the notorious sea snake, no matter who its current owner was, it must be stronger than dead captain Raines.

"Yes! I accept your terms!" Joanna nodded seriously and then told the pirate nearby, "go and prepare a slightly better cabin for this gentleman and deliver food and water on time every day. Don\'t let him have any accidents."

"Hey, hey! Please don\'t worry, Captain, it\'s 3000 gold coins. Even if I\'m hungry, I\'ll never let him hungry." the bearded man grinned and locked the merchant in the lower cabin.

As for the remaining sailors who were unable to pay a high ransom, there were two options: either join the pirates and become part of the ship, or be locked up until the next port and sold to the merchant as slaves.

In fact, due to the extreme scarcity of labor, the slave trade is very prosperous all over the world, and most people are used to it.

This has nothing to do with good, evil and morality. It is only a stage that must be experienced in the evolution of a civilization.

There is no doubt that almost all the sailors on the merchant ship chose to become pirates rather than become sad slaves.

The reason is very simple. When a pirate can at least control his own destiny, but once he becomes a slave, he has to live according to the master\'s face. Fortunately, if he meets a less tyrannical master, he may be able to live safely until he is about 50. But if you encounter a pervert who tortures people, it is estimated that life will be worse than death.

Of course, pirates are not so easy to be.

When the next side contact comes, they will be used as cannon fodder to board the enemy ships first.

Unless you kill at least one enemy and survive, you will still become the lowest slave worker on board.

When she got the list of goods on the merchant ship, Joanna smiled proudly and asked Zhang Cheng, "what do you think of our first ticket?"

"Not bad! When you sell all the goods, I believe you won\'t have to worry about money for a long time." Zhang Cheng responded carelessly.

Obviously, he had no interest in the robbery, let alone how much profit he could get.

"What about you? The money is half yours." Joanna stroked her long red hair and winked playfully.

"If I\'m not surprised, we\'ll be separated after arriving at manchas port." Zhang Cheng made his intention clear.


This mysterious organization has always made him have an inexplicable desire to find out.

According to the information given by Adam, the first place of the Priory was in manchas port.

Although it continued to develop to the south, it must have hidden some unspeakable secrets as a place to appear at the beginning.

"Leave? Why?" Joanna\'s smiling face suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"I have some important private affairs to deal with. Besides, you have awakened your own power, haven\'t you?" Zhang Cheng stared into the girl\'s eyes with a smile.

Joanna\'s face changed slightly: "when did you find it?"

"From the moment you wake up. Well, it\'s better to stop this topic. We\'ll all feel embarrassed. Finally, I\'ll give you some advice. Don\'t be too confident in your beauty and wisdom. Not all men can only think with their lower body, and not everyone is a fool. They will be fooled by your little tricks."

After saying these meaningful words, Zhang Cheng pursed a funny smile and turned and disappeared into the dark cabin.

Innocent, lovely, kind and beautiful noble lady?

Don\'t be silly!

The elite education pursued by the world\'s upper rulers determines that they may have the attributes of madness, greed, cruelty and cunning, but they can never be stupid.

Joanna\'s seemingly harmless appearance is actually the result of deliberate creation.

Even in front of her loyal servants, she has been acting, pretending to be kind, naughty and rebellious.

To put it bluntly, I made a personal design for myself, and then took life as an acting.

Only in this way can she please her father and let her ambitious brothers and sisters relax their vigilance and not make it a threat.

However, unfortunately, for Zhang Cheng, who can directly read other people\'s thinking, no matter how exquisite his acting skills are, they are useless.

"Asshole! How dare he!"

Joanna clenched her fist, her eyes burst into terrible anger, and her sweet smile twisted.

But soon, she recovered her usual elegant and charming expression and muttered in a voice that only she could hear: "no one can refuse me! You will pay a price for it! A very heavy price..."