All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 943


Hearing this familiar word, Zhang Cheng flashed a hint of ponder in his eyes and directly read his thinking and memory from the girl\'s brain.

In just a few seconds, he found out the current state of civilization in North America.

The continent on the former Pacific side was mainly ruled by the descendants of the people who secretly controlled the United States. It established about eight countries, large and small, and enfeoffed more than 8000 barons.

With tens of thousands of super capable soldiers trained in Alaska, the old guy led by Iger took advantage of the disaster and launched a bloody battle with the supreme underground Council of North America for 25 years. Finally, with four preserved nuclear warheads, he died directly with the high-level of the Supreme Council, laying an independent foundation for his future generations.

The continent on one side of the Atlantic Ocean is controlled by the defeated members of the Council and lords. Because no one can obey anyone, it is now in chaos. It is fighting almost every day. All kinds of mountain bandits, pirates and bandits emerge one after another, and even terrible slavery has developed.

Most importantly, the collapse of order has led to a precipitous decline in science, technology and industry. Even papermaking, a valuable technology carrying civilization and knowledge, has been lost. Therefore, in just a few hundred years, few people remember how brilliant and developed civilization system mankind has created before, and most ordinary people don\'t even know a word.

In particular, only a few highly skilled craftsmen can craft one or two firearms developed over hundreds of years, and most people are still using backward cold weapons.

As for those big cities in the past, they are now covered with dense plants, and they are full of monsters from different worlds. Only a few teams who have confidence in their own strength dare to go in and have a look.

In addition, as several artifacts continue to exert influence on the water sources of the whole world, more and more humans who survived the disaster began to awaken supernatural forces, accounting for more than 50% of the total.

However, most of them belong to useless abilities, and those who have great destructive power will become the object of competition between various forces.

In short, in the new era of the decline of science and technology, power has become the standard to measure whether a person is strong or not, and because this ability can be passed on to future generations with blood, some families based on it have gradually emerged.

There is no doubt that the people on this ship regard the fireball skill just released by Zhang Chenggang as a kind of power.

"Sir, how are you thinking about my proposal? I swear as captain that you are entitled to at least one third of all the booty in the future," Joanna promised.

The girl who was well protected from childhood obviously didn\'t realize how dangerous and crazy she was dealing with.

Zhang Cheng inspected the small wooden sailboat, which can only accommodate less than 100 people, smiled and nodded: "OK, I agree. Now please prepare me a suit of clothes, shoes and socks and a separate room."

"Of course! No problem! Old Banku! Go to the captain\'s room and take out the clothes in the closet and give them to this gentleman." Joanna shouted happily at an old man in her fifties.

"As you wish, captain." the old man leaned slightly with one hand on his chest and rushed into the cabin without saying a word.

After a while, he came out with a black captain\'s coat, which was a bit similar to the 18th century navigation era, and a military knife inlaid with sapphire.

"Thank you very much!"

Zhang Chengke has no exhibitionism. After politely thanking him, he immediately wears this suit on his body. The whole person looks energetic and handsome.

Looking at the handsome opposite sex in front of her, Joanna suddenly felt her heart beat a little faster. She hurried to avoid each other\'s eyes as bright as stars, and took the initiative to introduce herself: "my name is Joanna, Joanna Lester. Nice to meet you."

"Hello, Joanna, my name is Zhang Cheng." Zhang Cheng directly reported his name.

For hundreds of years, almost all the surviving humans on the ground have completely forgotten the past, so there is no need to worry that someone will recognize him.

Just when the girl wanted to say something, the lookout standing above the mast suddenly shouted at the top of his voice, "I found a ship on the port side! It\'s a big ship!"

"What?!" the old man formerly known as Banku immediately raised his single telescope and looked in the direction pointed by the lookout.

I saw a ship much larger than the small warship, full of canvas, sailing this way through the wind and waves, and a black skeleton flag hanging on the top of the sail.

"Oh - no! It\'s the sea snake! The ship of dead captain Raines! Come on! Turn the bow! If you don\'t want to die, take out all the cargo in the cabin and throw it into the sea! Move quickly!" old Banku withdrew his voice and roared loudly.

The expression on his face was so nervous that even his hand holding the machete trembled slightly.

"Captain laines of the dead?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows with a smile.

He really doesn\'t understand why these pirates always like to give themselves or others some messy nicknames.

Old Banku nodded seriously: "That\'s right! Captain laines of the dead is one of the most powerful pirates in this sea area! It is said that he can revive and manipulate the dead bodies, and keep the living bodies with all their fighting skills. Get ready for the battle, Mr. Zhang. If we are caught up, the only thing we can count on is you. If the situation reaches the worst, please be sure to take Miss Joanna away, I will risk my life to buy you some time. "

"Oh, don\'t be so pessimistic. I don\'t think a mere pirate ship can pose any threat to me."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng turned around and said to the nervous girl around him: "Dear captain, don\'t you want to be famous on this sea? Now we have a chance! Instead of running away, we should turn the bow to meet up, kill all the guys on the pirate ship who dare to resist, and tell everyone with blood and death that this sea is about to usher in a new master."

"Do you mean... Fight?" Joanna\'s eyes suddenly lit up, a large amount of adrenaline was secreted, and an excited blush appeared on her white face.

you \'re right!

Why run away?

Sneaking away from home is not to prove to my father that I still have enough capital to inherit Lester\'s noble surname even if I don\'t get married.

Perhaps now is the best time to prove this.


Not escape!

Thinking of this, she immediately shouted to the panicked sailors, "stop running! Meet up! I\'ll kill the dead captain Raines!"

"What? Are you crazy, miss?"

"We\'ll die!"
