All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 950

Since they broke through the disguise of "the beautiful girl of heaven", they never said a word again.

Such a strange situation makes everyone, including old Banku, feel strongly uneasy and eager to find out what\'s wrong between them. Will there be division or fire on the ship?

If it does happen, which side should I stand on then?

Fortunately, their worries were all superfluous. Until they arrived at manchas port safely, the expected internal struggle did not happen.

Zhang Cheng didn\'t even get his share of the booty. He left the sea snake alone and disappeared into the depths of the chaotic urban alleys.

He didn\'t know that shortly after his front foot left, Joanna, the back foot, visited the city\'s most powerful slave owner, known as "smiling Willie".

Of course, the nickname is not so much a description as a pungent irony.

Because the man who has just celebrated his 50th birthday, no matter what he does, always has an incomprehensible smile on his face, even killing his parents with his own hands.

No one knows what\'s going on in his mind, and no one knows whether his mood at the moment is anger, happiness, chagrin or anything else.

"Ah! Good afternoon, beautiful miss Joanna Lester. You are like a blooming rose. Every time you appear, you will make me feel a heartbeat." Willie took the girl\'s hand and kissed it gently on the back of her hand.

"Hello, sir Willie. I hope my bold visit didn\'t cause you any trouble." Joanna bowed politely.

"Oh, no, how could there be trouble. On the contrary, your arrival makes me feel like I can\'t extricate myself in the warm spring breeze." Willie smiled and complimented.

There is no doubt that they knew each other a long time ago and knew each other quite well.

However, it is no wonder that after all, one of them is the daughter of the overlord family of the Pearl Island chain, and the other is the largest slave owner in manchas port, which is closely related to trade.

After the woman in Tulle poured the blood red wine into the glass, Willie picked it up and took a sip, pretending to inadvertently ask, "are you just coming to see me today?"

"No, of course not. I\'d like to ask you a favor." Joanna stared at the slightly shaking liquid in the glass and explained her intention without thinking.

"Oh? What\'s the matter? I\'m afraid I can\'t help if I exceed my ability," Willy said tentatively, touching the short beard on his chin.

"It\'s easy! I hope you can help me deal with a man! A man with powerful powers. I\'ll catch him and turn him into a slave willing to die for me."

When she said these words, Joanna made no secret of her hatred and hatred.

You should know that women have never been rational creatures, especially women who have been spoiled since childhood. Small contradictions are often very common in the eyes of ordinary people. For them, they belong to great humiliation and must be retaliated severely.

Power obviously saw the other party\'s gaffe for the first time and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "can you tell me how the poor guy offended you?"

No way not curious!

After all, Joanna has been careful to maintain her image. Except for a few secret collaborators, even her parents, brothers and sisters don\'t know that this lovely girl is actually a deep-seated black belly.

"I don\'t want to say too much! You just have to catch him and bring him to me. I believe it\'s not difficult for you, who controls one third of the city\'s wealth, to put some overpowering drugs in his meals and drinks? In return, I can give you what you\'ve been longing for as a gift..."

With that, Joanna stood up, relaxed her belt slowly in front of each other, took off her clothes, and showed her girl\'s unique style to her heart\'s content.

Obviously, this is a deal. She uses her body as a bargaining chip in exchange.

I have to say that she is really good at taking advantage of women\'s unique advantages.

Although Willie tried to pretend he didn\'t care, the fleeting greedy eyes betrayed him.

As an ambitious man who climbed up from the bottom of society bit by bit, he was more eager to get something than those nobles who had the golden key at birth, including the daughter of a noble family like Joanna.

In particular, the other party is still a girl who has never had a relationship with other men, which makes him have an unspeakable desire for conquest and satisfaction.

After a moment\'s hesitation, Willie finally made up his mind and jumped directly into a beast.

He had no idea what a terrible decision he had made!

I also don\'t know that this decision will bring disastrous consequences to myself!


On the other hand, Zhang Cheng, who has entered the city, is sitting on the stand of the Colosseum, reading the memories of the surrounding audience, trying to find clues related to the hermit, and enjoying the picture of slave gladiators fighting with strange beasts.

Although the fighting skills of both sides are not very good, the kind of fighting full of primitive, barbaric, bloody and cruel has a different flavor.

Because both sides have no distractions, just to survive and fight to survive.

In less than ten minutes, more than four gladiators and three huge monsters have been killed, with dazzling blood and internal organs everywhere.

In this tense and exciting environment, the audience kept waving their arms and shouting cheers, cheers or curses.

The former naturally won money by choosing the right winner, while the latter without exception lost a lot of money.

The admiration for adventure and violence in human nature is incisively and vividly reflected here. Even a few highly excited men and women directly staged the action blockbuster of the eighteen prohibitions in the audience.

"Interesting! It seems that no matter what era, people\'s desire will never disappear. On the contrary, the more primitive the desire, the more it can stimulate their subconscious animal nature..."

Just as Zhang Cheng muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear, a boy who looked about 14 years old and dirty all over suddenly appeared in front of him and begged in a timid voice: "Sir, kind sir, can you give me some money? I haven\'t eaten for three days."

"Sorry, boy, I\'m afraid I can\'t help you." Zhang Cheng\'s eyes revealed the coldness like the cold winter in December, and refused directly.