All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 946

Gollint port is located at the southernmost end of the eastern continent of new North America. According to the original national boundary, it should belong to a part of Oaxaca, Mexico. Most of it belongs to tropical mountain plateau climate.

However, with a large number of asteroids falling from the sky, the side close to the coastline has been completely flattened and turned into an out and out plain and basin, which can plant a large number of crops such as corn, sugarcane and tobacco, while the part of the high court can graze cattle and sheep, which can not only provide a stable food source and feed a large number of people, but also greatly promote the prosperity of trade.

As the well deserved pearl of this land, the port of gollint has more than 50000 permanent residents, most of whom are mixed race Latinos, and a small number of slaves trafficked from other places, including whites and blacks. Occasionally, we can even see elves with sharp ears and five big, thick and ferocious orcs.

There is no doubt that these strange looking humanoid creatures are invaders who came to the earth from the other end of the dark gate.

But the terrible disaster destroyed all the portals, so that they had no way to return to their own world and had to be forced to integrate into the world.

In distant South America, snake people even established their own empire.

The orcs of East Asian island countries also invaded the Korean Peninsula and established a semi nomadic and semi agricultural primitive tribal alliance in the bitter and cold Far East.

As for the elves, because they entered late, their population is relatively small. Most of them are hidden in the depths of a barren Amazon tropical jungle and rarely appear in the human world. Unless they are accidentally captured, I sell them as slaves to powerful guys as playthings.

Of course, it doesn\'t matter much to Zhang Cheng.

He was standing on the deck now, watching Banku negotiate with a guy like an official from a distance.

After talking for several minutes, the old man stuffed several gold coins into each other\'s pockets and shouted at the sea snake, "Sir, we have obtained permission to enter Hong Kong and can go ashore."

"Sounds like good news." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders indifferently, followed by a welcoming gesture to the red haired girl next to him: "ladies first!"

"Thank you! You look so gentleman! Even ten times better than those so-called noble guys." Joanna winked playfully.

Under strong self-regulation, she finally got out of the shadow of fear of the first killing, and the whole person became cheerful again.

"Wow! Is this a disguised compliment? I\'m deeply honored." Zhang Cheng pretended to be elegant, held each other\'s hand and kissed it gently on the back of his hand.

"Please keep going! Maybe I\'ll consider inviting you to the room one night to discuss art, poetry and philosophy." Joanna\'s face was covered with a faint blush, and her tone was full of ambiguity and hint.

You know, the so-called discussion of art, poetry and philosophy has always been a cover up.

In the middle of the night, lonely men and women live in the same room. Can you really talk about art, poetry and philosophy all night?

Unless there is a problem with sexual orientation, I\'m afraid talking will go to bed and have a crazy and beautiful night.


Leaving the dirty, smelly wharf, a pedestrian soon came to a noisy Hotel, full of smoke from burning tobacco, sweaty customers, clothes revealing the cheap perfume of women, and sneezing Joanna from childhood spoiled.

There is no doubt that she doesn\'t adapt to such an environment at all.

If old Banku hadn\'t warned before, don\'t cover your mouth and nose. She would take out her handkerchief to drive away these annoying smells.

In contrast, Zhang Cheng is much calmer, because he automatically blocks his sense of smell and taste from the moment he enters the house.

In fact, after seeing Azeroth and the song of ice and fire, the world\'s poor sanitary conditions and dark cuisine, these are small scenes. At least there is no human meat in their food.

Through the noisy hall, the crowd came to a position near the corner and sat down.

Without saying anything, old Banku went directly to the bar and paid more than 20 silver coins. Then he put the hot food on the table with two girls who looked 16 or 17 years old and said in a helpless tone: "Sorry, there are only simple stews and bad wine here. You two will make do with it first. After I find out the situation in the city, we\'ll change to a slightly better hotel."

"Why, does anyone dare to trouble us?" Joanna stared with incredible expression.

"Captain, this is not the pearl chain islands, nor the orderly western continent, but the eastern continent, which fights almost every day. Fierce conflicts will break out every once in a while between gangs, adventurers, pirates and lords of all sizes. If we don\'t know the situation, we may be besieged. After all, it\'s not very pleasant here Welcome outsiders. In their eyes, people like us who are not famous are like fat sheep. "Old Banku explained patiently.

"So... How do you inquire about the news?" Joanna asked curiously.

Banku replied without thinking: "it\'s very simple! Spend a little money, invite those drunkards to have a drink, and chat by the way. I believe I can gather enough confidence before dark. As for you, you\'d better stay with your excellency Zhang Cheng, otherwise acting alone with a young and beautiful girl like you will easily lead to unnecessary trouble."

"I see..." the girl nodded thoughtfully.

After getting rid of Joanna, a rookie who doesn\'t know anything, Banku immediately bought a bottle of the strongest rum from the bartender, and then found an old alcoholic who looks older and bought him two drinks.

As alcohol began to play a role in blood vessels, the two quickly became familiar and began to play all kinds of interesting things in the city.

Through insinuation, the experienced old guy quickly got a lot of useful information, followed by the second, third and fourth

In just an hour or so, he talked to more than half of the locals in the hotel. The efficiency was frightening.

Just as Joanna pricked up her ears and tried to understand what Banku had talked to those people, a group of men with various weapons burst into the door.

The leader even carried a heavy Tomahawk and roared loudly: "who is the owner of the large warship parked at the wharf? Stand up!"

"Ha ha, the trouble finally came to the door. I knew that Lines would surely make complaints about the death of the captain of the dead." Zhang tsiao tucking his chin aside and tucking his lips slightly, revealing a secret of his taste.