All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 947

The upper body is naked, the lower body is wearing shorts sewn from ragged linen, and some blackened wooden shoes are worn at the feet.

These sudden guys look like coolies in charge of handling goods at the wharf, but the weapons they carry are quite penetrating, and many of them are left with large black stains.

Needless to say, black stains are traces left after the blood dries up.

There is no doubt that these guys are out and out outlaws.

Neither take other people\'s lives as one thing, nor take their own lives as one thing.

After all, the leaders of the disaster have made the civilization system of the whole world retrogress for more than 1000 years, and the living environment is so bad that it is beyond imagination. Therefore, for many people, rather than being squeezed honestly, they might as well risk their lives to fight. At least they can be happy for a few days after winning.

As for the future, we should think about it slowly in the future. After today, there is no tomorrow, which is the norm for most people.

"What should we do now?" asked Joanna, holding her weapon subconsciously and lowering her voice.

"What else can we do, of course, is to kill them all. It\'s not easy for us to use these people\'s bodies to warn everyone in gellint port."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng stood up directly from the stool. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and released an inflammatory explosion.


I saw a hot fireball exploding directly in the crowd!

At least seventeen or eight people, including innocent customers, rose from the air under the blow and hit the ceiling and wall heavily. Their death was so tragic that they could hardly see the human shape.

You know, this is the result of greatly limiting the power!

Otherwise, the whole port of gollint will be blown up by an inflammatory explosion.

As a Titan with the power to easily destroy a planet, even the most common and lowest magic can produce destructive power that ordinary people can\'t imagine.

Like the Azeroth cataclysm caused by the wings of death, titans are not even appetizers.

"Shit! That\'s a power! Come on! Rush up and kill him first!"

After a short shock, the leader immediately swung his axe and shouted. The first one rushed forward, grinning and showing a mouthful of black and yellow teeth.

But before the axe in his hand fell, a smaller fireball directly hit the ferocious and ugly face.

Next second!

Like a kite with a broken line, the poor man flew back more than ten meters. He didn\'t know how many tables and chairs he had damaged. Finally, he fell to the ground and twitched and swallowed his last breath.

His face was completely scorched by the hot flame, revealing chilling bones and red and black muscles.

Zhang Cheng seemed to have done a trivial thing. He didn\'t even look at the bodies on the ground. He directly ordered the pirates standing in situ in a daze: "what are you waiting for? Kill all the remaining enemies and hang their bodies outside to dry."


"Go to hell!"

"Get away from irrelevant!"


There were few good things for people who lived on the sea, so after recovering from the shock, they rushed up immediately, surrounded the guys who were arrogant a few seconds ago, and launched a cruel and bloody slaughter.

In particular, the pirates who had been forced to surrender were fiercer and fiercer when they fought downwind battles.

After a while, he killed all the more than a dozen enemies who came to trouble, leaving only a symbolic living mouth.

Old Banku directly dragged the unlucky guy to the corner. Without nonsense, he cut off one finger of the other party first, and then asked loudly with a grim smile: "say! Who are you? What does it have to do with Captain Raines of the dead?"

"Bah!" the prisoner looked quite stiff and spat directly.

"Hey, hey! Good! Very good! My favorite is the tough guy! Ross, take out your baby and let the tough guy enjoy it." Banku turned and waved to a 40-year-old pirate who was blind.

After getting along for several consecutive days, most of the pirates have chosen to accept their fate and even take the initiative to show their ability.

Anyway, they don\'t care who the captain is as long as their income doesn\'t decrease.

"As you wish!"

The one eyed pirate, known as Ross, stepped closer and carefully took out a super mini saw only the thickness of a toothpick and with uneven serrations on the edge from his close pocket.

Then he took off each other\'s pants, stuffed it into a small hole in an indescribable sponge, and began to pull back and forth like a fine craftsman.


Blood splashed!

A few seconds ago, the prisoner, who was still very tough, immediately screamed like a pig.

"Ah ah!!!!!!!!!!! No! Stop! Please stop!"

You should know that it is the most concentrated part of human nerves, and its sensitivity can be imagined. Even if it is touched, it will be very painful, not to mention this extremely morbid and distorted torture.

"Beg for mercy? Didn\'t you just be tough!" old Banku sneered and said sarcastically.

"Sorry, no tough guy in my hand can hold on for more than a minute." Ross obviously had a problem in his heart, and an expression of great enjoyment appeared on his face.

With their cooperation, the prisoner soon told everything he knew.

About half an hour or so, they returned to the cabin of the sea snake and began to discuss how to deal with these sudden enemies.

"According to the results of the interrogation, all of them, including captain laines of the dead and these guys killed today, are serving an organization called the hermit society. Laines is responsible for looting merchant ships, while these people who died today are responsible for disposing of goods and slaves to provide enough financial resources for the Hermit society. We don\'t know what the hermit society does at present "Yes." old Banku explained the news of his interrogation briefly.

"The convent?" Joanna looked puzzled.

Because she had never heard of such a mysterious organization, or read about it in the family\'s many books.

Old Banku nodded seriously: "yes! The hermit society! According to the current information, this organization began to rise in recent years. It is quite powerful in the eastern continent and is constantly buying children under the age of 10. I suggest that we\'d better leave immediately before the other party responds."

"Leave? Why leave? On the contrary! Not only can\'t we leave, but also we have to uproot this organization called the hermit. After all, the best way to become famous on this sea is to find a powerful enemy and establish our reputation through killing, destruction and destruction." Zhang Cheng put forward the opposite opinion.


make fun of!

He wandered in earth orbit for hundreds of years in order to find the sleeping gods.

Now that the monastery buys children under the age of 10, it is obviously suspected of cultivating believers. It is likely that some god is playing tricks in secret