All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 948

"Adam, have you ever heard of the convent?"

After returning to his cabin, Zhang Cheng dialed the satellite phone for the first time to get in touch with the man-made person responsible for monitoring the situation on the whole earth.

You should know that it is theoretically impossible to keep the spread of faith absolutely confidential.

No matter how careful you are, you will inevitably show some feet.

Among them, the purchase of children whose three outlooks have not been established is precisely the most noteworthy point.

The reason is very simple. It\'s basically the same as some religions that let parents worship with their children and participate in various brainwashing Bible reading activities, which has an irreversible impact on them.

Children who grow up in this environment will naturally choose to support the religion they have accepted since childhood and the gods they worship.

In short, to gain pious faith, we need to create an environment in which believers can influence and communicate with each other.

Generally speaking, unless the scale is very small, there is a certain chance that every secret meeting will be discovered by the outside world.

"The convent?"

Adam\'s subconscious brow on the electronic screen seems to be thinking about something.

After about two or three minutes, he sent a piece of information and explained in a deep voice: "The hermit society was an organization that started its activities six years ago. At first, it was very small and did not attract my attention. However, later, they soon developed in the eastern continent of North America. At present, they control more than ten pirate ships, two important ports, and a large number of bandits and gangsters. Why, what\'s suspicious about them that attracted your attention?"

"Yes! As far as I know, this organization has been buying children under the age of 10 everywhere. Isn\'t that worthy of special attention?" Zhang Cheng asked bluntly.

He couldn\'t believe how Adam, who had never made mistakes, could make such a big mistake.

"Sorry, master, I don\'t think there is anything worth paying attention to. I\'m afraid you don\'t know yet. The world is no longer before the asteroid impact. Things like human trafficking are nothing at all. According to my rough statistics, there are about 470 million people in the world, of which slaves account for more than 40 million. That is to say, there are more than one million people every year Three hundred thousand people were bought and sold as animals. There are countless organizations and individuals who buy and sell children around the world. "Adam spoke calmly about the cruel reality of the world.

"1.3 million a year?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Adam nodded immediately: "Yes! 1.3 million. Of course, this is only the number of transactions. It does not mean that 1.3 million people are forced to become slaves every year, many of them are transferred from one slave owner to another. However, since you are interested in the hermit society, I will focus on them next. If there is anything suspicious, I will inform you at any time 。”

"Well, it seems that the new era is much worse than I expected. Maybe we should speed up the evolution of civilization a little." Zhang Cheng touched his chin with a thoughtful expression.

There is no doubt that in the current cruel living environment, as well as the poor traffic and public security conditions, it is not an easy job to find the gods hidden in the dark.

However, if there are several strong conquerors, establish several powerful empires around the world and greatly improve the level of agriculture and science and technology, the population will grow rapidly. It will not be so easy to spread faith secretly at that time.

Thinking of this, he immediately called out a map of the distribution of major forces around the world and began to look for candidates. He planned to support them and become the emperor of one empire after another.

Of course, he didn\'t intend to give up on the hermit. He was going to find out first along this clue.


Time flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

After half a month\'s repair in gellint port, Joanna finally couldn\'t bear loneliness and boredom. She drove the sea snake back to the endless sea, planned to rob passing merchant ships along the north channel, and then went to manchas port in the north to have a look at the famous Colosseum.

The reason why it is famous is that the competition held here is not like other places, where slave gladiators fight each other. At most, some beasts such as lions, tigers and bears are added. Instead, magical monsters from different worlds are allowed to fight with humans. Their tolerance and bloody degree are many times higher than the former.

Almost every contestant has a very powerful supernatural force, otherwise it is impossible to defeat a monster 20 or 30 times larger than himself.

Just as Zhang Cheng was sitting alone on the deck, enjoying the comfort brought by the cool sea breeze blowing across his cheeks, he suddenly heard the watchman shouting at the top of his voice: "I found the target on the port side! It\'s a merchant ship!"

"What? Merchant ships!" Joanna\'s eyes lit up with excitement.

After all, she had never successfully robbed a merchant ship since she was declared a pirate, so her spirit immediately became excited.

Also excited were the busy pirates on the deck.

For them, the successful looting of a merchant ship not only means that they can get rich booty, but also have a big meal and drink unlimited wine after the war.

Soon, with more and larger sails and streamlined hull, the crew of the sea snake finally saw a medium-sized merchant ship nearly half smaller than themselves on the sea level in the distance.

However, small to small, but the belly of the ship is particularly round. It is obviously designed to carry more goods, and the sailing speed is very slow.

As the two sides got closer, the pirates could even see the desperate faces of the sailors on the other side\'s deck.

"Ha ha ha! Look at those poor bastards! They are scared to pee!" rose, who has just been promoted to boatswain, grinned wildly.

"We are so lucky! We caught a merchant ship without resistance!"

"I hope the goods above won\'t be too disappointing!"

"Shit! This is a medium-sized cargo ship! Even if it is full of the most worthless food, we can make a lot of money."


With the pirates shouting, it seems that they have regarded each other as Chinese food and want to rush up and bite immediately.

But the owner of the merchant ship was not a fool. He began to loudly order his men to throw boxes of heavy goods into the sea, trying to reduce the weight to improve the ship\'s speed. Otherwise, once he was caught, he would come to no good end.

However, before throwing much, the experienced Pirates of the sea snake shot arrows with ropes at the end with the bed crossbow in the bow, followed by forcibly narrowing the distance between the two ships with the power of the winch, and then completed the jump with extremely skilled movements, rushed up to kill the crew trying to resist, and controlled the whole ship in less than ten minutes